Mr. now and Mr.Later

Fuel prices here within 4 mile of each other $2.19.
$2.17 and $2.11 Reg Unleaded as of the three I checked today.

Mr. now is setting Mr Later up for a a bigger battle to try and straighten out the economy. If Mr. now can drop the oil prices to make him look good going out, then it was possible while he was in charge to do the same.

When will we ever get a government For the People
rather than for a few to fill their pockets,at our expense?

I think we all need to give Mr. later a fair chance to change things though I know it won't be over night.

No I didn't vote for him , I never even voted because of too much corruption.

The freedom of the right to choose was one of the things I fought for in Viet Nam, so I chose not to.
This will sound harsh but it is how I feel.

If you didn't vote, I don't want to hear your political opinions.
Jim H SW-PA,
I wouldn't lay too much credit OR blame on the doorstep of either Mr. now or Mr. later. (chuckle, I do like that description). But yeah, I do think government policies have a lot to do with the price of energy, oil in particular, on average. But those huge spikes we saw were speculator driven. And the drop now is due to the loss of those speculators in the market PLUS we're consuming less so I believe it's supply and demand as well. I've no intention of changing my new-found gas conservation ways even if gas drops to $1.

Notice that the pirate capture of that Saudi tanker didn't do anything to the market. If that happened 4 months ago the price would have jumped skyhigh. Back then, speculators were looking for any excuse to drive the price up.

Anyway, thanks for your service to our country.
So you actually think GW was behind the price INCREASE, and is now behind the price DROP?

A few more quick questions...

1. Do you beieve in Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy?

2. In your opinion, is the moon made of green cheese?

3. Is the world really flat?

If the answer to ANY of the above is yes, please check yourself in to a menta health facility at soonest opportunity.
I think your outlook is off a bit. Apparently you think President Bush has the world economy in his command. I know some one that is blaming Bush for his financial woes. He and his wife bought their house over 10 years ago for $50,000. This week I see they are being foreclosed on for $157,098. They have no kids, both have good paying jobs with excellent benefits. We reap what we sow, Bush did not send out manufacturing jobs over seas. Bush does not control the buyers and sellers of oil in the world. I suppose you think he was the one that made the soybean price spike and drop as well.
Your choice !! I fought for that also. so you could have that freedom of choice But you show an interest to choose to read something you don't want to [hear] when in actuality your eyes are telling you brain what you see.
I just said a fact that neither was suitable for me so I chose not to >

I didn't say I would not go with the flow, Just hope the better man won.
Are you sure Pres. Bush hasn't sent our jobs overseas? I think he's followed the same path as Clinton. Both are for "free" (but unfair) trade with backward countries and we can't compete with their low living standards and low pay scale. The govn't asks us to work for less, but still wants us to keep up the infrastructure, such as new schools.
I see this one is going to the poof button LOL

Stir, stir, stir,--LOL

Yes I believe in Santa Clause --And the Easter bunny told me there was one The moon is made of Swiss and If you don't believe in the tooth fairy too bad.-----
This person seemed to have a handle on it.

Author Unknown
"If a con-man scams you out of money, is it your fault?

Maybe you should have known better, but it's not a crime for being naive or unsophisticated and it's still the con-man who perpetrated the fraud.

The American people were and are still being conned. And the people who are responsible are shrugging their shoulders and saying "who could have known?" or "who could have seen this coming?" Either they're complete incompetents or they're lying or most likely both.

The truth is our financial system is a huge ponzi scheme. Fractional reserve banking, super-easy and artificially cheap credit, big corporate-controlled government, the re-distribution of wealth from the middle class to the rich and the intentional and willful lack of regulation of the financial markets are the nut of the problem in which we find ourselves now.

Blaming the financially unsophisticated American people is a cheap nnalert talking point made by the same people who are largely responsible.

The same people who are now asking for a blank check and unlimited power to bail themselves and their friends out at the expense of the American taxpayer.

They haven't been honest or right about anything so far, maybe the 549,534th time will be different."
I don't believe that Mr. Now is responsible for the fall in gas prices. That would seem to be due to a collapse in speculation on gas prices combined with less demand. By the same token he wasn't responsible for the rapid increase, directly...
It's interesting to note that oil prices rose quite rapidly after the start of the present nation building excercise. The instability that this excercise created seemed to give fuel to the speculators until the price was built on speculation itself and how high oil would go. So... perhaps Mr.Now was partly responsible for he rapid rise due to his foriegn policy.

tlak = Communist anti-American

Plain and simple.

Your boys are going to raise fuel taxes and let the Bush tax cuts sunset, both of which will most definately affect the middle class to a great degree. They will pass Cap and Trade on carbon emmissions, cripplng the economy further, and tax US citizens on behalf of the United Nations to fund a "Worldwide War on Poverty".

