The US budget ..Ot question

It's the third largest item in the national budget, right after the military and the social service programs like Medicare/Medicaid.
The government will eventually get to the point where they wont even be able to the pay the interest on the debt.........Real scary. Can you imagine a bank taking in money for CDs and then not being able to pay the interest on it cause they *issed away your principle and there is nothing left.
I have just about zero confidence in the governement doing the right thing anymore, money wise anyway.
And after the last 3 months, rapidly on its way to Number 1!

Brocko is now going to cut the budget deficit in half by 2013. Seems like he's off to a bad start on that one- best way to trim the deficit is to just not spend all the pork in that porkulus plan.
Nearly a third of that "porkulus plan" is coming right back to those who work for a living as a tax cut. That's right-a tax cut. You don't have to earn a million dollars a year to benefit from this, unlike the last commander-in-chiefs plan.
Golly Gee, I have no clue what to do with an extra $13 a week!! At that rate it"ll only take about 40 years to make up for the losses in the market the last 30 days.

You think you are getting something for nothing? Somebody HAS TO PAY for all this bull crap spending.

The halfrican has spent more in the last thirty days than Bush did in eight years, with a lot more to come. Change, Hope!!! BUUULLLLLLL
Interest is added on to the debt I think.This mess is not just in the United States.The last bunch did this to the world.Its hard to say what will happen but I know we always have had debt since 1955.The debt goes up and down.The nnalert used to throw a fit over the debt when the nnalert were in power.So much that they got power finally since 1994 until external_link.Looking back(there is a graph for this on zfacts website)nnalert lowered debt,nnalert raised it to the absurd level it is now.Whats happening now,at least the garbage they are trying to feed to us is,the banks are stuck,dont have money to loan,so they have given them a couple of Trillion dollars to loan money for American business.Well the crooks stole the money it looks like.Big shots like that could care less about anything but how many dollars they can steal.What I think is happening is that soon they will say we are bankrupt,like Iceland.Sooner or later it could collapse,then inflation,or this time they might just change currency,then a dollar wont be worth spit and it will take a bunch of them to buy an Amero(which is already on the drawing board).It will devastate whats still left of our country,and devalue us to third world status instead of raising third world status to our level.Then they will knock down the government and everything else and make this a North American Union,kind of like a European Union,that nobody wants.All of this is to make it easier for a one world government which is stupid.Especially the nnalert dont care about working people,and now its beginning to look like thats all that survived as a politician was porky pig nnalert and nobody cares about workers any more.Taxes will probably go out of sight before its over,and the tax cut they claim to give us will soon be eaten up by lack of jobs and manufacturing.They know the country has been gutted,now its waiting to be butchered or ground up into feed.The world has turned into a few hogs eating at a trough of money.They are so stupid they will destroy the best country the world ever had over some money.They already have all of it now.Thats what we get for voting in crooks all those years,or not standing up when they stole elections.
Depends on who's in the White House as to whether it's important. When Clinton was in the White House, budget deficits and interest on the national debt was going to forever change our children's future. Then Bush got in for eight years, and deficits and the accompanying interest on the debt weren't importnat, because it's all "fiat dollars" now that there's been another nnalert in the White House for a month, the deficit and the interest are now going to burden our grandchildren.

But if a nnalert gets into office in 2012, it'll all go back to being "fiat dollars" again, and even if the President signs off on 8 years of budgets that double the debt yet again, it won't be a serious problem until another nnalert gets into the White House.

I learned all that by listening to Rush.
Whoa now thats not right.Bush is directly responsible for doubling 4 Trillion debt,mabe more like 10-12 Trillion.external_link has not spent a Trillion yet.What do we have to show for what all those Trillions Bush spent went to?Swiss bank accounts and just plain stolen shrink wrapped pallets of cash.external_link has not even got close to Bush,and you need to go look it up,read it.I dont see how you could miss that part about Bush,then talk about external_link.At least external_link says he is going to spend His Trillion on stuff we need.That would be more than we got from Bush or any nnalert.
Typical abundant- You got your clueless idiot bought in to the office, and you're still miserable. How do you live like that? Nothing new here- abundant=pessimist, conservative=optimist. I know recovery will be slow. I also know obammy's plans will contribute to a long delay to recovery (just look at history- ours and others), but we will recover, so long as there are still enough people in this country to stand up to socialism. So keep on hating Bush, and living miserably in the past. People like you only prove the ignorance of the left.
Today's news quoted your President as saying the Interest bill is 290 BILLION a year.

For those down below.
Remember he came to office in January, not hard to guess who ran it up. Mission accomplished.
Man, just crank the handle, the music starts playin, and out pops t-40, like a jack-in-the-box. Its the same old song, just more verses!
Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew there ha to be at least one moron that bought into the tax break lie!!!! Wake up brother, you aren"t getting a break on ANYTHING!!
Yeah, I'm having trouble with the math on that "tax cut". The $400 per person, with maybe 150 million workers (probably less), comes to $60 billion- certainly not a third of an 815 dollar porkulus plan. Where's the rest go?
I see two things that are hurting this country. Not having the dollar tied to gold and allowing all if these mergeres. Big buying out the smaller.

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