
Well-known Member
We have some friends with the common power outage and polluted water left by these storms. Water may clear up in a week/year and they're told that they may get electricity by mid-Feb. They're paying as high as $50 a day for kerosene. They were turned away from both FEMA and Red Cross because they made too much money. Not even water. School teacher and an on again/off again construction worker, I think he's off.
So if you're middle income budget some money for disasters.
In the central part of the state, we're getting back to normal. Roads clear of snow and ice, business's open, gas stations with ample gas/kerosene/diesel, and power is being restored. Still over 150,000 without electricity in the Louisville area and counties immediately surrounding. But there's hundreds of power crews from out of state working to cut that number in half each day. Still thousands of trees down, some blocking roads. Fortunately, we never lost power, and didn't suffer very much damage. Just a few trees down, one on top of my house, but no significant damage to the house itself.

Go south and west of us and the story isn't some nice. Western Kentucky is the hardest hit. Tree damage is incredably bad. Power and phone lines down everywhere. Rural areas are going to be extremely slow recovering. MAny roads still closed. Many gas stations don't have power, so they CAN'T pump kerosene. Those that are open are inundated with customers. They can't pump fast enough to keep up with the demand. And... They're constantly running out. Water systems are unable to pump because of power outages in many cases. Large generators are in short supply. Due to the massive are effected, there just aren't enough generators to go around. Water pressures are dropping to levels that allow ground water infiltration or back-flow into safe water systems, contaminating them. So... we have no heat (even most GAS furnace's require electric) no water or contaminated water, roads closed, motels either shut down due to no electric OR swamped, and temps in the teens and low 20's.

FEMA and our new political regime aren't doing any better (or any different) than what they did in NEw Orleans. (Must STILL be Bush's fault, huh?) Is it POSSIBLE the system is just flawed and it never WAS Bush's fault? Or is it possible the system is just unable to help everyone, every time?
liveing in northern ny we can relate to the ice storm people we made it through the 98 ice storm some peple went a month or more without power, people pull together and do what they can
good luck to all,
we only have feet of snow this year to put up with-does not seem like much after going throuh an ice storm
i am in southeastern ohio the power went off wednesday morning around is suppose to be on by noon today.i am the last house on the line on a one lane gravel road out in the i am always the last one to get it back generator always seems to earn its keep. RICK
"than what they did in NEw Orleans. (Must STILL be Bush's fault, huh?) Is it POSSIBLE the system is just flawed and it never WAS Bush's fault? Or is it possible the system is just unable to help everyone, every time?"

Never heard any problems with FEMA until Bush's error. Maybe "our new political regime" can't fix in a week what Bush screwwwed up over eight years.
We've been out of power in north AR since Tuesday morning. They are saying to be prepared to be without power for 6 weeks. I'm running a generator because my house is all electric but it's expensive. We sure have become a spoiled society. In '94 we had an ice storm that left us without power for 10 days. At that time I had a wood stove. We cooked on it, heated our water that we carried from the river and we had kerosene lamps. I think it's time to go back so we're not so dependant on others.
If my working family needed assistance I would be really ------ if I got turned away because I made too much money. I bet some lazy couch hugger that we are supporting with our tax money really enjoyed the FEMA and Red Cross donations.

I would contact the attorney general about the price gouging and spread the word about not patronizing the establishments.

We line in South Central Ky next to the Tennessee line and we did not get anything like Western or Northern Ky, thank goodness. We only had ¼ of an inch or ice or less and then it melted away quickly.
Here in western WV we have 43 persent out of power. We haven"t lost power but neibors have . Loaned them kerosene heaters, their house all electric & small power unit. They say it will be the first of week befor power will be restored. Small plane crashed close to here yestorday about noon, in woods right beside a freinds house, All on board lost.
I finally got my good friend on the cell phone yesterday around 10am. He lives near Clinton Ky. He told me no limbs left on trees, pretty much all power line poles are broken and down and don't expect any power across the lines for weeks. He said that the TVA had turned the grid off that supplied his area. They had to turn it off because the towers that carry the high voltage lines were broken off and many were on the ground. He found diesel fuel about 50 miles south of where he lives. He's burning 3 gal. of diesel per hour keeping the chicken houses powered with PTO generators. Said he was a little lucky on the chickens because they were small. Said he has enough feed to last until Tuesday. He went on to say that many had larger birds and were running out of feed. All the feed mills are down and they can't find feed. So expect to hear later about many chicken starving to death if they can't find feed soon.