However, he will not bring the troops home any faster than Bush would have, even though he promised he would, nor will he end wire-tapping. Although he will bring the terrorist scum from Guantanamo to the US and bestow upon them the full rights of US citizenship, the rights our fathers fought and died for.

He will not cut taxes for 95% of working people, as that is an impossibility since only 60% of those who work pay federal income tax.

He will accept a One World Currency, and tell us that it is for our own good. He will back down to Chinese and Russian aggressions, and he will shrink our Armed Forces.

He will also impliment socialized health care, and the governemt will completely control our most personal and, until now, private decisions.

tlak and those like him want American to be a Socialist Republic. 20 or 30 years this was unthinkable. Today, thanks to the abundant media and abundant control of our education system from kindergarten to college, younger generations no longer appresicate our freedoms and are ready to submit to an all-powerful central government. The very thing our Founders and the Framers of the Constitution tried to warn us of. Because, "One who would give up freedom for security deserves neither freedom nor security and will have neither" - Benjamin Franklin

The government cannot provide security in the form of providing free medical care, or free higher educations, or free anything, without taking away our cherished rights. tlak and those like hime don't understand this. Hopefully there are enough of us left who do understand this that we will be able to rebuild what external_link and his minions destroy, but I don't hold much hope for that. For, "For evil to prevail it takes no more than for good men to stand idle", Edmund Burke.

But it might be tough to stand up to the government if we lose our second amendment rights.

tlak is a classic Marxist Socialist, speaking in populist verse and using class envy to persuade the uneducated and unenlightened. Don't fall for his tactics. There always have been, and always will be richer and poorer, and people moving from one class to another, up AND down.

The truth is that capitalism works. It works best when not hindered by the governemt. Our government's interference in the mortgage markets with the creation of Fannie Mae and Fredie Mac, which removed the risk factor banks would normally incur when lending, led to the mortgage meltdown. Government's interference and regulation of the oil industry caused them to stop bringing our domestic oil to market, creating a dependence on foreign supplies. And on, and on.

Don't be fooled. tlak and those like him would enslave us in chains of communism, socialism, and eventually despotism. We need to return to the values of our forefathers, for they were inspired by their belief in God and freedom, not big government and dependence.
first off thank you for serving your country. i think everyone on this board can agree to that. BUT anyone that thinks that the president runs the country never mind the economy needs to learn how government works.we have lots of branches of government that have the final say over what the president wants. with gw we had a system of checks and balances. now with the president elect and the senate and house mostly nnalert we lost that. now you"ll see what a one sided government is like. i hope for the sake of america they don"t run hog wild and really screw things up.
Totally lacking any knowledge, you have the wrong scape goat, everybody knows that it was the endemic rats that were in charge of the banking committee in the house, taking contributions from fannie mae and freddy mac. You know, endemic rats like Barney (my boy lolipop) Frank, Chris (1/2 of a waitress sandwich) Dodd, and of course the new head rat, BHO! Next time you shoot your mouth off, make sure your head is loaded, ha-ha!
I think that blaming any politician (or crook) for the gas prices good or bad is like blaming matches for arson.
I am quite sure that the fall in oil prices is due to the economic collapse of the world.

Loose banking practices that allow people to take out loans that are not affordable to them is Wrong. Plain and simple. Also---The interest only loans from the banks is just stupid greed. And then some banks in their lust for more and more fees and interest allowed loans to be taken out for more then what a home is worth. ---Extremely stupid. That just opens the door to fraud on the part of the borrower. And the Congress and President allowed these types of loans to go unchecked for years. ALL the Crooks in DC are to blame for the banking mess.
IR, it's about worthless even replying to you.
Everything you say is speculation or fortune telling, but you act like it's Gospel.
"only 60% of those who work pay federal income tax"
What world do you live in? I haven't met anybody that doesn't pay taxes. You're trying to perpetuate the Repug myth that the rich pay the lions share of taxes in the US. The rich don't pay taxes, they use something like undeclared assets and/or hide their money in off shore accounts like Cheney.
Oh really?We have had nnalert in charge since 1994,and since 2006 the nnalert barely had a majority,not the the White House.That is one sided government.According to you its only one sided when nnalert have the majority?I have to stop now before I really get mad.Just remember that George W.Bush was responsible for this depression.external_link has not even started yet and some of you dumb__sses want to make it his fault?
How can one man control world oil prices and wreck the entire world economy?I never knew that any one man had this kind of power.
If we all lived in IR's black and white world that might be true.
How many times have you seen a 51-49 vote in the Senate, and the controversial bill barely passes. You don't think that they don't go down the isle and tell each Senator, It's your turn to vote this way or that?
So the names you mentioned are either the stupid ones, or expendable, or they think they have so much power that nobody can touch them. So some people defend the Repugs because they're third/fourth generation one party voters, while I think they're all crooks.
Thats right!Rich people dont pay taxes on near what they have thats taxable.Dont let IR bother you.When he starts making money again he will have a nervous breakdown and be hauled off to the nnalert Insane asylum,that paid for with his own money.Why everybody knows according to him and the rest of the Fascists that corporations know better how to run the country,dont you know?
Fact is; Mr Now, and his cronies have bent everyone over for eight years. Now we're finding out how bad. Anyone who stands behind Mr now is ignorant and blind. Unless, of course, Rich.
Nothing you say is true. You're a socialist and everyone here knows it.

