Russians hurting our freinds ??

Russia taking fuel supplies away from Europe?
Tell us what you know Dave, [If you think it would be safe for the internet,
Sorry, I haven't been following it. I'll see what I hear. Probably someone in france got inconvenienced a little and the whole world has to get spun up to make them feel better.
Something to do with a pipeline that they (Russia) controls.

Everybody thought that the bear was dead, but since they have oil, they are back bigger and stronger than ever. You ain't seen nuth'in yet. Chris
They are not bigger, nor stronger, than ever. I, too, am concerned though.

Regan warned Europe against building that pipeline and being so dependant on Russia for their energy needs. He said they would use it against them at some point, just another case of the The Gipper being right, and Europe and the left thinking they know better.

China is building up their blue water Navy, only one reason for that, to be able to take us on.

Russia is not our friend, China is not our friend, and both still have global aspirations. Russia has been sending warships to Vennezuela and Cuba, unheard of during the Reagan years.

Our weakness is becoming provacative.
Yes We Can.........
Don't worry, the Messiah will make us friends with the entire world. Noone would dare pick on passive lil ole US.

Know people who were out side the city of Mossco in the country side a couple hours train ride in the past year. The Russian people have existence type living in shack like buildings and booze is the order of the day. State control just like in the day. Food is a big deal still.

You right oil is king for all who have it.
20 years later we (and the rest of the world) are still learning how smart and foward think Reagan was.
Oh Jeebus, will you give it a rest? external_link can't be blamed for EVERYTHING, especially since he's not even sworn in yet!

The problem has been brewing for years. Remember, Bush was the one said:

"I looked the man in the eye. I was able to get a sense of his soul. I knew that President Putin was a man with whom I could work."

But I'm not blaming Bush. I'm just saying he was duped. It's old-style USSR control.
Well, most of the world. I, and those like me, have known for a long time.

Seems as though we are going back to the Carter days. The only thing history has taught us is that we absolutley refuse to learn from history.

Weakness is provacative, and U.S. weakness is bad for the world. Here comes China, here comes Russia, (again), and our leaders are blind.
Weakness is provacative, and U.S. weakness is bad for the world. Here comes China, here comes Russia, (again), and our leaders are blind.


And just like Carter the man headed to the Whitehouse thinks sitting down and having a long talk with them will make them our friend. Next step will be to bend over a barrel for them might make them our friend
Yeah, Russia has oil, but so do we. It's just that Russia can use theirs. They have no unreasonable EPA or DNR rules. They would put the enviromental wackos in prision.

We just can't get to our oil.

I think history proves your point, the Russian peasent class has never known freedom, they were not a whole lot better off under the Tzar rule than they have been under the Communists since 1917. My Father told what he saw of the Russians during WWII -- that the people basically wanted some potatoes to eat and Vodka to drink, throw in a fish every once in a while and they were really uptown.
I gather by reading your comments the USA is washed up and the new world order will be Russia and China. How is it possible the greatest capitalist country in the world could be ruined and the communist countries prevail?Could it be that capitalism is not the answer?
No........external_link the Magic Negro is the answer. He is fo' Change, man!

The abundant slant of 'Just can't we all just get along' is what you will be seeing, at least for the next 4 years.

Mao said that "Diplomacy flows from the barrel of a gun."

T.R. said, "Speak softly and carry a BIG stick."

Same idea, just different words.

Too bad the Commies understand that and the abundant's don't. Pacification will get you nothing, but heartache.
Red, you really did miss history class, didn't you ? When Regan was president Soviet warships visited Cuba all the time. Soviet and East block ships also brought military equipment to Nacragua.
Your ignorance has caused you to embarass yourself again.
I don't think a lot of the world quite knows how strong the bear is right now... I was reading somethign not too long ago about their oil and gas exploration practices. Apperantly they reject the science 'we' use for exploration in that they don't believe oil to be a fossil fuel, but rather it is generated deep in the earth (in the mantle I think). They use completly different geology in searching for oil. The point of the article I read was that they are getting something like 80% success rates when they drill using their science. We get something like 10% or so the article suggested. Basically we play a hit and miss game. They know what and where to look... and they're getting oil in areas where OUR geology says none exists. Basically, we have no idea exactly what the strengths of THEIR reserves are.
Oil is power.