I'll keep praying for them and call and talk to him every couple of days. He sure was happy to get a call from me yesterday. He'd had little contact with anyone since Tuesday. Good bless them and help them through this.
Ever notice that in times of crisis, there are plenty of folks there to [af]fix the blame, but mighty few who work to fix the problems?

As far as the electricity and water problems, I don't have a good answer. A lot of the limbs came down when Hurricane Ike roared through in September, but apparently Ike didn't get enough of 'em. But once all these limbs and trees that came down are cleared, maybe some preventative clearing can make it more difficult to have a repeat performance.

As for my own situation, I've never owned a portable generator, but I'm seriously considering it now. My electricity as only our for a couple of hours, but my mom's was off for almost two days...and there are others who were even worse off here locally. I've got propane heat and Mom has oil, but neither one are worth anything if you can't run the thermostat and the blower.

When I finally got out and into town on Thursday afternon, I saw lots of folks at the gas station filling both kerosene and gasoline the one station that was a dime a gallon cheaper than the others was having business lined up. But the guys who were charging more were closer to the "beaten path," and they weren't lacking for business either.

So having a generator, plus a stash of fuel and a stash of cash for replenishment of everything is probably a prudent course of action from here. As far as water goes, you could probably stash some bottld water for drinking and cooking, but not sure there's a smart and economical way for the average suburban hoomeowner to stash an ample supply for bathing without amybe resorting to a cistern of some sort.
Well, one thing's for certain, no matter WHO's in the WHite House, YOU'RE still a complete idiot. FEMA protocal was set LONG before G. Bush was in office. The fact that you STILL blame him is all the evidence we need you don't have a single clue as to what reality is, nor do you actually have an opinion worth the bandwidth it takes to post it. ALL you're doing is attributing blame to the most recent nnalert in office and NOT taking a serious look at where the problem is actually at. And THAT describes you, the typical abundant, in exact terms.
"Ever notice that in times of crisis, there are plenty of folks there to [af]fix the blame, but mighty few who work to fix the problem?"

Hmmmm..... A rather odd statement from someone who's spent the last 8 years "[af]fixing blame" to every step G Bush has taken, but when the socialist regime makes the VERY SAME steps, it's a sin, as well as poor citizenship to place the blame squarely upon the shoulders of the man in charge. And when ANYONE who even slightly resembled a conservative suggested a problem was inherited from the Clinton administration, we were told that wasn't possible, nor was that fair. Since Bush was in charge, he was supposed to take the heat for whatever happened.

We have a word for that where I come from. Hypocrite? Yeah, that's the word I was looking for.
If you like government like what Bush gave us,why dont you move to Mexico,or even better China?You would really like it there.
Its bad enough people are suffering from a storm with no power.The power company has people from other states helping,its so bad its going to take awhile.New Orleans is still a mess.Not much comparison.
Some people,when they tell them to do a job,let authority go to their head.If you are in the United States,and the Red Cross and FEMA are trying to base whether you get help or not on your income,is just further proof of corruption.
When it gets figured out who is responsible for telling somebody that,they need to be fired.
Don't have to move.... external_link is moving government here to our home that rivals Chinese or any other communist/socialist state. I didn't like everything Bush did. But your new messiah was supposed to "change" all that and make things perfect. Looks like you all bought a big load of BS and elected another 4 years of Clinton failures.