Here are the facts, because unlike you I can and do always back MY statements up with facts.

IRS Tax Data 2006

Top 1% of taxpayers paid 39.89% of all taxes collected.

Top 2-5% of taxpayers paid 20.25%

So the top 5% of taxpayers paid 60.14% of all taxes collected.

The top 10% paid 70.79% of all tax revenue collected.

The top 50% of taxpayers paid 97.01% of all taxes collected by the IRS.

And the bottom 50% of taxpayers paid 2.99% of taxes collected by the IRS on behalf of the Federal Government.

Go to link and scroll down to Table 6.

And you will notice that under Bush, the wealthy have paid a greater percentage of the tax burden than under Clinton. The poor have paid less. This is undeniable fact that Bush has been good for the lower class, as they will see when your people let his tax cuts sunset in 2010 and their paychecks show it.

Now, tlak, you can rant and rave and lie and deny the facts all you want. Everyone here sees you for the fool you are. You are a socialist, a class envy baiter, and a liar. The rich people pay the taxes, and nothing you say can dispute the facts I've listed here from the IRS.

You can do the usual and resort to calling names, like when you called me an alcholic, even though I don't drink at all. And when you said I live off the government, when I paid almost $10,000 in taxes last year, much more than you, considering you still live at home with your parents. Like most liberals, when you lose the argument based on facts you resort to name calling, ranting, and just plain ugly personal remarks. Shows the depth of your knowledge and reasoning skills.

I'd be ashamed to show my face around here if I were you. There's one or two socialists like you here, everyone else is laughing at you. Everyone can see you for what you are, and are disgusted by you.
I rarely get into these crazy posts but I want to know how IR can you predict the future? You must know something the rest of us don't. Can you give us a hint so we can all predict the future like you can.
Silly driver, the economy was collapsing in late 99, just like it is supposed to do every 30 years or so. Someone else said it, the president has almost nothing to do with the fluctuations, they can just manuver around it while it is happening, same goes for the next guy.

Bush did a great job managing the collapsing economy due to the irrational citizens spending like no tomorrow, even when they knew they were in trouble. It is a common remedy to go to way when the economy is in the hopper, it was done for Viet nam, korea, even WWII, and possibly WWI. Look at the 100 year charts, and isolate the wars, and the economic downtrends, you will see a trend.

66 to 82 was a economic downtrend, coencided with Viet Nam, and not just a coincidence.

Carter really opened this cluster by reducing the requirements for home loans when he was in the front. He is still trying to build houses for the people he helped push out of their homes/businesses.

The next president picked a radical right winger Jewish-American guy as the Chief of Staff. If you really think we are getting out of the middle east, you are in for a supprise. months to get out of Iraq, and into what country next?

Get as mad as you want, it makes no difference.
Would any of you, who believe Mr. now or Mr. then or even Mr later by themselves, are is or was responsible for the rise and fall of fuel prices. Please tell us how he did, does, will do it. Seems to me the Prez can't do much of anything financially with out the senate and congress going along with it.

Did he call up all the oil companies of the world and tell them to sell oil for $100+ a barrel? Did he call Opec? I thought oil was on the world market and it was the buyers who set the price.
They pay more on what they have and use than average, can you understand that?

Can I ask you with what level of education you are working?

Just curious, I have a high school education, but was encouraged by my employer to learn about statistics, and it has helped me immensely. After 2000, I started to tighten the financial belt, and reduced our expenses for the family, and it was not fun, but we still have our house.
I'm not predicting anything. These are all things President external_link and the nnalert Party have said they want and will impliment once he takes office.

If you are just getting your news from ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, you're not getting the truth. They all lean left in their bias and reporting.

Try this link for some real news. And watch FOX NEWS channel, if you have access to it. You'll begin to see you haven't been getting the whole story. Or maybe you don't want to know, I don't know. But everything I've stated are things that have been discussed, and there's more. You just have to be strong enough to accept the truth.

Fopr example, have you noticed you don't see or hear much about Iraq lately? That's because things are going so well there now, but they don't want you to know that. Just like in Vietnam, they want to turn public opinion against the war, any war. But you should find out for yourself what's going on over there. Go talk to a Vet that has returned from there and see what they have to tell you. (And thank them for their service).

But I get the feeling you don't want to know the truth. From what you wrote is sounds as if you were being sarcastic and already lean left in your thinking too.

After January 20th, you'll begin to see these things take place, and God help us all.