One thing that seems clear to me is that in the time Putin has been there things have mostly migrated backwards to what they were, and he's still firmly in control even if 'president' is no longer his title. He means to have power. He has power and he's going to keep power regardless whether people like to think of Russia as a democracy today or not.
It's a democracy in name only.
In the times of ole Boris I think there was probably some desire there to move towards democracy. There isn't today.
You're quite correct tho. They're not our friend and have no intention of being our friend.

On the other hand, where is Europe to get it's gas? I think if given a choice between the devils to the southeast of them and the Russians I'd take a chance on the Russians. The North Sea is mostly in decline at this point...
I think you'll also find that the problem with Gazprom is one of money. Either they can't won't supply gas for the current market price or there's some other outstanding issue they have with points west in which they use the gasline to get what they want.
There's nothing new about that game with the ruski's. There might be some legitimate gripes there too. Europe just needs to figure out how to deal with the Ruski's and figure out what it is that they want...

It would be nice if we could try some capitalism again. Since FDR and the New Deal there has been less and less of it here. Reagan brought us back closer to what the Founders had in mind and look how we blossomed for 25 years after that.

There are very few, if any, free markets any longer. The government screwed up the housing market by forcing banks to make loans to people that had no business getting them. They have almost bankrupted the Big 3 in Detroit with CAFE standards and emmission control regulations. Family farms are almost a thing of the past due to government interferance.

So no, captalism hasn't failed. It's being killed by politicians and the people that support them, like you Northerner.
While my spelling of Reagan as 'Regan' was a typo, I would think someone as smart as you would have seen that error and corrected it, not repeated it.

As it just so happens, I was in the Navy during Reagan's administrations. And while I am well aware that the Russians where around, they were never alone. We shadowed their every move and disallowed certain maneuverings and and other transgressions. Still have photos I took as my ship stayed glued to Russian destroyers and cruisers. My cruiser also ran plane guard for the carrier Enterprise that was constantly sending F-14's up to push the Bears away from our battlegroups. My point being, we were all over them and they knew it. Today they are floating all around the sea in our hemisphere and we do and say nothing. Big difference between now and then. Actually a huge difference.

Along with spending time in the Atlantic and Carribean, I was in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, transitted the Red Sea and Suez Canal into the Med during our battles with Lebanon, sailed the Straights of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman to keep Iran in line and circumnavigated the globe twice, made 3 WestPac depoyments, and was as haze gray and underway as any sailor could be during my enlistment, as 2 of my deployments were aboard a CGN. That's a nuclear powered cruiser, and that means no refueling, and that means underway more than any other ship in the fleet. So I know what we were doing where and when as compared to now.

This was all during Reagan's naval build up to a 600 ship fleet, designed to push back the Soviet threat. I had a top-secret clearance and received daily briefings regarding Soviet force stength/intentions, and our reactions and limitation of their free movements in and about our waters and those of our allies. I served in 6 of the 7 fleets as a Sonar Operator and was privy to the most highly classified information regarding Soviet submarine movements and methods. Nothing was more important than tracking Soviet boomers during the cold war.

And so while I know you think you know everything, much more than any of us flat-landers out here in flyover country, I believe in this case your knowledge is actually quite lacking. Your ignorance in this matter is outweighed only by your arrogance. Very typical of the falsely enlightened, abundant left coasters like you.

I don't try talking down to you regarding firefighting techniques, but yet you think you know everything about everything and can speak knowingly about that which you know nothing. You are the epitome of ignorant pretensious condescention. But we've all known that since you first showed up.

So shut your hole and go eat some quiche at your quaint local snobbery.
Been a awful lot of your voters who put these politicians in office.Have the majority been wrong all these years or have voters like you fallen out of step with modern times.
Which politicians are you referring to? And what do you mean by "modern times" ?

I believe the nnalert party has been run by centrists and pseudo-nnalert, or nnalert in name only. They are no longer the party of Reagan, Lincoln, and Eisenhower. They want to be liked by the mainstream media and other power brokers in DC and NYC. They are essentially nnalert-light.

