OT/anybody else been sick?


Well-known Member
Last time I was on was Tuesday afternoon. Somebody else said they were coming down with something and had a meeting or something that evening. I sympathized because I could feel it coming on too. I'm not here to whine,but if what I've had all week is going around and you're High Risk,see a doctor,or your lawyer to make sure everything's in order. I haven't had such a bout of flu in 25 years. The wife had it first,milder than mine,went back to work and had a relapse. I'm here to tell you,head,chest,vomiting,diarhia,high fever,days of near loss of conciousness. I had to sleep sitting up in my recliner one night. Just couldn't lay down. I know it sounds corny,but I didn't know if I was going to live. If I'd have been weak going in,I really don't think I would have. If you get this crap,be carefull with it. It's something else.
Wow, I hope you are feeling better. I have had a bug for the lat 4 days but no where near what you have had. Mine was just a stinking cold, never was sick to my stomach but all the other nasty cold symptoms.
Take it easy for a couple days yet, I lost an old friend of mine up in the UP from going out and doing what "had" to be done when his body wasn't up to it yet.
How old are you Mr. RRlund? You may want to change your eating habits, I did several years ago after having my gallbladder out. I eat a lot less red meat, mostly turkey/chicken sandwiches, lots of canned fruit, popcorn, less dairy, And I am a lot healthier because of it.
I am not belittling the flu but it seems that when I get sick it lasts for 3-5 days and I eat much better then my wife who eats junk and when she gets sick it last for 2-3 weeks. I also double up on the vitamins and cold medicine and the wife doesnt take any vitamins---dont know why.
That's what I'm afraid of. I felt a LITTLE better Friday. Went out and ground feed. It should have been done Thursday. Worked up a sweat and that was it. That was the night I slept in my chair. I've been trying to take it real easy since. I need to take a load of cattle in tomorrow,so I'm saving my strength for that. If I feel like crap,they'll stand right here for another week.
Yep I got it last Wednesday. Had the chills at midnight in bed. I settled in my sinuses and I've been feeling bad until this morning (sunday). Had the same thing around the end of November. I'm like you didn't want to lay in bed, I've slept in the recliner for the last two nights. Last Thursday I came home from work and crashed out on the living room floor for 3 hours. We eat a lot of fresh fruit. I put a banana, orange, apple, pair, and carrot in the blender every day and eat it. I always liked canned fruit but I have to watch out for the syrup in that canned fruit, it's not good for on's' triglyceride count. I just had my 49th birthday.
Hope you don't have a relapse. Sounds like the first time is bad enough. The TV commercials claim their 'plop fizz' stuff will get you back on your feet in minutes but when you're so sick you feel like dying nothings helps.