Best to you.
Drudge Report
I went to the Governments propaganda because I wanted to know who they called rich. So to perpetuate the myth of the rich pay everything, and the poor welfare thieves are sponging off the rich, they call the rich, anybody that makes over $104,000.
So if you use a little common sense and figure that nobody that makes less than say 250K is rich and that depends on their cost of living.
So with a little more common sense you would figure out that MOST of the US population is middle class from 30k-150k and they pay the bulk of the taxes.
So how do the rich pay all the taxes?
Even in your little criminal enterprise, based on one amount you said (85Kincome/70K write offs) you should have still payed $750 taxes. But in another post you said you made 29K, so you should have paid maybe $2100 taxes, but you also said you didn't pay any taxes.
And now you say you paid 10K.
(I'd be ashamed to show my face around here) I don't know, you're the one who starts a thread and then argues with everybody that posts.
So now you call me a criminal. Further proof that when you can't win a debate with facts, you resort to mean, ugly, personal attacks. Good little communist abundant.

That IRS chart shows that the top 10% of wage earners pays over 70% of the taxes collected. The bottom 50% of wage earners pay 2.9%. But somehow in your mind the rich don't pay anything. Nothing in that argument make any sense whatsoever.

You keep living in your little fantasy world, safe in your parents basement.
tlak, you are lucky Red only called you a comunist anti-American. As you know Red has a rather Stalinist view of things. When I have presented ideas that were conservative and constitutional, he has called me an unpatrotic fruitcake, goofy and pathetic moral scum. His harsh words torment me in my spare time.
Look,what did you say that had anything to do with one sided government?Especially one sided nnalert control of government?People can draw graphs about anything.Bush is an example of the worst crook we ever had for a President.Dont embarrass yourself by trying to defend him.He even knows himself that he is worthless.The only President that approaches Bushs ignorance yet is Carter.The reason Carter is building houses is because his wife told him to do something for the poor.Actually by building houses(something Bush will never do)Carter kind of redeems his ignorance to an extent,until he opens his mouth to speak at least,and Carter is not wrong about everything as Bush is.
Everything about the whole country is not bad,or gone in the wrong direction.Rich people have been President most of the time.Rich people dont know what its like to be poor.Somehow around Carters time as President there was an outcry about rent.Rent was viewed as throwing away money,and also the country needed lots of houses.While Carter was President some geniuses in economics decided to put union workers building houses out of work.There was no construction going on in Kansas City when Carter was President at first.I was an unemployed fitter/welder that ended up working at a gas station.When building fired up again I got a job building streets.Skyscrapers quit being built and houses took off.Houses really have not stopped until now.Plus houses are not worth what they are asking for them.More geniuses running things.What did happen was that about anybody that wanted to buy a house was able to buy one just about.This was under Reagan,Bush,Clinton,and this Bush.Now mistakes were made,but it was not until this Bush that things got out of hand.Since you want to say Bush did so well,just what do we do with the people that lost their house?Move them in with you,kick them to the curb,put them into a situation where they pay a slum lord rent for a rat infested apartment,government housing?
Now as for the War,your guess is as good as mine.Warmongers exist,and in 2 years we will see which side this President is on.Niether way its been,nnalert president when war started and nnalert takes over saying they will stop the War and it doesnt stop in 6 years(Nixon)or nnalert starts war nnalert inherits war(external_link)whats he going to do?You dont know if this war in Iraq will stop or not,I doubt it will,at least very fast,and it shouldnt stop real fast.
No nnalert is better with the economy,look at that graph.All nnalert raise debt,a lot.The "Conservative"Reagan was one of the worst.Under nnalert Presidents the debt goes down and the economy gets better for working people.
Before you all start crying that the unions have ruined the country,few of the companies that are union,the familys that founded them,are in the poor house.They make plenty of money.Also other non union companies do very well for the familys that founded them,like Wal Mart.The second richest people in the world.This is the very reason I am anti nnalert.Sure they may deserve money,and Im happy they are successful Americans enjoying freedom.Yet to say that its Socialism when 54 million Americans have no medical insurance,because they have no access to insurance because they cant afford it,is unbelievably stupid.And this being brought to you by nnalert,while it doesnt suprise me,is not good.Any nnalert that defends this,or apologizes for it,or anything else to do with it,should be tried for murder,simple as that.These crooks are alright with stealing our tax dollars,they are fine with taking money from the insurance lobby to keep sick people from getting insurance,which makes them an accomplice to murder.nnalert are blunder after blunder,and nnalert can be just as bad.nnalert are not going to do anything for 99% of the population,just the very rich.nnalert are only going to do very little for the 99%,but if they can get some people medical insurance it will help because its the right thing to do.
Oh and for the economy collapsing every 30 years,while that may be some criminals plan for the United States,but it is a manipulated mess if that happens,probably encouraged by Europeans,who owe us dearly for saving them in WW1 and WW2.
I guess you are saying the economy of the US was rewarded because of Reagans pick of a Right Winger?If true whoever is responsible should be run out of the country.Even the guy you are calling Right Wing is not really Right Wing,he is just a puppet as well.Like Bush is a puppet for warmonger Cheney and the crooks,the old Jewish/American guy is a puppet for the banker crooks.
Red, I could sit here and write another book for you and it'd be deleted within the hour again, so I won't save one point...
The 'rich' don't pay 'income tax' because they don't have 'income'. That, quite simply, is how they avoid paying tax. Income gets buried, one way or another.
I'm sure they still pay plenty of tax, etc... but it's by no means the high percentages you'd have us believe.
When you get to the point where you have that much money coming in, you have people who work on finding way for you to not give that money to the government. There's many a legal way to do that. You've just got to spend the time studying the tax codes and figure out just what you can get away with...
If there's anyone out there actually paying the highest marginal tax rate then they're not trying hard enough, if at all in the tax avoidance department.

