O/T They did it Again!


Well-known Member
City boy TV weather forcasters ALWAYS miss it when there is snow cover. Complete snow cover, crystal clear skies, wind falling as the sun goes down. When this happens, the temp will fall 10 to 15 degrees by morning -at least. High today was 20, six o'clock news weather guy made a big deal about a low of 19 tonight. It's already down to 16 and not totally dark yet. My guess 3 maybe 2 degrees by sun-up. How can they not learn from past missed forecasts?
It's the only job in the country where you can be wrong 90% of the time and still have a job.
We've been pretty lucky here the last few days. Its been in the high 50s in central Nebraska. Sposta stay that way until Friday and then back into the 20s
Seriously, make sure you get the forecast for the rural areas, not the city area...cities are heat bubbles and are often warmer than outlying areas due to concentration of heat sources...if it's just one forecast just assume they're X degrees off.
I always watch the weather on news. Then go to the weather channel were it is sometimes closer. But wife and I have figured it out on the TV weather. If they say the county above mine is going to get some type of weather..like rain or snow are a bad storm but not our county.
Then we,,the county below will get it to. Are at least the top half of our county were we are. Been pretty much a sure thing to live by. .. Must be their radar is jacked up.
Joe you mean I cant depend on the 7 Day forcast? Thats terrible and i thought they had a crystal ball or somthing that can tell the future. LOL!
We are lucky here in Oklahoma. We have the Mesonet Weather on internet. We can cneck it and it will be on the money. The TV weather men are a different bunch and I cannot figure out why they go there way and do not use the Mesonet. This the first thing I check in the morning. When the round winds start rolling over the state tou can watch there movement on Radar and it is so accurate it is down to the mile and in real time. http://agweather.mesonet.org/
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They are weather guessers not forcasters. Had said early November we would be wetter and colder than normal in SW and it"s been reverse that we are warm with plants and trees budding and on verge of another serious drought! ENJOY YOUR snow & wet :p You may be frying in the skillet when summer comes!

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