I haven't been that sick for many years now so my time is coming. My wife has little kids caughing in her face all day long and she has to clean up after them sometimes. As a result, she's pretty much immune to almost everything, but she still drags it home to me. It's given me partial immunity, but everytime there's a bug going around I still get it though it's never bad enough to keep me down. But I still get plenty grouchy!.Jim
Flu shot people guessed wrong this year; flu hots available weren"t effective against the strain(s) going around, which meant a lot of the people who got flu shots still got infected and either got sick or helped pass it around. The more contacts, the more chance of getting it yourself.
She actually has a MBA from a local university if you can believe it. Just like some people smoke cigarettes and know its bad for them, so you figure it out.
What are you,my neighbor? LOL. You've got the age right,pretty close on the hog thing,but let's remember todays leaner pork. I'll bet I weigh a whole lot less today than I did a week ago. Gonna be even less next week if I don't get my apatite back!
Could be I'm close like a neighbor, now if your as smart as I think you are, then you'd use my advice and stay on the diet of less food...
Take vitamins
Having an MBA don't make her smart, just says she paid and pass the simple tests given,
look at what we have for Doctors, it's hard to find a GOOD Doctor, I'd have to say, Veterinarian's are smarter then MD's == reason is, the anminal can't tell the Doc where they hurt, but a human can - and the Doc for humans still can't figure it out....
Yea,my wife's a nurse. Only trouble is,when she's working,I have to feed myself. It's a whole lot easier to pop something into the deep fryer or the microwave than it is to have to do a lot of cooking. I have layed off the fast food drive thru,but I've gotta eat and the Chat and Chew is only a mile away. They're not real big on healthy cooking either.
Flu shots are ALWAYS a year behind on the current strain going around because it is constantly mutating. This years shots helps you resist the flu better but doesn't always prevent it completely. The shot is not a live virus either.
You obviously don't know what an MBA is. It is a Masters of Business Administration. It requires 2 years of classes after a BS or BA. It is not a certification, it is an advanced degree.
rruland, it's interesting you posted this thread because Tuesday at noon it started with me not much on the intestinal thing but man I got hit with a respitory thing that just blasted me. I had something similar last Nov. that turned into pneumonia finally went to the doctor and bear in mind I'm closing in on 62 yrs old and generally is healthy as a horse.He said the new viruses out there are mutating to a point that present drugs are becoming ineffective and so they have to prescribe high powered Z-paks to blast them, unfortunately the older people get things like your liver and kidneys don't handle the new meds. You're like me with a wife working in the health industry and the hospital where everyone comes when their sick bring the germs home.
DIL's mom and step-dad have been ill very recently. Flu like symptoms. Really knocked them for a loop. (Lakeview area.)
Nope - I gotta come to his defense... He ain't fat as a hog, not even a skinny one! I know him, and have seen him in person. Lives about 15 miles from me.
Get your calendar, mark my words, if you don't start your diet, and lose weight, also get a Rx for Statin to reduce your cholesterol, you will have a heart attack in 3 years or less, mark my words...
now don't tell me I have crystal ball = it's just me telling you what to prevent for your own good,
Yes, I have the same basic thing, minus the gastric details.
Sleep seems to help. Lots of sleep...
It's been going on 3 weeks now. I know some others that had it who didn't eat for a week.

I say to hell with the flu shot. I look around every year at the people who get flu shots and they still get the flu about the same time as me. If it did any good, they wouldn't get sick...

I spent two weeks in bed with something. I had a high fever and almost got pneumonia. I had to sleep sitting up too.
I don't want to have that again whatever it was.
Had some Meijer dry roasted peanuts a week ago Saturday at about 2 in the afternoon. By midnight I was married to the toilet with diahrea and vomiting. At the toilet every 15-20 minutes for the next 48 hours and got so weak I could barely stand up or walk. Now it is a week later and still have bad moments as this crap isn't out of my system yet. The wife went to see her mother at Hackley Hospital in Muskegon yesterday and the hospital is loaded with people that have the westerm Michigan flu. This is a very bad outbreak.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha == that happens with kids don't get their way, maybe you should move to TX and get closer to BUSH, ha ha ha ha ha
High School daughter was away at a band festival last week. Came home Saturday and Sunday night woke us up. She was sick as could be for a day and we ended up taking her in to the ER. Actually had to carry her to the car. She was so dehydrated her kidneys had started to shut down. Got an ambulance ride to the Hershey Medical Center and after an overnight stay came home to sleep and rest. Went back to school Friday. The rest of us have not gotten sick so it looks like something food borne.

My mother is 99 and when asked about the flu shot she laughed and said, no, I never get that shot and don't get the flu either. The ones that get the shot are the ones getting sick.
Food poisoning doesn't have 3 and 4 day results. And the wrong bug poster is incorrect, stomach problems, such as vomiting are a completely normal sign of influenza.
I had always heard that it is better to remain silent and appear an idiot that open your mouth and remove all doubt. You keep proving it with every post.
Yea its funny that fake holy roller just got caught admiting he is posting under several handles in the threads.
I don't know. I never get the flu shot, but my wife and kids always do. I've had the flu twice over the past 5 years and they have escaped it. Both times, I swore up and down that I would get the shot next year... but I didn't. On the plus side, you don't take being healthy for granted very much once you get over it.

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