O/T Just wasn't his day....


Well-known Member
I read this somewhere a year ago, I don’t think it was here. I can’t vouch for it 100%, but it was posted in good faith and I took it as such. It happened in one of our Northern states.

Two guys set out on a day of duck hunting. They had a dog with them and were driving a brand new Ford Excursion one of them had just bought. They went out to a frozen over lake, drove the Excursion out on the ice, and parked it. These rocket scientists had the idea to blow a hole in the ice with a stick of dynamite. One lit a stick of dynamite and threw it as far as he could.

Now, the dog had been trained to fetch and bring stuff back, so the dog ran out, picked up the stick of dynamite, and happily began running back with it. The men panicked and began trying to shoot the dog to stop it. When the dog realized he was being shot at, he headed for the nearest place that looked safe—under the Excursion. About the time the dog crawled under the Excursion, the dynamite blew. The remains of the dog and the Excursion sank through a large hole in the ice.

The owner had yet to make the first payment on the Excursion. And I don’t have to tell you what his insurance company said.
The Mythbusters tv show tested this story. One stick of dynamite barely scratched the ice. Took way more drilled into the ice to actually sink a pickup.
Reminds me of a Peter Sellers-Terry Thomas movie (Ealing, probably) wherein "Lord's car destroyed in mysterious explosion"...
Peter Sellers' character was going to blow up a store? with a lit stick of dynamite, got cold feet and dropped it down a sewer grate a moment before Terry Thomas's character drove up...stopping, naturally, above the grate...
The vehicle changes, but the story has been making the rounds for at least 20 years; even saw it happen in some movie........
Believe So,,,1st time I heard this was in 1977 ,, bil 's Version went like this ,,,He told of a truck driver comin in one day at his loading dock in Texas that also Owned a Ranch ,, Had trouble with coyotes kiling calves and had set a few traps ,,One day he was blasting stumps with dynamite and saw his trap had a coyote , rather than shoot it , Duct tape and dynamite on the tail ,, lite the fuse and turn the coyote loose ,, Under his new truck the Coyote went .. Ka BLEWEY went the truck ,, And some EXPLANINg to the Insurance folks . that is the 1st time this Really Happened ....LOL !!
No doubt this particular story was cooked up by a Chevy fan, but it has some basis in fact. During World War II, the Russians would train dogs to run under tanks. They would fit the dog with explosives and when the dog ran under a tank the explosives would detonate, blowing up the tank. The problem they had was that the dog was equally likely to run under a Soviet tank as a German one.

By the way, if anyone believes that nobody is dumb enough to drive out onto the ice with a new vehicle and light off sticks of dynamite, they haven't been ice fishing in Michigan. I'm sure the only reason this doesn't happen with some regularity is that dynamite is, after all, fairly difficult for the average ice fisherman to obtain. Every year, ice fishermen have to be rescued off ice that is too thin to support them and their vehicles.
Anti Tank Dog
Like some of the others, I have heard similar stories but enjoy the refreshing.--Thanks--
Heard a similar one 40 years ago about a neighbor who wanted to get rid of his dog who lived under the corn crib. Took him out to the field- just not far enough out. Could it happen....oh yeah...no shortage of rednecks, even up North!.
Game warden caught two guys in a boat fishing with dinamite. As the game warden dropped his anchor he began writting the ticket. One of the red necks lit a stick and handed it to the game warden. Then made the coment ..you gona write a ticket or fish with us?

Of course (for all you red necks)it's a story
my brother tells about some guys coyote hunting when a dog chased a coyote into a brush pile.
they couldn't get either one them out and is was getting chore time so they set the brush pile on fire the coyote came out one side and they shot him the dog came out the other they caught the dog and went home.
Yup, I think they used an old S-10 Blazer. They kept going till they got the result tey were looking for, which was a sunk truck. Used a little bit of C4 to do it.

Donovan from Wisconsin

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