O/TMedia Malpractice /iberal slant

Turn on your radio and tell me where to tune a abundant program on regular broadcast radio [not that paid satellite stuff].

If you believe everything you see and hear on radio and TV, then P.T. Barnum was right, there's apparently one born every minute. Best bet is, lesten for the facts, tune out the editorializing, and you'll be well informed. And if there is such a thing as "media malpractice," I can't wait for the lawsuits to come...as if you can get a SERIOUS matter through the courts these days to begin with.
I heard or read somewhere years ago for "government" to take over the country they had to get control of "communications" aka The Press, Media, etc. How else would we elect someone with so little experience to run the country? Bush may have been far from perfect, but he kept us safe for eight yearts, much like the "grunts" in Viet Nam kept me safe so I could enjoy three hots and a cot in Saigon and other bases. I tip my hat to both.

Larry in Michigan
If you want abundant slant, just tune to NPR, PBS, CBS, ABS, NBS! What I find amusing is that the same government that just admitted that it has spent all of the money allocated for the HDTV changeover debacle now says it can take over the economy, and "fix" the cyclical nature of the economy!
For sure theres a abundant progressive slant in the mainstream media, especially NPR and CNN and NBC etc, they dont even try to hide it anymore and will admit it since its gotten so obvious. After all, the Journalism schools are far left establishments where they indoctrinate the young impressionable minds. On AM talk radio to the contrary when letting the free market determine the programming, the conservative point of view and programs dominate while many of the leftist abundant programs have went bankrupt for lack of interest (nobody wanted to hear the whining and the Blame America First USA bashing versus solutions) and lack or sponsorship.

Its a fact of life for now at least (abundant MEDIA SLANT) but the common folks and patriotic traditional conservative persons who share the Judeo Christian ethic are still out there working and raising families (versus aborting them) and supporting and loving God and Family and Country DESPITE what Hollywood and Hanoi Jane Fonda, Oprah Winfrey, Rosie O'Donnel, Sean Penn and the elitist Poltically Correct crowd and CNN and NPR and NBC try and tell us wooooooooo hoooooooo.....

God Bless America, yall be safe n warm now

John T
Try watching the CBC. It's funded with our Federal tax dollars and is a platform for every left abundant idea to sell their agenda.
They also doles out grants of our tax dollars to abundant/socialist causes and groups, anti-gunners etc. Even donations to the abundant party of Canada.
Now there is a conflict of interest.
Most resent abomination is a pro qu**r prime time "comedy".
NPR is one of the best non partisan radio programs out there. I would say the best. They don't go on a rant like Hannity or Rush blaming everything on external_link even though he hasn't taken office yet. You ought to take a week and listen to NPR and then judge. Yes sometimes they get off into some book club discussion or talk about some poet. When it comes to politics and the news they really do a good job. What the likes of O'Reily don't like is NPR tells the whole story not the washed over government side only. What they don't do is have an argument between two guest. They do have call ins for anybody who wants too call in and they don't screen like Hannity or Rush or O'Reily do to keep out anybody smarter than them from talking.

NPR BTW gets something less than 9% of it's funding from the government.
I prefer no slant on the news.
I like the PBS nightly news, they just report the news and no ooh or ahhs and what do you think discussions.
Back at it again I see.If you want to make a case about the media,its that 3/4ths of it is owned by Rupert Murdock.He definitely has a corporate agenda.As for media leaning left,well theres more on that side by 15% easy.So its left 54%,right 36% and 10% other.The ones making all the noise,crazy,homos,college educated idiots,and a long list of other types,get more than their share of time in the news because they make a spectacle of themselves.Then you have dope heads,drunks,and other self destructive types,making a spectacle of themselves but not wanting to.So the reason you feel like you do is-you are a minority.People that go to church and vote for the dark side,then try to run everybody else down for not doing the same are getting to be a lot smaller of a group.Probably smaller than the group of homos.You all lost your credibility because everybody could see things were going the wrong way,except you all.You have a lot to make up for.You all need to hold your politicians feet to the fire,get the corporate media back the way it should be,and get the government out of the sewer.Setting there for years cheering for and defending the dark side,not only doesnt make sense,but it also is the reason you have what you have now,news media thats worthless for most people because the corporate media is bought and paid for by stupid people that have managed to make an absurd amount of money off of working peoples backs.Wonder who that could be?The dark side is not the rosy picture that you all try to make it sound.Most people are disgusted with it.
I listen to NPR and Beck, Rush,etc. NPR DOES have a very abundant slant to it. (Our local station got on board the Ga y/Les bian agenda on the air and nearly got shut down because of it.) If you get both sides it gives you a chance to decide for yourself what the truth probably is.