And if you mean that in these modern times government must run the economy, then I couldn't disagree more. Don't you believe in the Constitution? Or do you think it is outdated and irrelevant now? Do you believe in the wisdom of the Founding Fathers and the Framers of the Constitution, or to you were they just slave-owning, rich, greedy, bigotted white men than couldn't possible understand the complexities of life in modern America?

I believe they were among the bravest, wisest, most enlightened and educated men to ever walk the earth. And I believe they were led by their faith in God, and that this country was founded, and the Framers were guided, by devine inspiration. And I believe that we are the worlds last hope for freedom and liberty.

I think most of our problems today are caused by an all to powerful central government, the very thing the Foudners warned us of, and tried to prevent us from allowing to happen. They wrote the Constitution in a way that would help us keep this from happening. And in their personal writings also warned us of the trappings of the all-powerful state. They purposefully wrote the Bill of Rights to show that it is the People that have been given rights from God, and we lend some of those rights to the government. We do not receive our rights from the government. Don't you remember the line in the Bill of Rights in the 10th Ammendment that says..."The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"?

Do you understand those words? It means anything that wasn't explicitly said to be the right of the Federal government, as outlined within the Constitution, was reserved as a right to the People, and/or to the States.

This is what I believe. What do you believe?
That's "quiche", not "quich". And I'm not afraid of it, just prefer mine fried or straight scrambled, without the French influence. You feminized elitest San Franciscans can eat them however you like.
You're right, they're not our friends.

Remember the old saying though: The borrower is a servant to the lender.

Russia and China hold a LOT of our national debt.

Undercover Brother has all the answers don't you know? If you don't believe me, just ask the American press, you remember,,,the folks that brought the pictures of Hanoi Jane in Vietnam.
Red, where is your source that said banks were forced to make loans ? Why hasn't CAFE and the emission standards almost bankrupt other US manufactures like Honda, Toyota and Nissan ? Wasn't President Reagan responsible for the biggest payroll tax increase ever when he "saved social security" in 1986 or there abouts. Please don't misunderstand, I love regresssive taxes, anything that really smacks the poor, gas, beer, cigerets, or social security, is something I approve of. Rich people don't pay those taxes, not much reatively anyway. I am delighted the middle class is dissappearing, I know where my family is going to end up. I look foreward to your personal insults and non response .
Honestly, don't you fellas know what that is all about? Can't you put 2 and 2 together and reason beyond what CNN is telling you?

Russia is pi$$ed off because we are deploying missiles to former ComBloc nations..i.e., Poland and the Czech Republic.

Russia has little to threaten Europe with these days...., so in order to cause some discomfort.....especially during winter...they cut the gas off. Their aim is that the NATO members in Europe will cry uncle...demand that we take the missiles out and turn the gas back on. folks are surely smart enough to read between the lines and figure this little political gambit out.

I also ask all of you who believe the abundant mass media's "The Sky is Falling" myths, to tell me where all these depleted oil fields are, that they constantly refer to. There is a difference between 'depleted' and 'no longer economically viable to extract'.

They are still pumping oil in Pennsylvania where it all started. No, there aren't the huge oil fields there, as there are in Oklahoma. But, the oil in Pa. has not been 'depleted', it's just not as cheap to get to.

So far as Russia and China holding large chunks of our National Debt.......our Government should default on those loans....until the Russian war debt from WW2 is paid..with interest. I think you would find that the US would still be in the hole on that one.

The majority thought John the Baptist was a crazy man as well, and precious few would listen.

The sad thing is, the political apparatchuks make very simple things into complicated affairs due to the fear of losing their most coveted possession....votes.

The United States has the world by the balls...but it is afraid to squeeze them.....and that fear, whether real or imagined, is what paralyzes the politicians into a coiled fetal position, afraid to do anything.

The President has broad powers under the form of Executive Orders..which bypasses Congressional approval.

What needs to be done is thus:

Immediately ban the importation of finished goods.

Restrict imports to only raw materials and those necessary to the national defense.

If it is consumed here, it shall be made here.

Impose Fair Trade restrictions which limit profits and suppresses rape of the consumer....much the same as was imposed during WW2.

Cut fuel taxes by half.

Eliminate inheritance taxes nationwide...state as well as federal.

Consider bailing out individual retirement accounts devastated by the recent crash....these retired folks have no opportunity to ever recover as their working years are over.

