Obomas new car ?

Mike M

Well-known Member
We have a GIANT national debt and then they go buy a NEW armored car ? Wonder how much this sets us back ?
Well, it ain't like it's HIS car. Protecting the man who holds the office of President of the United States is worth it, in my opinion, regardless of who it is.
Does not bother me. I dont care for him much. But I bet there are quite a few with Shinny heads who would like to take a shot.
dealing with that right now would not be a good thing. So armor him up.
The armored limo is only a drop in the bucket compared to how much debt this country has, and is going to have. Things are really bad in the business, housing, and financial sectors, and I don't think we are to the end of businesses needing bigtime bailouts by any means or to the end of more job losses. Fuel is going back up, and thats only going to increase the troubles again.

I think external_link's plans to spend money on roads and bridges is going out the window. This country can't afford all the billions that will cost right now. I am wondering what external_link plans on doing about what is happening in Gaza since he is refusing to talk about it until after he is sworn in? This makes me think he plans on taking action there.
Well with all the uproar about the big 3 executives flying in private planes I'd think plenty of cost cutting should also be done in DC too. This big inaugruation gala with all the porta potties and fancy stages is a waste too !
I have to cut back why shouldn't they ?
I wonder who would build those things if the Big 3 go out of business-- they have to start with some kind of vehicle.
Yeah, I think that the car will be having gold spoke rims, and bouncing hydraulic shocks on the front too.
What a short memory some people have. What about the Bushs War? OIL. I would say that is where it pretty well started. Bin Ladan was top priority,remember?
I tell ya, I am really 8issed off cause that raghead still walks around loose in the middle east. Cant we just nuke all those 8ssholes, and send our guys home?
Remember those John Deere 2 cylinder Armored Prototypes ????? Maybe he could use them.. Enemy would never hear you coming from a distance with a straight pipe and a 2- Banger
Anyone that has seen pictures of Hiroshima or Nagasaki or listened to stories from those events would know that nuclear weapons indiscriminately vaporize square miles of men, women, children, and babies at a time. Not to mention poison the entire world's atmosphere with radiation...

If you truly had respect for human life or any knowledge of the true scale of nuclear weapons, I doubt you'd be making ignorant statements like "nuke 'em all"...

And my great uncle survived the Bataan Death March, so my family has paid a share...
Everybody calm down !!! lets load up and head over to MNJoe's place have some whiskey or if you don't drink Joe has Pepsi and he even has some snoose !!! Joe you got a good fire going?????
sorry buddy. but i rather have japanese people die rather then American soldiers. remember we didnt start that war, they did

Farmer, I agree with you wholeheartedly on WWII. It saved thousands of American lives to end the war that way. And you are exactly right - we didn't start that war.

I just can't imagine how ignorant someone can be to say that we should use vastly more powerful nuclear weapons in 2008 to go after tiny bands of tens or hundreds of terrorists scattered all over the countryside in amongst thousands or millions of innocent civilians.

I think it makes the USA look terrible to the rest of the world for that type of stupid statement to even be thrown out there...

Anyway, that was my two cents and now I'm broke...
It doesn't matter anymore. They're both into "24's", spinners, and 6-4 Im-paa-laa's.

Check it out...at 1:56 they even have an ATV with 24" rims...ha ha!
I know GM has a special unit set up just to engineer and support the Presidential limo. Kinda a small scale version of the Air Force 1 unit.
but i do believe we should be at war with the middle east though. once again remember we didnt start that war they did. but we need to be at war with syria and Iran. remember Iran does or will have nuclear weapons real soon. and syria is just a terroist breeding ground.
Bin Laden has been dead since Geraldo was in Tora Bora.
Don't let those bogus audio recordings they release every six months fool you.
People, every time there is a change in Presidents, they get new stuff. Out with the old, in with the new. G.W. Bush didn't ride around in Clinton's limo.
Well did you catch that W just bought 1/2 million dollars worth of new china for the dinner table in the White House. They will only get to use it for a few weeks.
That will sure help the rest of us out.
Well thats how we Americans think. We always want big and fast. Lets kill the ant with a sledge hammer from a 1000 miles away.

Whats needed is small and close. Infiltrate, identify,Isolate and take em out. One at a time all the time.

Unfortunately thats not our strong suit any more. if it ever was.
Russia always knew what we had before we knew what we had. Not because of a super comuputer or a satilite. They had some one working on it.

Any intelligence assets we had went out the door with Clinton. Maybe he thought they would look at him. I dont know.

I hope we have some one working on it. Not sure though. No big corp getting a multi billion dallor contract with that.
Bin Laden is the goose that lays the golden eggs. Ever wonder why we gave him a months notice before we went after him? As stupid as I am, I could probably do a pretty good job of hiding with a months notice. Especially with a sympathetic populace on my side. . .

I don't think they really wanted to find him or they'd have dropped a huge bomb on Kabul with no advance warning.

Why don't you use your real posting name so we know who the yellow bellied cowards are. What you brain dead leftists don't get is the babies you are so intent on killing, are completely innocent. The people we are at war with are no where near innocent. I do not agree with the Nuke em all idea either, we have no right to kill anyone who is innocent. But we have every right to banish to eternity those who wish to do us harm.
BLinWMI NOT ALL LEFTIES ARE BABY KILLERS !! Just trying to defend myself a little . I agree no nuking and I also agree this site needs to make it mandatory to be a registered member to post !!!

Dustin IL
After we invaded "our" oil companies are pump oil in Iraq. At first we never kept tract of how many barrels so the companies got free oil. That was the reason we invaded. Not for weapons or 9/11 or Al Qiada. The Bush team knew from the beginning that the intell was bogus.
Not the same. You know that. Bush's inauguration was huge and done all with donations. external_link's donations so far aren't as large as Bush's for the inauguration. Who gives a d@mn.
Proof? Facts? Or you're just self-enlightened and smarter than everyone else?

Do some research, find something to back up what you say, and get back to us.
I sure like my tractor, it goes left and right, doesn't care what color it is or what color I am; it doesn't care about politics, it just keeps working and that is what we should all do.
Yeah, well, my Dad was 23 years old in August of 1945, he was on Guam with the 2nd Marines in preperation for the invasion of Japan, he had survived in the Pacific theatre since July of 1943. My Dad was one of approximately 500,000 US Soldiers, Sailors and Marines to whom Admiral Nimitz gave the following order, ''write your Mothers, Wives or Sweethearts and say goodbye'' because the US high command fully expected a land invasion of Japan to cost at least 1/2 million American lives initially and up to 1 million by the spring of 1946. Dropping the Bomb is the only thing that saved those and perhaps many more American lives. One other fact that has never been widely reported, Operation Downfall, as the invasion was to be named, was to be carried out solely by American troops, President Truman knew the cost in lives and would not ask the allies to pay so dearly. 1 month before the bombing the Potsdam Proclamation was issued warning Japan to surrender or face total destruction, the Emperor of Japan refused to acknowledge and would not permit news agencies to inform the Japanese people.Also remember that the Japanese high command could have surrendered after the first bomb but again chose not to. Bill Clinton was in office during all of the 50 year anniverseries and rememberances of major World War II battles and events,Bill did not have the common decency to let George Bush senior, who is also a Pacific war vet, represent the US at these events, consequently, my Father would not attend any of the ceremonies that he was invited to because Draft Dodger was officiating, I'm sure many more felt the same way. Bill and the nnalert congress also issued a formal apology to Japan, further dishonoring those who did not return as well as those who did.

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