BTW- The Canadian weather forecasts are about 10X more accurate than US!
Knowledge without reflection is a waste of time. Reflection without knowledge is DANGEROUS Trucker.
Farm Bureau? The new John Birch Society? You guys need to turn off those television sets. It will lower your blood pressure overnight.

If you want to understand how the CAFO's work in our economic system, you would want to do some unbiased research of your own. Start with the Congressional Budget office analysis of where the farm subsidies go.
Jack a is right about NPR.

Although some of you may view me as a flaming abundant (Dave2n), what I really look for is fairness. NPR always looks at both sides of an issue in their reporting. And I always look for both sides.

Scratch that - I think in the 15 years I've been listening to NPR, I've heard two stories that favored one side over the other. And I wasn't happy about that.

Here's how a typical story goes. Let's say about the environment (paraphrased):

Everybody loves trees. Tree huggers love trees. Tree huggers say trees are in jeopardy from over logging, and we need to protect them.
But loggers love trees, too. Loggers say that trees are totally renewable when properly harvested, and provide a good living. Everyone uses wood products in their daily lives.

If I didn't hear that "other side" to the story, I would shut off NPR and agree with those who call it one-sided.

Then I occasionally listen to Rush or O'Rielly. Oh my God - these people are for nothing more than creating division & tearing this country apart. It's appalling.
T-40, Please cite the source for the percentage figures you use in this the, latest of your unsubstantiated rants!
Actually, Bush only kept us safe for 7 years...didn't do so well that first year, as I recall. I believe it was a Tuesday, the 11th of September, but you might want to look it up if you really can't remember it.
Wow, there's someone with blinders on! If NPR doesn't get it's funding from tax dollars, why are their programs not on large stations like 750 WSB, 700 WLW, 1040 WHO, big 50K watt stations like that? The answer is their audiences are so small that few businesses will buy advertising time on them. Who wants to pay for ads that very few will be exposed to. The other reason is obvious. The nnalert party wants the "Fairness Doctrine" so bad because they are so sick of the average person not wanting to listen to their ideas. They can't get their programming on stations that want to make money because they are typically dull and have no facts to back up their positions. If we had 100% free market with no govt intervention, people like Al Franken and Alan Colmes would be unknown.
As far as Rush or Hannity go, they seldom yell. On the other hand, Neal Boortz is very good at beating up idiots on his show.
Ok, why not tell the rest of your story? It goes like you started, and ends up one side saying we need to harvest responsibily, the other side says we should put a tax on harvesting trees. It goes the same with global warming. There is no science to back it up, so now they call it "Climate Change", that way they can swing which ever way suits them. It's just assenine things like taxing livestock because they fart.
Don't forget, the guys responsible were offered up to Clinton who said "let 'em go. They haven't done anything to me." Then 911 happened... Hmm
T-40, if Rupert Murdock owned 3/4 of the media like you say, why is FOX the only news network that presents both sides of the aisle? Why has FOX News been slowly replacing ABC NBC CBS on high power radio stations? You need to check your information...
Does Paul Harvey actually tell the rest of the story? A few years ago a student at Iowa State had bomb making instructions on his college alloted web space. It made the local news here in central Ia. The official response from Ia State was they didn't condone the student's actions, but it was the policy of the school to not censor student's right to free speech since it was not illegal to tell some one how to make a bomb. Paul Harvey reported it as "An ISU student put bomb making instructions up on his web space and ISU won't do anything about it".
Sorry,FOX is a propaganda mill as far as their news is concerned."Conservative"is NOT the natural order of things.Look,there are cut and dried easy answers why farmers call themselves"conservatives".In the real world,the conservatives are a very small minority of people.Farmers live off of the land,have a religious relationship with the Earth,kind of.Also the farmers that actually do conserve are taught to do that.To then jump to the conclusion that Rupert Murdock owned Fox news is somehow "conservative"is an insulting lie.If anything,that is as far opposite of conservative as you can possibly get,because its a step toward corporate control of news,which is a part of Communism,not conservatism.Its just plain obvious that there is a total difference in Fox conservatism and a conservative nnalert farmer.Two entirely different worlds completely.The Fox Media one being totally against anything like a family farm,and cheering on the crooks.