Remove all restrictions on domestic oil drilling.

Cap the damned EPA and silence the enviro whackos.

Shoot the lobbyists.

The list can go on and on, but these are just a few.

We have a National Emergency and the President can utilize his executive privileges to full effect.

The only economy we must concern ourselves with, is our own.

Our coffers have been bled dry by foreigners and it is time to cut them off. The US has been a spare t!t for the world and it is time for us to concentrate on ourselves.

We must rebuild our infrastructure and put our people back to work in high paying jobs. If consumer products are made here at a higher price, then so be it. Paid living wages, we can afford to consume our own we did until the last 20 years.
I knew you weren"t a libertarian. Another lie and common practice from the Progressive Left. You are a abundant socialist through and through.

You think you can sway those reading your blather, but you can"t. Their gut will tell them there is something wrong with your positions and leftist propoganda.

You never discuss tractors here. You only show up to spew your radical ideals. It"s obvious you aren"t the same as us, and you are only here to persuade the weak-minded, not stand up for the American values and the capitalistic ways that have brought so many with so little so much wealth, and that we in the heartland hold so dear.

You can attempt to play the class envy card that so many these days seem susceptible too. But I, and those like me, know that the federal government is not here, and was not created to, take care of everyone and provide for their needs. We all have to work for what we get. As the Father of the Constitution, James Madison, said when he found out that congress had voted to give funds to French refugees..."I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents." The federal government does not have the Constituional authority to take money from someone who has and give it to someone who does not. Yes, it happens everyday now, and that"s because the government has perverted it"s interpritation of the Constitution, and abundant courts have assisted them in this.

Social Security is not a right granted by the Constitution.

Income taxation and redistribution is not authorized by the Constitution.

Property taxes are not authorized by the Constitution.

The power to do these things, and more, the Federal government has given itself, with no such authority to do so granted by the Constitution.

But the People stand by idly and allow it. Due to the monopoly of the National Education Association, yet another Federal group/program/entity not authorized by the Constitution, our children have for generations now been programed to believe that the central government should be, and is, all powerful and should provide for them from cradle to grave. Nothing is further from the truth.

I personally believe that we have already passed the point of no return. I believe the country is lost to the socialists like you and those you support. More than a majority of people now understand that they can vote themselves generous gifts, (read: money), from the public treasury. They understand that those on the Left have empowered them to take money they have not earned from people who have. I believe it was Ben Franklin who said that once that happened, our experiment in domocracy was at an end. And so it is.

So you win, Scott from San Francisco. You, and those you endorse and support, have triumphed over conservative values and the American Dream. We will no longer be the "Shining City on the Hill", as Reagan referred to. We will join the rest of the world in socialism and communism, and will surely slide into despotism. We will go silently into the night without a fight.

So congradulations, you"re right and I"m wrong. The America that the Founders envisioned will be no more. Traditional Christian values and morals are wrong, secularism and multi-culturalsim win the day, and in the end we will all lose. And only when it is too late will those who you have fooled realize what they have lost, and future generations will curse us all.
Red, as a county employee I don't pay social security. I made big $$ in the late 1980's and early 1990's fixing and flipping wrecked houses in San Francisco's east bay. I was a raging capitalist, called it quits and sold when my daughter went to kindergarden in 2006. The city we live in is rather conservative, McCain came here for a fundraiser. Anyway, My farmall M with the F11 loader was taken from my farm in SWND by my brother in law to his house in Bismarck to move snow. The MF 165 I have is the most miserable tractor ever, the differential lock pedal is under the seat, as are the PTO controls. You have to dissamble it to change the hydraulic oil and service the filter. On hot days the gasoline actually boils in the tank. I love my 1030 Case Tractor. I have grain drills, corn planters, disc's, a chisel plow. 2 trucks with box and hoists, a 1967 Chevy C 50 and a 1950 IHC, a sprayer, a Versital swather. L2 Gleaner, and some other stuff. None given to me, I paid for it all. As I did 7 quarters of land.

I have to wonder, if you do not believe in taxes, how are going to bay for that military we have ?

Unlike you I am delighted to pay taxs to support the wounded troopers coming back from the wars.

What have you ever posted except that simplistic neocon political garbage ?

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