O/T future Jobs

What kind of job should a young man like Lance at his age pursue to have a secure future?

I'm not picking on Lance , It's just that we all know him and we all are his mentors.

This question is meant for the guy's and gal's of his age bracket that will tell you of their plans, and to the older generation, that would like to suggest their thoughts, and why if at their age again.

My thoughts is anything in wind energy, because it being a utility, everyone needs electricity
Everyone "WANTS" electricity because they have been spoiled for so many years but no one "NEEDS" electricty. Just ask the Amish or someone that lives off the power grid and you can see that.

My advise to the young is pick something you like to do. High paying big money jobs are nice but I would much rather be happy and poor than rich and unhappy.

But picking the job of the future is hard because no one knows what tomarrow will bring. Just ask your Dad if he ever thought as a kid the world would be where it is at today.
If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans.

Truth is, we don't know, we're not gonna ever know, until the day comes.
Anything medical will pay off.. I know several young ladies that are not long out of nursing school. They are not far from making a 6 figure income, as well as great benefits.

If I were younger, I would look into training on maintaining and repairing medical equipment, since I am a hands-on person, rather than a people person.

Free medical

3 hots and a cot

next to free college education

travel the world for free or next to it

opportunity to retire early enough to have a second career with a college degree under your belt and the leadership experience employers want.

paycheck and free medical the rest of your life

30 days paid vacation each year

generous pay raise almost each year

almost free clothes

etc, etc, etc

No, I'm not a recruiter. Just answering the question.

i agree there. the travel is free and i have seen so many people get out after 20 years and still have a long 2nd careeer, if they want it.

people always ask what to do in the military. there is so much. from mechanics to electrical, to computers. i was narrow minded when i went in. wish i had thought more careful.

if teh job exists in the civilian world it exists in the military. and many more you could never think of.

i went in as fire fighter. now i wish i had done either computers or intelliegnce. sattelite will be a huge careeer.
The best I can say is find something that can not be outsourced or contracted out very easy. I have had this job, working as a drinking water plant operator for a local city. This is the third job I have had after college. The first job was at a local factory that rebuilt auto parts for NAPA. They closed down the plant two weeks ago, jobs went to Mexico. I quit there in 02 to go to work for Tyson figure'n I could move up and use my degree there. I worked there for 3 years till I gave up on move'n up and took a job here (right next door to Tyson, we sell them water). About a year after I left they scraped the "chickenbines" (Lewis-Mola PH2000) I used to run and went back to "contract" labor. Mexicans came here for the job. I lucked out both times in that I had moved on before the axes fell. I just was not cut out for factory work and could read the rite'n on the chicken house wall.

I spent 6 years in the Navy and I can honestly say they can offer a good education in a varitey of fields, if they decide to give it to you. Still based on what I saw unless you go in under some kind of special program that guarantees you certain schools, which I was lucky enough to do, your just another number to the government. I saw this happen to alot of guys and in the end all you"ll get is the education they see fit in the rating they need you in wether it"s what you want to do or not.

Admittedly there are alot of good rates in the military, in all branches, but before making any kind of commitment make dang sure to do your own research and that there is a civilian counterpart for the rate your getting into as there are many of them that don"t cross over into anything real on the outside. There can"t be anything worse than spending 20+ years in a dead end, military only job and getting out at 40 something with basically no usable, real world job skills.
I say become a field service equipment mechanic. Yes, I said a mechanic, a real hands on, greasy palmed, skint knuckle, mechanic, not a parts changing "technician". It doesn't hurt ot be able to learn and know the "technical" side of all the new stuff but don't ever forget that your brain was the first computer made and without it and the knowledge of how things work the plug in type will only get you so far.

My reasoning for this is that as long as there are machines being made they are gonna break and there is always gonna be a call for someone to fix them. When a dozer, crane, excavator, etc breaks down in the field, in the middle of a swamp, in the dead of winter or the heat of summer, it usually can't be moved from where it stopped. It could have been made in Korea, China, India, Italy, or where ever but when it breaks the repair is going to be right here in the good old USofA so it can't very well be outsourced to anywhere else.

Pay isn't all that bad either. Working for a dealership your probably looking at $20 to $25 an hour, depending on experience, plus benefits. As an independent you can ask somewhere in the $80 plus to $100 plus for some specialized types of work. It's a hard job and it isn't for everyone but if you love what you do then there is nothing better.
Automotive maintenance. When the economy is good you work, and when the economy is bad people fix old cars instead of replacing. Cannot be outsourced. He seems to like wrenching.
The "back in nam" days are over.Soldiers enlist for a career field and get trained on it. The education piece is extra. Joe starts his GI Bill for the required amount and the government matches, etc, etcuntil his/her small out of pocket amount turns into as much as $60-80k (some if's and's and but's, but it's a real good deal). Getting that education is up to you though. There are instructors on ground in about every military community for night classes, etc.
Chow's a lot better these days too........
Community Organizer---Immediately qualifies you to be President if you get to be Buddies with a Terrorist as a 2nd career
Welp, we are an aging population and there are going to be many aged people who require services, be it home care or care in a nursing home. I believe young people who train in these fields as counsellors, dieticians, advocates for the aged, nurses, paramedics care providers and service industries for the aged ...well they are going to have a future. I forsee people trained to go to a person's home, do their grocery shopping, cleaning and laundry, property management, drive them to appointments, assist them with legal issues, provide security services stc..five housholds per week at a per diem rate could be a good income as well as a useful and purposeful one.
Im gonna get my boys a coupla gallons of Windex and some rags.Then send em to some coal mines.Tell em to just start pickin up them little nuggets and cleanin em off.
There ya go into the clean coal bussiness.
I've done the same for several decades, biggest rush is fixing what no one else can figure out. My sons are in engineering, and they have been surprised at how much I know in APPLIED Physics (you probably do too) Love the job, but had to stop from a bad back.
I do not understand that statment.