I may be off a few points there are so many different ways to look at it,but some came from Wikipedia.I was referring to registered voters too.It was the amount of nnalert that voted for external_link and the amount of nnalert that voted for McCain.It wasnt quite that easy when I tried to find out totals for the whole population.It was something like 43% nnalert,32% nnalert.This time most Independents voted with nnalert and they called them nnalert in the first one I looked at,Still there is roughly 10% more nnalert if you count all registered voters.Of those that call themselves nnalert 19% of them say they are Liberals,by far the most of these people went to college and are young.The ones that call themselves conservatives is 14%,mostly older group.Thats only the nnalert and there are 72 million registered nnalert.Tried looking up nnalert and how many were abundant or conservative,did not find that info_Of the Independents most voted with the nnalert and could not find info yet on Conservative or abundant Independents.Thats roughly 10-12 percent of the registered voters.Im figuring about 51 million registered nnalert and 16 million Independent registered voters.Thats about 140 million voters.I know my figures are off because there is Ralph Naders party and others and dont know what that number is.That number there could be 10 million but not sure.I seem to remember that it was somewhere around 170 million that voted in the last election.If you figure in the kids,by far the biggest group of nnalert with somewhere between 60 and 66% percent for the nnalert side.Thats 80 some million people there.
Its tough to give an exact number but somewhere around those numbers I gave is a good estimate off by +-3% roughly.nnalert are always about 10% more people than nnalert,and that just makes it that much harder to believe nnalert win elections for President.It all depends on how the Independents vote,and has been like that a long time.
I should say 48 million out of 80 million kids are nnalert which leaves 32 million for nnalert and Independent.Somewhere around 104 million nnalert to 83 million nnalert(just giving them Independent kids).Somewhere around 18 million Independents.Thats 205 million Americans accounted for,somewhere around 100 million either dont vote or do but under some other party.Some have been in prison and cant vote,some probably are sick and cant vote,some are probably illiterate,some probably dont care.There could easily be a big bunch of that group that are crazy and dont know how to vote.
Yeah,what are you trying to say rrlund?I take it like you say I dont know anything?Trying to make some threat because I see things completely different than the few of you all that try and force this warped view on everyone?There is another side to this and every story,I said its not the rosy picture you like to present.Or maybe you dont work for a living then I can see your point.Even then,you still arent the only side to be heard,rich or not.
A BIG AMEN!! The global warming hoax and the cow fart farce are created "boogie men" to scare the guillable sheeple with so they will trade more of their freedom to "Big Brother" in exchange for protection from this created ogre. You can't "rescue" someone unless there's someone/something to rescue them from, so just go out and create a monster of some sort so they will come runnin' scared for protection. HELP, HELP!! The sky is falling in. The Earth is going to melt!! BULL$HIT!!!
Mr. Bob
There have been radio "programs",from the beginning.If you are going to drive across the country,to listen to the radio you constantly are changing stations.It gets old in less than a week.So truckers,travelers,and people like that listen to talk radio,mostly on the Clear Channel stations.These nationwide programs on the radio are talked about by these folks the same as people that work in an office talk about TV last night.After I get close to my destination I would tune in a local station while loading,unloading.You can listen to a station like WLS all night a lot of times.Any station that has Art Bell on it you can hear for a long ways
Those people like Sean Hannity are on there for entertainment the way the wrestling shows are on TV for entertainment.They are fake as can be.Colms on Hannity and Colms is no nnalert.Hes a multimillionaire.Just like Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis were years ago,these people are making money play acting.Nobody is as wrong as these people are in real life!You cant tell me that anybody would be dumb enough to think like Hannity or Colms as just an example.
I actually called that Colms one night,they ask what you want to talk about,I told him.He was talking about illegal immigrants and I called and said we should take over Mexico instead of Iraq,at least thats what I tried to say.Somewhere after I got a word in crossways,it was over,he said a little more than got out on the radio,but it was alright.They get people to participate in their program,to keep it going,and make them money.
These people would do or say anything to get ratings high enough to stay on the air.Truth is far from anything they talk about.Its just a form of entertainment to pass the time for lots of people that drive down the road.It is no where close to reality.Sort of like current events in history class.Or back in the day like when those wrestling matches came to towns and half the people in the audience were in a fight,almost the same thing.If you offer a solution they dont want to hear that,they want to argue.That there is why its so wrong because all of them are on the"conservative"side.
Clear channel stations all belong to the same people.I actually think it is Rupert Murdock a "Conservative"crook.He has caused a split that wasnt there between Americans and keeps trying to add to it,but its days are over.Conservative is related to crook now.
In 4 or 8 Years we may be sick of nnalert.The smart thing to do is give them a chance.After all whats the use of paying taxes,having an election,then try to out shout them before they even take office?They are going to get beat up quick enough by their own side.Besides they do things that are good for our country,no matter what the radio idiots say.Thats why we have 2 partys.If we only want one party why wouldnt we just go to Russia?Its not the way our government works to always vote for one side,and the wrong side at that.