Personally, I prefer to take care of my own self. Don't need FEMA. But a few years ago, when New Orleans was hit, all those future external_link voters cried like little girls because the government did pick then up and put them back in the game. They wanted their ENTITLEMENT. So why aren't the average middle class WORKING people entitled to the same thing? After all, WE'RE the ones that PAID for it. Oh, I see, we didn't vote for the socialist regime! We are simply here to serve those like you who would prefer to lay around and let BIG GOVERNMENT take care of you.
You are so sure that nothing will work unless the nnalert,Right wing,conservatives say it will.Sorry,all of that went into the trash can.Next,unless you calm down and figure out you were getting screwed by that side,you are going to cause yourself to be thrown in the trash can.Instead of running around saying the sky is falling,why not see if things could be improved some way.You dont want to commit to either side like you did the right/wrong one.You dont want to be married to them,but if it works it works,if not change it.Now shut up before you make a bigger fool out of yourself.
I dont give a damn what you say about me,I know you are wrong.Ive worked like a slave since I was 9,I dont owe you nothing.STFU,and you better hope I never meet you face to face.
The sister in law was up here in Mi when it hit. She went home Friday. Her husband had the generator going. She said it took over 2 hours to get the ice chipped off of her sons van so he could even start it to warm it up. Pretty rough down there for sure.
What a mess he is going to have when those chickens start eating each other.I feel sorry for all those folks having to struggle just to stay warm.

Brave little troll-o-crat when you have miles of cyberspace between you and the person who'd stomp you like a bug! Sounds like I hit a raw nerve when I brought up the (well known) fact that most all you libs are a bunch of good-for-nothing, lazy welfare moochin', non-workin' slobs. So run yer moth about what a bad azz you THINK you are trucker 4 nuthin'!
O........K.....Here we are to the typical LIB name calling stage already. Point out the lack of moral character you all usually have, and you start spouting all sorts of nonsense. Yer a real piece of work there trucker 4 nuthin'.
Yeah well you need to get up on the other side of the bed.Not that I care.You need to quit running your mouth,is there any more polite way to say it?Especially about things you dont know anything about.I was thinking about what some of you did to Old to run him off,and I would rather have Old as 10 of you.Does that rank you yet,or do you need more insults?
I live in northeastern KY and it is BAD here. I loved the government of you can fork yourself Trucker along all the rest of the abundant coon praising cohorts. You never let up and you haven"t got a clue what your crew of Socialists have in store for all of us.

For once....I"d like for you to cite with references, all the evil you blame the past administration for. When your taxes go up...tell me the nnalert have our best interests at heart. When they impose new gun laws.....tell me it"s for our benefit. When they give all the illegal immigrants equal status to natural citizens, tell us how they deserve it. When the terrorists at Gitmo are turned loose...explain to us how those poor souls have been mistreated. Tell us that regardless if the rest of the world doesn"t appreciate our way of life and are determined to take it away...that we need to treat them as we treat our own. Tell us that 9-1-1 never happened and that since the thugs have been locked up at is just coincidence that terror attacks have stopped.

Tell us that we should have left Saddam in charge and how we should have just humped up took his $hit and let him overrun that area and dictate terms to our Nation.

You seem to have all the answers and think what was done by GW is all in set us all straight.....especially how your black god is going to make it all happen.

I"ll tell you this.....I have yet to see the first FEMA personnel or external_link crew show up here to help us out. For once all that hot air put out by the likes of you would do us some good while we do without electricity in 15 degree temps.
First off, I haven't ever said 1 word to OLD. If he was run off, someone else can take the credit. I'm sure you'd rather have old than me. I don't treat trash like you with the respect you THINK you're due. Well guess what? I don't hold garbage like you in very high regard. Never have, never will.

Piles of shitte like you don't "rank" me. I couldn't care any less what TRASH thinks of me. As a mater of fact, knowing that GARBAGE like you doesn't like me actually makes me HAPPY.

