O/T..Miracle Landing on the Hudson !!!

Amazing landing , Ferries and disaster crews were right there in 2 minutes time .. No LOSS OF LIFE ,,. This clearly could have been a major catastrophe, Had it not been for the superb skill of the pilot , and no doubt , JUST PLAIN LUCK. That all worked out so well, truly the Hand of GOD was in full control and the devil was looking the other way!
If his employers are like some of my past employers, they only thing they will see is that he was hired to get passengers and freight from point A to point B...and he failed in that mission. Doesn't matter who's fault it is, he failed to accomplish what he was hired to do.

That's not the way I'd look at it, but a few of my past employers would've looked at it that way. Personally, I think the pilot's a hero.
Another thing I did not mention in the other post on this, was that the wind can really howl through that area up to and past the Englewood Cliff's, beyond the GWB, creating some real nasty waves, I've experienced this, in those waters in a 24' boat, at the wheel, darned lucky that the weather was cooperative and he did not dip a wing and cartwheel, I am surprised there is no footage from that area with all the sky cams etc.

One other thing, not sure what his course was from LaGuardia, but if he had set it down above the GWB, the emergency response would have been longer, no doubt about it, water being calm enough, the pilot's reaction to this and where it set down, was about as good as it gets, all kinds of ferry traffic there, close to the USS Intrepid, lot of activity there. Thankfully he did not have to set it down in the east river, those currents are swift, turbulent, dictated by the tide, you fall in there, it's over.
Kudos, but If he makes $300,000 year he should know what to do....its his job.. I look a lot at the humanitarian act of the poeple on that plane..women and children first..and rescue workers..
I see on the news this morning, the mayor of NYC is going to present the pilot with a key to the city. Simply amazing that he put that plane down on the Hudson, it was the only place he could have possibly put it down without killing people since NYC is so packed with very tall skyscrapers and populated with literally millions of people.
Not only that, he was right next to where all the major news organizations are headquartered, so there was plenty of press coverage. ;o)

Speaking of which, I saw a "man in the street" interview with one of the passengers, a fellow wearing a newsboy cap and what appeared to be a short sleeve polo shirt. It was about 20 degrees, and he was soaking wet. There must have been two dozen reporters gathered around him, all dressed in their winter coats and hats, and not one of them showed human decency by offering him their coat. I guess that since nobody died in the crash, they were hoping he'd die of hypothermia so they'd have a better story.
"I look a lot at the humanitarian act of the poeple on that plane..women and children first..and rescue workers.."

None of that would've much mattered without the landing.

I'm sure there's been many in his position before that have failed and people have died.

To clarify it for you, put yourself and family on that plane..........You'd undoubtedly be gratefull for the humanitarian actions of the rescue workers and civilians BUT you'd also be gratefull for landing "right-side" up as well!

Don't minimize the pilots actions by stating his "salary". It's irrelevant!
This video is of my cousin, coming home from a business trip in Scotland, we really feel totally blessed around here, i grew up with this guy and now he has survived a plane crash, how lucky.

You just don't know what is going to happen to you when you get out of bed each morning

makes you realize to not be upset at the world every day, it could be your last

CBS interview, Bill Elkin
Yes, the whole air crew there most likely deserves a lot of credit & THANKS. Some of those flight crews routinely stay in cities away from home in money-pinching city hotels, maybe a loud party going on next room over, have 4:30am wake-up call to go fly, stress- not work just any person could do.
It was on the news tonight that the pilot started flying crop duster planes at age 15. I think he knew what he was doing.
What makes you think the pilot makes that kind of money? In my experience, the only people making that kind of $$$ ride in the seats that have side windows......
In a time when all that the media reports is hyped up desperation stories, this should be a good reason for everyone to take heart. My hat is off to all involved in getting the folks on board to safety.
Hoo -Ray for your Cuzin!!!,, gotta share this with You , Yesterday around 3pm in the 0 temps , I blew a tire on a dull stub 6 inch stick that was just laying in the heifer pen .Went right thru the sidewall somehow , Ruined TIRE . Very Odd Luck ,.... But Rather than fuss about my bad luck , as generally my Character will do,.. I said to myself "thats OK Lord , Just give my blessing to someone else that needs it today , this is no Big deal"..finished chores early Went in the house , and before I could tell my wife about my events, She was telling me About the Hudson Landing,sitting me in front of TV news , and handing Me a hot Cup of Coffee.. <> Guys Miracles happen Occassionally ,,,And God is out there ALWAYS .. And that my Friends, is Life, I Wish You Peace , Jim
The Pilot was in full control,with the assistance of his crew,pure and simple, everything fell into place on the day,water is a dangerous airstrip and he put it down perfectly. If you want to see what could have happened refer to the Hijack of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 1996 crash in Comoro Islands. You Tube.

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