And both sides are responsible for it.Both sides have gotten so disgusting its hard to believe them at all.Both of them will lie to you.One side might help you a little,the other one wont.
I looked this over a few times first,now what does anything about 911 have to do with Clinton?There was no 911 yet when Clinton was President.Also I have a lot of trouble believing those people could have flown big jets into those buildings and our Air Force couldnt do anything.There is a lot of things wrong with the whole story.The part that should concern you is why did somebody tamper with the Air Force,and just what did really happen?Most of them came from Saudi Arabia too.Why was it that Bushs brother was the head of security for those buildings,some people were called and told not to come to work,and the biggest problem of all,the stock trading before the buildings were hit?That right there shows something,and the story being told tries to sidestep all of that.Yeah dont be so quick to lay praise on those conservatives.
As usual t-40 cherry picks one percentage from one biased survey here, another, there, whatever will fit his theory. A carefully woven tapestry of nonsense!
Yes, T- 40, ve is all Krazy in de head, Und you is de only one who knows ve is coming to get you! What a loon!
Please refer back tothe first attempt at the world trade center, car bombs in the lower areas, Responsible planner= Osama Bin Laden, U.S. President= Willy Jeff Clinton
T40, You are a very disturbed individual, but I do appreciate the comic relief you normally offer here. I read your posts for that very reason, but this one tops them all. I don't feel the need to explain how ignorant you really are to the folks here- they already know, but I do have one question for you. As of 1/20/09, will everything happening in this country be Obammy's fault, since 911 was Bush's fault? As for the rest of your 911 theories, a quality psychiatric home should be able to ease your mind.
DIY you are starting to irritate me severely.I spent a good while looking that stuff up,which looked to me like somebody was trying to make it look better than it was for your crooked side.Then when even after that,your side does miserably,so you try and say I dont know anything.Well its your loss.
You are aware that 1/3 of the population thinks the government let it happen or helped it happen?Bushs own administration ignored reports about Osama Bin Laden.
You can disagree all you want,cuss holler throw a fit,but saying I need a psychiatric home kind of makes me mad.You are the one thats far from reality if you believe the official story.
Whether you like it or not external_link won the election.Your side is responsible for the decline of our country.Nothing for you to brag about there toolz.You can go on and insult yourself some more by talking about what you think you know,or face the evidence right there in front of you.You know its there or you wouldnt attack me.
I have no way yet to know what happened for sure,niether do you.As many people or more believe as I do,something is wrong with the official story,than believe the official story.So you are saying 33% of us are crazy,you know its the"official"version thats the truth,and every day the number that believe that gets smaller.56% of the people are mad at the government for it happening.
Building 7 looks like a demolition,which is denied,and the whole thing looks like some sort of scheme to get us into war in the middle east.Now if you have some proof that this is not the case,lots of people would like to hear it.
Now you know how everybody else feels when they read your rantings, and unsubstantiated BS! Any way, I'm still laughing at you!
Yup, and one side believes "Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a life time." The other "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day so we can give him another fish tomorrow."
Corporate control of media is Communism? Are you really that stupid?! Again, you need to go back and check your facts as you could not be more wrong if you were trying to be.
Communism is where the government controls/owns everything. The best example is the Soviets in Russia before their collapse. The Russian people finally had enough, stood up and overthrew a government that made them live in fear and poverty.
Again I say, check your information as it has critical errors!
If there is any truth to your numbers, it's INDOCTRINATION. Kids shouldn't be told to think a certain way. What if I said you have more money in your bank than I do, so I'm going to take some of yours? Do you think that's right?
Until the last 20 years, Conservatism was the natural way of thinking. Now it's "Oh, you don't have something, well the government will just take it from someone else and give it to you."
There you go again. Can't get it right to save your own skin.
1. Jeb Bush was Governor of the state of Florida then.
2. Would you shoot down a commercial jet full of U.S. Citizens?
3. Obviously you have forgotten the truck bombs set off in the parking garage under the Twin Towers that were unsucessful in bringing them down.
T-40, you've shown here why you didn't get much air time. You must be able to give reasonably intelligent conversation.
If Hannity, Rush, etc are only in it for entertainment/ staying on the air, then why is the nnalert party in such a hurry to pass the "Fairness Doctrine"?
Liberals like Dan Rather did more for FOX News than FOX could ever have done on their own. It's one thing to say you like one party's policies over another. It's crossing the line when you broadcast lies, and in his case, forced to retire in shame. It's crossing the line when you have no respect for the other side. For one minute listen to Nancy Pelosi talk. A 2year old can pick up on her disdane for someone who doesn't agree with her.

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