Here are some pictures from today


Farmington IL
Someone mentioned I hadnt had any pics today so this morning I took the camera along on my day. So here we go...


Sunrise, its nine degrees.



These guys are waiting outside my back door.


Of course wrigley is there to help when he isnt playing with his buddy fritz.


Need to get to the deere dealer to get a new block heater for this 4020.


After everything is squared away at home I hop in the truck and drive to this farm about 3 miles away.


Here is the other 4020 Sitting ready to put hay out but not today.


Open the south door to the cow lot, and no cows.


I weaned the calves yesterday so they were in the other lot and bawling at the calves.


Here are some of the little guys. They seemed content this morning.


With chores done and a couple of errands out of the way I was off to the sale barn.



The participants.


The sale. Seems like there was around 250 head of cattle. Took a pretty darn nice 400- 500 weight weaned black steer with all his shots to break a dollar today. Lots of short weaned bull calves that were in the uppers 70's to low 80's. I went to see what the cow market is doing. Need to buy a half dozen or so replacement cows. They have a special sale comiing up in two weeks.


The sun goes down, it was about 20 degrees and Nick and I were headed back to the other farm to finish chores in the twilight. Spent to long at the sale barn so I didnt get to the deere dealer today. Tomorrow will be more of the same but still different enough it never gets boring.
Brings back a lot of memories, but I don't miss going out in the cold to feed somethign. Now going out in the cold to the woods to cut firewood is another story. Ha, Ha!!
Thank you for inviting me along for the day.It was pretty neat looking at the pictures. like to tag along in person one day.

Nice pictures. Looks like an interesting day. Have you ever used one of the magnetic crankcase heaters? Family friend that I work for a lot in the winter uses one on a 4020D with the normal one and it helps some. We use the 4020 in the winter to pull field tile rolls.
Bill - I take it you didn't have enough time to get into the Peoria Farm Show. Would have been warmer than Fairview and you could have probably spent more money! Thanks for the pictures.
Jim - Peoria
PS - Put up the snow fences so this cold weather won't get into town!

Thanks for the great pictures. They make me realize how much I'm missing by not being on the farm anymore.

Best regards,

Bill, your pictures are always the best. Thanks for sharing them with us. What year is your canopy 4020? looks to be a '71 or '72,Very nice looking tractor.
Great pics. Sure wish my day was that smooth. Frozen water well pump. Leaking radiator on the 4430, loose wheel studs on bale trailer and to top it off the wife took a vacation day so I could go Christmas shopping. Now no nap and find a steer that hung himself on a gate. Really great day. Thanks for letting us see someones good day.
Thanks for the god ride, mine was happy too. After feeding the horses(only 5) drove to the coffeehouse to meet a couple of dear old friends for breakfast. Good times with the old farts! ;>)
The canopy one is a very late 71 powershift. I got it covered with mud driving to the corn crib to grind feed on wednesday. The one with the loader is a 69 synchro, and its pretty clean, yet!
Nope, didnt get to the farm show. Havent been for the last couple years.
The sale barn was nice and warm in the sale ring, thought I was going to fall asleep a couple times.
Dont worry about the cold and snow, it will clear up in april!

I lurk on this forum every morning. I must say I ALWAYS enjoy your pictures. Please keep us updated with your pictures...They are the best!

I could look at Allan in NE's pics and your pics all day. I'll have to put up some pics of my farm someday.

Great photos.

Looks like a good day to me.

What"s the white stuff on the ground?

Don"t see that white stuff around here.

Be sure to pet Wrigley for me and tell him he"s a good dog.

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