You may be proud to say you gave 10000 to the government in one year but the goal around here is to give them nothing, and if that's what the rules say, that's what they'll get from me.

High School and a long time ago.I understand about taxes,believe me.I paid plenty when I ran my trucks.I got sick and thats why Im on here.Otherwise I wouldnt have time for this stuff.Say you make $150,000 dollars in gross pay.20% was fuel,then so much per mile was paid directly to the company,usually 25%,then there are taxes,tires,oil,repairs,upgrades,lots of things.I actually made less money than when I drove for the company and usually wrote the government a check for $11,000 the State $3000 sometimes more.Sometimes I took home $32,000 to about $38,000.When I drove I made lots more,like about $45,000,and that was in 1998.The only thing better than driving for a company was I had a truck and trailer,and more say over the loads I took.I still worked 6 days a week most of the time,and lots of hours.The only way to survive at all is to pay an accountant to find ways to save you money in that business and trade trucks every 3 years.That way you are always depreciating equipment.I can tell you this,$150,000 is not rich in todays world,and even worse than working for somebody.You have to save the taxes up.People that sell Hospital Insurance charge about 600 dollars a month for hospital insurance that was 4 or 5 years ago and thats probably higher now.If you work for somebody at least part of the taxes are paid by an employer.Most places have insurance of some kind that they can get cheaper as a group.
Your missing one important thing here. They all say they are going to do many things. But the truth is neither party has done a thing for years.
Also you have no idea which way I lean. I haven't taken any side other than to let you know none of us have any idea what they are really going to do. And if they follow the normal pattern they will not do anything but talk.
President is the leader of the country to others - basically a figurehead. Sure has some power, but not really all that much - can veto or prod congress, can pick new judicial folks. Can be a leader & rally the country around; but can't really 'do' much.

Congress sets the policy of this country - or lack of them. Most things that went wrong or went right over the years that is up to the govt is actually based on congress. Too much us vs them games for them to be accountable to do anything of any worth any more.

That leaves natural markets to set oil - and other - markets.

We over extended ourselves the past couple of decades. We barrowed more, we over valued 'things' like houses & used that pretend money (2nd loans to buy more stuff inflating the prices of 'stuff' more than it's actual value. We were using artificial money, this overvalued pretend money.

We drove up theprice of everything, and bought more than we could with this over inflated money.

Finally caught up with us, people smart enough to know realize we need to catch up to reality again - might even swing past it to the other extreme.

So, 'things' and 'stuff' need to come back down to reality.

Govt games won't really help a lot. Govt wants to encourage us to spend & barrow more to prime the ecconomy.....

Think about that. we spent too much, borrowed too much, and the answer to solve the problems is - borrow more, spend more?

Nope - we are going to have to go through some hurt to get back to a 'realistic' ecconomy again.

The president - this one, next one, doesn't matter. They can have some small influence and help lead us through easier. But, affect anything in a month or 6???????


Congress is going to run around like a chicken with it's head cut off, party A trying to take credit - prove blame and set things up for such - rather than actually _do_ something constructive to _help_.

This is all market forces, and it will be up to us to get through it more or less on our own. 'The Man' - whichever one - will have little to nothing to do with it.

Red, Who are you to say someone made a mean ugly personal attack against you ? You have called me a unpatrotic fruitcake, goofy and moral scum. Lets discuss issues like what the constution writters would think of Tort reform or if it is partotic to owe more money on an asset, such as a 3/4 ton van, than it is worth, or would america be stronger if we all had assets greater that what we owned. By the way, I am in the top 10% of taxpayers, definately not overtaxed...Yourself ?
No nnalert is better with the economy,look at that graph.All nnalert raise debt,a lot.The "Conservative"Reagan was one of the worst.Under nnalert Presidents the debt goes down and the economy gets better for working people.

Nothing like a good graph to make a point... Enjoy!