It's worthless trash like you that has this fine country in the shape it's in today.
Don't confuse him with things like facts, truth, reality, or honesty. Trash like that doesn't understand any of those concepts.
Nothing I ever said got through to you.Thats too bad,and its too bad you are having trouble.Hope you get electricity soon.
As for the rest of what you said,you are wasting your time.What do you think I will do Say oh yeah,now Im convinced that nnalert are good?Wont happen.Ive been to Kentucky,feels like home.There are plenty of nnalert in Kentucky and everywhere else for that matter.If you are ever going to get any help from the government,it is going to come from nnalert,not your sainted nnalert.nnalert have messed up everywhere,and nothing you say will change it.I bet there are nnalert in Kentucky,or anywhere,that will go after you just as bad as you go after nnalert.So you set around in a coffee shop with farmers or truckers and you think everybodys a nnalert?No it turns out thats wrong.There might be more nnalert that are truckers or farmers,but there is 15% more nnalert to begin with.Then maybe because of your upbringing you think its alright to holler how good the nnalert are over the nnalert?Thats not right either.The truth is both sides are crooks.The nnalert dont care about you and steal from you,and the nnalert steal it back from them and give it to you.The rest of what you say,Saddam,911,its been proven were not connected in any way,GW caused our 5 Trillion debt to go to 10 maybe 12 Trillion and you love it?Thugs in Gitmo,well fine,doesnt mean they have to torture them and keep them without a trial.Execute them or turn them loose.If you are rich your taxes are going up,but most rich people have accountants and hide lots of money away from taxes anyway.If you are looking for external_link to come save you,I can tell you he aint coming,so you can forget looking for him out your window,but external_link will come help you a lot quicker than GW Bush will.Flame away.
Long as you are running your mouth at me you are leaving somebody else alone.Now maybe you didnt run him off,but it was the same stuff you tried saying to me that did.
It would be impossible for everybody to get along all the time,just wont happen.I have as bad a temper as anybody.However you are not going to blow about how great GW is,and I dont care what you say.Or what you say about me.GW was the worst President in history,and the group thats still in Congress,for the most part,the nnalert of that group,caused all of the evil we are in now.Get mad throw tantrums,and call names,throw a hissy fit.Still doesnt change it,you are wrong,and you are wrong about me.Cuss,holler,throw fits,whatever you think it takes,but at the end of the day,you are still wrong.
fema , Will not help you !!! Went thru that CRAP in SEPT, with IKE , What a Joke ., unles YOU ARE FLAT A--- broke and livin in a card board box , they Will not help you,. Fictional scenario.... but applys to FEMA . don't matter if ya got a dairy farm with 30 cows to milk , with No Electric , your son has a broken leg , and your other son in military hospital recovering,, And your wife is in the middle of a nervous breakdown ,, I f You have $ 2000 in the bank to pay the bills that will amount to $3000 this month ,, You are SOL , because you have tangible assets ...... BUT YOUR TAXES PAY FOR FEMA TO ADMINISTER TO the poor fools that cant get out of New ORLEANS with a 4 day notice but yet can ALL Show -up to see their bro get naugerrated in 24 hrs time ,, JUSTICE !!!!!! No wonder everyone wants to be POOR AND DOWNTRODDEN !!
Clinton was totally better than Bush.Clinton made some mistakes,and he did some wrong things,and he raised taxes too high,but he knew how to run the country.He ran the country way better.Lowest unemployment in a long time.Pollution got better,crime went down,and he was held back by a nnalert Congress.We had a balanced budget.Fuel prices were low until the last year.People were making money.Bush has ruined all that,and if you dont know it,you must be young,or rich,or something,because very few people are doing good under Bushs regime.
OK now that you are more sensible,FEMA should not be for a bunch of people that are broke only.When I get a chance I will read about it.The Red Cross for sure should be for everybody that needs help.I will read about that too,but it has been run by Elizabeth Dole,and so far everything I have seen her name involved with has collapsed in a big scandal.She was on the"board"of Wilson Foods back in the early 1990s and it was bankrupted and split up,Mexicans brought in,and bought by IBP another company Elizabeth Dole was on the "board"of.Look it up for yourself and draw your own conclusion.If the Red Cross worked before her,its probably ruined now,and in the past the Red Cross was the only ones that helped anybody.
The nnalert have a web page asking for your opinion on things and what could be done to fix them.Might be worthwhile for the next time to get them on FEMA and make it work instead of be another useless government waste,or get rid of it if it doesnt do anything. aren't capable of understanding something, that doesn't make it wrong. It just means you're incapable of understanding.........