The United States of America is the largest manufacturing block in the world, bar none. More new ideas are turned into products and started to be manufactured here in the United States of America than any other country in the world, bar none.
We the people of the United States of America will coutinue to be the leaders in manufacturing for longer that any of us will be alive.
Pick a line of business or job that you love and you'll never work a day in your life. Trouble is, time will go too fast and before you know it it will be all over. "Follow your passion". It may be OK to recommend engineering but if you got C's in math I'd say forget it. Someone may recommend writing but if you have trouble spelling your own name...well.
People always need food, water, heat, electricity, housing, clothing, transportation, booze, smokes and sanitation.
Find something in these areas that will never go away and that can not be serviced from over seas.
Boats, atvs, snowmobiles, massive suv's, 4000 sq ft homes, big screen tv's are optional.
Geez, just about any field where the product cannot be imported would be just fine. Others have pointed out many of these, but to add one more
aspect to it. If you are self-employed in one of these "non-importable product" fields you will be adding one more layer of security to your future.
When I reference the word "product" it means any
good or service that can be produced. For example, how about the product named, "a security backed investment note (bundled subprime mortgages)." That was a real winner that made us all suffer.....hee-hee.
They were able to sell them, though. Those are the products you can create and still get away with committing a crime and make money too. You can't beat that. Thanks a lot Wall Street.
During my seven year career with a newspaper, the publisher always said no matter how bad things get, people always buy newpapers to read the bad news.

In today's world, though, I'm not sure I'd want to be associated with the media again. At least in my day, we had certain standards we maintained.
Or maybe the armed forces. If taken prisoner and hung upside down in a closet for a few years , then this too qualifies you for President or so im told
Don't get me wrong because have had a large portion of my business taken away because of being copied thru importers buying out of China.

If we had all the jobs back from China that are being talked about we would have to import people from other countries to run them.

When employment is at under 5% as it was a few months back, try and find people to fill openings.
I would rather that be the case but then it would be a different complaint.
I'd go for left wing "Community Organizer" myself. Seems to pay off big dividends in the long run.
I would have to say that in todays world, a person almost has to just follow their heart and do what they are happy with doing. Or

He could be a plumber. In 8 years or so when the press is doing his interview he could lean against his shiny, newly restored B, in his driveway and field their questions about why he dare question a candidates economic plan.

Plumbing by Lanse, Inc.
"Nobody lays pipe better then I do"

Just kiddin ya buddy. Did you get that modulator valve installed yet? Hows the truck Running?
After all i've been through, turning a wrench still seems most appealing, say what you will.

There is alot of non-outsorceable jobs out there, and i'll concider anything, i have no idea what i want to do with my life.

Thanks Everyone!!!
I've got mine already laid out for me.Its work for my dads oil company(I'm a part owner, share holder and head of maintenance& equipment) and make money to go to either Texas tech or TexasA&M and be come a petroleum engineer and then take over the company, get the "golden parashot" and so on. But I'm the type of guy that can't sit around and let others do the work, I like to be involved and either help do the work or do it my self. So I'd probably the type of boss that most would like.
No problem there buddy.
I just threw the question out there to see what others are thinking as a good futuristic profession.
the lack of some of our factory's and the steel industry in Pa has me kinda worried of the future of Pa.

I tried to explain that this wasn't a post to pick a job for you, or to pick on you .

I think for the most part I received good answers.

I agree with those that say do what you are happy with even if it means you don't make as much money as other jobs pay. the reward of self pride and the satisfaction you receive can pay off in the long run.

Nothing wrong with spinning wrenches, spun a few myself, but as age starts to take its toll I can't do what I once could and have to rely on the newer spinners.

strength training would be recommended for your back to keep in shape so you don't have a blowout like me.
That sounds fun :-(

Thanks again Jim and everyone else, i appriciate it. I never really thought about most of what was brought up. Plumbing sounds fun, but im too skinny :)

Plumbing is a job for a skinny man. They did not build houses with crawl spaces big enough for us 5'10", 230lb people. Last time I had a leak under my house, half my family came to watch me fix it, they got a good laugh out of it!!!


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