This President has done everything he could to give everything away to big corporation, he's manipulated the laws with his wetback Attorney general, that's one way to stay legal in your crooked dealings, just change the law. When he was trying to push something, you saw him on TV more than you ever wanted too. But when he didn't want to do anything, whats his famous quote, "Gas is $4 a gallon?". Yes he manipulated everything either by action or inaction. I think he's Sindbad and the 535 thieves.
Yet another chapter in t-40's seemingly endless run on sentence novel. You need to get the newspapers to publish it, just collect all the wit and wisdumb that you have posted on this forum, and see if they run out of ink!
Once again, T-40 you show your level of intelligence, the employer merely withholds half of your taxes, YOU still pay for all of the big government that you promote! Problem is, is that I end up paying more on percentage basis!
I repsectfully disagree. President Bush, while running for office in 2000, said that he would lower taxes. He did.

He also siad he would strengthen the military after the Clinton administration had made deep cuts citing the end of the Cold War and a lack of threats. He did that too.

Then, while campaigning in 2004 he said he would do whatever it takes to keep the country safe. He's succeeded in that, even though the media and the nnalert have tried to persuade you and the American people that he has "trampled on the Constitution", and is wiretapping ordinary people. I wonder what they, and you, would be saying if he hadn't done so, and there had been another major attack on our soil? In the days following 9/11, all the experts said we would be hit again. But he's taken the heat and kept us safe.

President-elect external_link has said he wants to "Spread the Wealth around". And even though that is a Socialist ideal and contrary to what the Founders of our country had in mind when they drafted the Constitution, I believe he means to do just that. He is also a strong proponent of gun control and has said that he thinks there should be more regulation, and I believe he means what he says. He said he beleives there should be a "Civilian Defense Force" that is "as powerful and well funded as the US military". That sounds a lot like the Brown Shirts in Nazi Germany, and I'm not sure why he said that or what he intends their purpose to be, but I believe him when he says he wants that.

external_link said he will pass Cap and Trade legislation on carbon emmissions that will "raise 8 trillion dollars in new tax revenue" and bankrupt the coal industry. If you don't know what "Cap and Trade" is, you should do a quick Google search and find out, it's important.

Barney Frank, Chairman of the House Financial Committee, has called for 25% cuts in the Defense Budget, and I believe they will pass that, since they will control both Houses of Congress, as well as the White House. They will do this while China is building a huge blue-water navy, Russia is once again sabre rattling in eastern Europe, Iran is producing nuclear weapons, and terrorists still want to do us harm here at home and abroad.

So again, I'm not predicting anything, I'm only going on what these people have already said they want to do. And since the opposition party, the nnalert, will not be able to stop them due to the huge majorities the nnalert hold in the House of Representatives and the Senate, they will be able to do just what they want to do. And their willing accomplices in the abundant media will cover for them, and present these changes to you in a way that will make you think it's good for us, and you and everyone else that doesn't see through the lies will go along.
Well DIY Dave,if you work for somebody,they take all of the money out of your pay,whether it is yours or their tax to pay.Your employer pays the taxes to the government.Now actually the employer pays the tax.If you are unfortunate enough to state your status wrong you may end up owing the government also.Its been a long time since I was single so I dont know what the difference is,but yes it is unfair,I agree,if you pay more percentage than married people,or anybody else.Everybody should pay the same tax regardless of what their status is in my opinion.I also think it should not be more than 15% of their income.I also think there should not be any sales tax over 3%.Of course because I dont know anything,those things will never happen.Only smart people like nnalert,or"Conservatives"know that you need to pay over 50% of your pay in taxes and hidden fees and taxes.Theres a big difference between 18% and 50% wouldnt you agree?
Since you asked,heres how it was done.nnalert crooks(remember Enron?)were allowed to manipulate the laws regarding trading.You see its like this,for an artist to paint a picture he has to have a canvas or something to paint on.Bush after the Supreme Court put him in,supplied the canvas for the crooks to paint on.Actually Bush suplied an umbrella for the crooks to work under.There was Enron,Abramhof,Delay,and lots more of the same bunch in nearly every state,that just same as threw a monkey wrench in the gears of the United States of America.You,if you live here, should be mad about it but you set there and duh!the President didnt do it did he,Duh!?Not by himself.Actually this President probably doesnt know what he did do,since he was the crooks puppet.How many times do you have to be told before you get it?I bet your teacher had you setting in the corner more than in class in grade school.Besides that you can even look it up yourself.Do some investigation since you have a computer and you will find even big money did not want McCain to be president so they didnt go after external_link like they did Kerry.Even big money did not want them running the show any more because of the instability they caused in the world.Its a bunch of disgusting crooks.Yes the President can cause the market to fluctuate by being an accessory to theft by manipulation.Yet another thing he should be held accountable for.Duh!
Look,what are you blaming the people for now?Its everybodys fault not the Presidents?And that old Congress just did it all?Look if there was something wrong with what the people did they were misled,and ripped off by crooked elections.Also congress was nnalert as well,we were nearly under a dictatorship,and the President did all he could think of to mess up the country.You still dont understand it?Just do yourself a favor and investigate why Alberto Gonzoles(spelling)is not the Attorney General.It will make you puke when you find out the truth.Then if you dont think the President does anything you should know better.Besides trying to do what Carl Rove wanted him to by getting rid of Judges that didnt want to throw elections,there are plenty of other "discrepancies" in how he handled poor kids in the Juvenile system that should have got him fired.Would have under anybody except his old buddy Bush.Even Bush couldnt save him in the end,and he wont get another job in the United States.Even the crooks dont like him.Thats just a taste of what the whole administration under Bush was,but you dont want to know it,you just want to say the President cant do anything,thats disgusting,The President can do plenty,and start a war is not all.The truth is out there if you can handle it.Bush did plenty,and the sooner we are rid of him the better,check into it yourself,if it doesnt make you mad you havent found it all yet.Even the other Bush is disgusting,but not quite as bad as this one.
>Its everybodys fault not the Presidents?