You really do need to chill out. Although---- Clowns like you are VERY entertaining for the rest of us!
After a real quick look at both FEMA and Red Cross websites,heres what I found.If you loose your house they might help you.In FEMAS case they ask if you have insurance,if you do,use that,if not maybe they can help if you loose your house.Red Cross kind of the same,only they come to help with shelter,food,and blood,medical assistance,and other stuff.I did see where most of Kentucky has been declared a disaster area by external_link.
Not much info other than that.Hope you all get electricity back soon,it doesnt look like FEMA is going to do very much unless you lost your house,but being declared a disaster area it is eligible for whatever help they will give.It did say 5 million was the amount it had for the disaster right now.
It looks like it would be better trying to find a way out of the jam yourself,and most always is,than wait for the government to come save you if you thought they would.The Red Cross may be more help than FEMA,not sure how that works.
Finally went and looked huh, You admit you don't know how that works but you came on here and ran your mouth for 10-12 posts before even you admitted you don't know what you are talking about. Smart man right there huh....James
MFPoor: What is going on in Taylor and Marion Counties ? Do you have any info of that area around Lebanon and Campbellsville. I can,t find out any thing.JC
I was down that way today. Right about the mid point of the county is where it changes. North of about the latitude of Liberty is still bad. South its pretty much fine.
I have concerns around Mannsville and Merrimac.Can't raise my Cousin on his Cell or Landline. I'm concerned.He Trucks up to Canada every week ,so?
First off,
If you need the Red Cross, they should have shelters set up in the needed areas and you have to go there to get their services, IE hot food and a cot. They dont ask you how much you make to do that..... If you want help paying for a nice motel room they will ask questions and will Not help do that if a shelter is in the area.
FEMA will not do anything until the local and state resources have been utilized and it is realized that that isnt enough.
FEMA coordinates help from other agencies with the nearest resources first. The day that the Arkansas area was declared a federal disaster area, FEMA got with the State and coordinated getting generators hauled to serveral different locations to be be given out to cities and utilities that needed them for infrastructure, water, sewer etc.
FEMA is mainly saying that some of the disaster supplies and cleanup cost will be paid for with federal funds.
FEMA isnt a magical group that waves the wand and makes it all better. They just Support the local and state agencies that need it.
Just as in our case here. We know that we are on our own for several days and that yes, we can get some help but not to sit here and say that we have a right to it. We get on and do what we can ourselves and if the state and fema want to help, then fine, bring it on.
Too many people think that when their lights go out that FEMA should do an airdrop of supplies and a generator within 6 hours....
We are lucky that we only went dark for 3 days and have about 20 percent in town still without power but all of our rural areas will be 2 to 6 weeks getting power back. Lots of rural areas you can look every direction and not see Any power poles still standing. In one county they estimate 3000 poles down, and 1000 to 2500 down in several other counties.
We were on the southern end of it so it isnt near as bad as from here to Missouri.
Point being, FEMA and the Red Cross are doing what they do and running at the mouth wont help any...
I live near Upton Ky. power is going to be out for sometime the town is still dark, My small gen and wood stove will get us thuogh this. Its a pain to get water drove 15 miles today and found some, shower would sure be nice, power went out tuesday, cell phone is still out. Glad the house phone and internet is back up running. Roads are almost clear, fencing sure looks bad maybe the cows want run off,,,,, Rickey
Was in a Northern Tool Today in Atl Ga. Said they are sending BooKoo Gennys up to the North to the Storm Stricken Areas,....Geeez thats a mess!
Shelters are all full here.