Most certainly.

Why do we need to blame others? We should live our life in the way we want, but also responsible for ourselves.

The govt is not or should not be our babysitter. How disgusting if you think it should be taking care of you. Take care of yourself.

Congess is a bad thing, and it has been run by both parties over the past 20 years - neither one has done 'better', it's just always a turf war on how to make their party look good, and make the other look bad. No respect for the country itself, which is what congress should be concerned about! I'm not taking sides, I'm saying they should be running the USA, not positioning themselves to look good & make others look bad. And that is what _both_ parties have been doing.

President is for the rest of the world, congress is for the internal USA. If we are failing internally with bad leadership within the USA, it is congress that is failing us, not the president. The president may be good or bad makes no difference, if the USA is falling apart it is because of us - everybody - being greedy with loans we can't afford & job perks we don't desrve, along with lack of leadership & direction from Congress.

That is how the USA is set up to work. If it ain't working, look in the mirror & at the people representing you in congress.

You think things will get better?

The new guy will say, well, things weren't this bad when I was campaigning, have to forget about all my campaign promises, taxes need to go up up up.

Congress will be busy blaming the other party & do - nothing.

We are on our own. We all knew there were bubbles in the ecconomy; housing does not go up in value every year in double digit inflation. Grain prices do not triple in price in a 18 months without repercussions. Loans to people who can't afford to pay them back will have repercussions. Wall Street will generally inflate in value, but there are always corrections every 20 years or so. Part of this is way back on the internet/tech bubble from long ago. We thought we had easy money.


You & I should know those simple things, and not join the crowd like lemmings to the sea.

We shoulda curbed the inflating house values 5 years ago. Congress decided to spur them higher.

We all know that will not work forever. Some folks took care of themselves & prepared for that. Most folks cheered it on higher & higher....

It's you & I & our neighbor. We need to live our lives, and be aware of what is going on around us, take care of ourselves.

Blaming one person? That is silly. That is just anger & frustration because you were not taking care of yourself like you should have.

I say congress let us down; but I'm not gonna BLAME them for any ills coming along. It is just natural market reactions to what all we - you & I & the next fella - have been doing the past decade or 2.

It's our fault. Congress coulda stood up & gentley helped correct it over the decades - but folks like you woulda ------ & moaned about that, wanted the cheap pretend loans, etc. and would not have allowed it. (Or if you think the Pres coulda done something - folks would not have allowed that to happen - same story!)

Well, now here we are, gotta deal with our mess. We loaned too much money to those who didn't deserve a loan; we bid housing & housing materials too high because we were greedy; we put more & more savings into investements that were really pyrimid schemes, not sound investments. We went for the big easy bucks, and it is coming home to roost.

You & I, bud, you & I. The president didn't give or take nothing from me. You & I did.

Congress has some power to regulate all of the above, and did nothing about it - as usual, I don't expect any more from them.

It's easy to just hate on one person, and pretend that is the root of all evil. It is much harder to be responsible for yourself, and own up to your own actions, and take care of your own messes. Hating on one person is the easy way out. Not my fault, it's all because of.....

Yea, right.

Alright to an extent in a general sense you are right.I dont know what you think that people who vote for these nnalert to fix things are so guilty of.In a way what I am saying is that its the goverments fault for failing us.Bush and the crooks are the reason for the biggest failure of a Presidency and Congress in the history of the United States,lowest approval rating ever.Just because you want to say its everybody elses fault does not make it true.The reason that the nnalert could not do much is deadlock brought to us by the nnalert,for 12 years,and even though nnalert got a slim majority,still could not get much through the criminal Congress.The People were lied to by the nnalert ever since the nnalert contract on America by Newter rooter.Bush was the monkey wrench in the gears of America.
I dont now,nor have I ever seen much that the nnalert did that helped working people.Theyve destroyed Unions,Medical Insurance was a lot more affordable until they got some involvment in it,they have made most if not all of the world mad at us,or disgusted by us.List is long and I dont know where you can say that its the peoples fault.If I go to the bank and borrow money that I expect to pay back,then nnalert and criminals devalue the dollar and inflate energy and commodities to absurd levels,why is that my fault?Its not.The myth that nnalert are great for the economy is disproven.The truth is nnalert mess up the country then blame nnalert for it while the nnalert end up fixing the mess the nnalert made.This would be a lot better country if we just made the nnalert dissolve and never let them in politics again and threw most of them in prison.Then we could get towards fixing our country and not be dragged into the just plain insulting stupidity of nnalert telling lies all the time.We need just one more law,thats no more nnalert.The government never was a babysitter.Turf war,yeah right!More like give it all to the corporations.Well about all you are right about is both sides are responsible.I have to agree that nnalert have messed up before,and still have some things about them I dont like.The things the nnalert have done wrong is nearly nothing you think is wrong though.nnalert twist everything to where you think bad is good,up is down,right is wrong.If you look at things the way they tell you to look at them you are right.If you look at things the way you should look at them,you should be mad.
OK,heres what I see happening from both sides,and I dont like it.Clinton had lots of things going good,his last year in office fuel goes up,along with lots of things.He was not going to give the nnalert anything good to work with I guess.Here comes Bush,we get a little lower taxes,and just about everything else is given to big money.Then NAFTA and CAFTA,put millions of Mexicans and Central Americans out of work,and a bunch of them are in our country now.Also business and jobs leave our country.Then you told why there was the housing crisis,spike of energy,commodities,and everything else.Well Ive said plenty of times what caused that.Our Presidents seem to be chosen from a group of idiots ever since LBJ,which I dont like.Too much partisanship and not much real governing,or even a lack of sense enough to do whats right,especially on the nnalert side.

Whats not going to stop is partisanship,but it needs to be reduced,united we stand,divided we fall.nnalert are too corrupt to be involved in running our country any more.Where people need to get involved is there should be way more recalls.Maybe laws need to be passed to where nobody is elected for more than 4 years to any office.Also then its only a trial basis for the first year.If a nnalert starts acting like Hitler like this one did,or a nnalert starts acting like he is going to give everything to the special interest group of the week,he gets tossed out.Whats the chance of something like this being done?Not much.However getting rid of the nnalert would help,and I think even a lot of them would agree themselves if they are truthfull.Once you remove that big wart the nnalert might heal somewhat and with a sensible opposition that actually represents the people we can move forward.Then as you say Government is not to take care of us.Alright,but government will do what we pay them to do or else.They will provide for the military.The entrenched network of thieves that get billions of tax dollars to do very little called Haliburton should be attacked by our own military along with much more stuff being stopped.There exists a group of people on government welfare thats way worse than when poor people were on welfare.People gripe about farmers getting government money but it is not a lot of money compared to rich people,movie stars,doctors,lawyers that own lots of farms and suck up billions of government dollars for being"farmers".Yeah right.Theres a list for that somewhere I heard about one time and those people get way more than actual farmers from the government.Stuff like this will never happen while nnalert run the show.They will keep things stirred up to where you dont find out about this stuff,especially the military rip off stuff.

As long as people live on Earth there will be crooks.However we dont have to let them run our country any more.I think as time goes by,you may actually like nnalert running things if they can get the country working right and not try a bunch of stupid stuff along the way.
What I did or didn't do didn't affect the economy, banking, etc. I don't expect my life style will change much whether the economy gets better or worse.
I do expect my government to do whatever is reasonable to protect its citizens whether its economic, natural disaster, environment, attack, etc, because one person can not do this. And I don't think this administration did any of this. All speculation and I guess if we live 40-50 more years we might hear some of the trues.
"heres how it was done.nnalert crooks(remember Enron?)were allowed to manipulate the laws regarding trading."

So what you are saying is the Congress and Senate both passed a bill changing the laws and the prez signed it. Seems to me it is the fault of the entire legislature first and then the Prez. Where was Pelosi and Reid to stop it then? Seems the price of fuel started getting out of hand AFTER the demoncrats took over. And what law was passed to lower the prices?

I do know the Prez can only sign a bill into law that was all ready approved by the legislature. If it was the nnalert than where was the Demos to filibuster and stop it. I dought anyone passed a law to raise fuel prices.
T-40, I don't agree with anything that you say. Maybe this has to do with your grasp of the English language. You can be slapped up against the head with facts, and you still understand nothing. Then you rant on for pages! The sole of wit is brevity, so I'll just leave it right there.
Just my guestimation He had friends /relatives or someone working for him bidding the prices up, and Sharing profits. He himself came from oil family . Now he is leaving with full pockets and a very large pension.
I dont hate the rich, nor pity the poor. I will help thoes in need no matter the status, that is the way i was raised. I was also raised to generate my opinion from sources other than wealthy entertainment news CORPORATIONS.

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