People with power are take'n in friends and family.

Electric company my wife works for says some people will be out of power up to 3 more weeks.

Another company is say'n they may have people out for up to 6 weeks.

Our water plant here where I work has had power on and off. We have been able to keep up with usage because our major industrial customer (chicken factry) has not been killing. Our customers who are gravity fed have plenty of water. The out lie'n areas that are fed by town or county water departemts that have to use booster pumps are running out, are out, or have low pressure.

Tyson feed mill up here at the Robards plant has not ran anything I know of since Tuesday. The roads are cleared enough now that they have the crews catch'n and sending birds to other plants.

I have not heard of any generator failures like we had last year where folks lost whole flocks but I am sure there are going to some.

Folks I have talked to here are putt'n the birds to sleep.

Turning the lights on for only an hour in the morning and again about night. Let'm drink some water and then put'n them back down. Will not work forever but it's the best they can do.

The proccesing plant here ran for a few hours yesterday and the folds I talked to last night said they were suprised at how good the birds ran, very few rag guts.


What part of West KY are you in.

I live just south of the Henderson/Webster line on the west end (Tilden), work just north of the same line on the East end(Robards).

Just wander were you were, oh by the way, well said above. Come over some time and have a cold beer and we will talk about who worthless flame'n a** librals are.


I did other things in between.What started me was the proclaiming of all things Bush being saintly.It wasnt even about FEMA until the same guy went off saying FEMA was screwed up because of external_link.So you jumped on me and didnt even read it?So I have to put up with some guy calling me trash,and good for nothing,insulting me because I dont agree with his politics?
Yeah and I dont know what Im talking about.I went and looked which is more than the blowhards did.Now I know more than I did,and I wasnt even posting about that to start with.I may not be up to the minute on the disaster,but calling external_link a screw up because FEMA is not air dropping generators was the problem.Turns out FEMA doesnt do that,now I know more what FEMA does do,maybe it would be a good idea to suggest that they air drop generators in the future.What I learned from CNN a while ago is below.

There is a million or more without electricity still according to CNN.Nothing was said about FEMA,but crews are working on the lines,and it could be 6 weeks,according to CNN for rural customers.
Im sure FEMA and the Red Cross are there doing what they do.Its real bad,but its going to warm up tomorrow then get cold again Monday.
Do you ever read what you write. You just rant on and on when someone says anything you don't agree with and then you call them names and accuse them of doing what you just did. You can't just state your point and move on. You just rehash or retell what has already been said. You will never change anyones mind with your babbling, so what is your point?.... Do you think if you just go on and on that at some point people will think you might know what you are talking about? You seem to think if you can't dazzle them with your brilliance you can baffle them with nnalert. Well you have us all baffled but you aren't BRILLIANT....James
Look,it never starts out like that.I just dont let them run over me like they do others.It took most of the day to get where it did,then you come in thinking you know it all too.

It detracts from the whole thing to come on here blowing about your political preference.Especially the loosing one.I was letting you and anybody else that reads it know there are other political preferences,just as good or better than his,yours or the opposition.If you dont like that I jumped on him back,I suppose you agree with his lopsided way of thinking.
I dont really care what you think,but Im way more than happy to give you the other side of the opinion on politics,as I have always been on the other side.It brightens up my winter day,and maybe you learn that you dont know everything,which is real good for you to learn.I always had a short temper,so that gets away from me sometimes.
Nope,you dont get the last word.Im not a clown,but you sure are misguided if you think like you do_Our government was thrown away and run by thieves,you dont get away with saying thats good.
I think you are just mad because you have been at the government hog trough so long and still have your hand out waiting for your "share". You are just waiting for "the" pot of gold at the end of "your government" rainbow. Well get your own pot and work so you can fill it with something good on your own, maybe then you will feel better about yourself. Instead you stand there waiting. It is easy to see you don't have a pot to pi** in or a window to throw it out of....James

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