OT These Debates are Pathetic


Is this all the better we can do? I find it hard to believe that these candidates are the best we can find to lead this great country.
I believe the majority of the most qualified individuals wouldn't take the job if it was offered, and most assuredly wouldn't go thru the hassle to become elected. What we are offered are generally power seeking, smile-in-your-face, back slapping (stabbing?) individuals whom would find it difficult to excell in most non-political occupations. Possible exceptions would be an TV evangelist, lobbyist, or civil rights and personal injury attorneys. Might also want to include "used car salesman". Many have had it much too good, with way too much money, little responsibility and really need to spend a few years in the trenches before realizing they have all the correct answers.
So can we assume you will be running in the next election? If not, you have no right to complain.
FYI, this is a tractor sight in the event you needed to be reminded.
I kinda believe, unfortunatly, that if and when one or more really GOOD and qualified candidates actually decided to run for president, between the media and all the rest of the other "behind the scenes" people that actually run things, that the truly qualified guys would never make it to the final election. Too many powerful people with their own agendas that might be negatively affected by some real-world common sense would just get 'em shut down before the bulk of the people ever even heard of them.
I think external_link won the first debate, neither won the second, and McCain won the third, so it didn't really make much of a difference in terms of changing peoples' minds. McCain seemed nervous last night but did well. external_link was just floundering his way through. He didn't look prepared to speak, not at all. I do wish McCain would have tore external_link up when they got to talking about abortion. Oh well. I like neither one but dislike external_link more, so....
If they wanted to have a real debate then do the following.
Let 1 guy (me) or someone with the 8alls to do this-- ask these questions.

1. Mr. Right and Mr. Left you have 20 seconds to answer--Do you support gun rights in the USA?

2. Mr. Right and Mr. Left you have 20 seconds to answer this question too---Do you believe that Abortion is murder?

3. Do you believe that the money that a US citizen earns belongs to him or the Government?
20 seconds to answer that too.

4. Mr. Right and Mr. Left dont make promises, just tell the truth---(real hard for any politician)

5. In summary Mr. Left and Right Will YOU stand next to and support the US constitution? If you dont are you ready to stand trial for not doing it?

And dont let them babble on and on with promises and BS. I hate that.
FYI, if you complain about a political post, but still make a poitical comment in it, you might be two faced.
It's a free country; you don't have to read the posts.

As I've said before, MOST tractor people don't live in a vacuum and they do pay attention to what is going on outside their shops. This would be particularly true in an election year, with an election that will determine whether the USA goes even more socialist or retains some vestiges of freedom and liberty.

Now stop your whining.
Twenty seconds is about nineteen too long to answer these. Yes and no don't take very long. Good questions I'd like to hear them answer though. I think we already know how each would answer if they had the guts to do so. TDF
I thought it was ironic, Fox News had Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee analyzing the debate. I'm wondering, why are they on the sideline instead of in the game? How did we come to this? And I agree, the more McCain and external_link talk the more it sounds like "blah, blah, blah..."
Obamy claims there will only be a raise in taxes for buisneses making $250,000 . That includes YOUR CO-OP , Your JD dealer , YOUR NH dealer , Red Brand Fence co. , Tractor Supply to name just a few . They will be passing those taxes on to us with higher prices so WE will be paying those taxes. He is going to lift the Bush tax cuts so when he gives 95% of the people a tax cut you will still be paying more than you are now ! Another thought which I have plenty , When gas prices went over $4.00 most folks were screaming it`s all Bush , he`s a big oil man , Now that gas is back down to under $3.00 why is`nt anyone patting him on the back for lowering the price ?
Obamy has been like that from the begining . He can talk for a hour and say nothing . McCain brought it up last night that you have to watch the way he words things . He said that he will LOOK at offshore drilling , he`s been apposed to it from the start and says he will LOOK at it because he knows the people want to drill . Look at it is all he will do while wadding it up and tossing it in the trash
Some more: Do you believe in "trickle down" economics?
Do you believe in deregulation or sensible regulation?
Do you believe it was a good idea to attack Iraq and leave Afghanistan on the back burner?
Do you believe it was a good idea to let the Northern Alliance take the lead after Bin Laden when we had him in our scope at Tora Bora?
Do you believe the taking of land as we speak from the Palestinians by Israel (goes on everyday)? And to follow up, will this taking of land lead to more hate and violence?
That 250,00 dollars tax applies to farmers and the ones that sold fall crop beans in June at 15.00 dollars have a healthy number for the tax man this next April. Saw a bean check that had 15.00 dollars beans inpressive. Now with the O man he will spread the wealth around. Not the way to go. Wasn't this worked on in northern Europe and dropped? The Joe guy is an excellent example of companies down sizing to be self standing with Joe and a helper be beat the IRS with the O man plan. The gov paid off the big banks to play nice with other and to heck with the workers that can manage money and turn a profit and hire workers.
Another wonderful product of affirmative action.

Trouble is, this professional leach has the same faulty judgement traits of his maternal heritage.

We just got the bill for the Clintionan debacle and now we've got to put up with this screwball along with the likes of Nance, Reed and Murtha?

Boys, the nuts are taking over the asylum, the whirlpool is now spinning and we're headed down the drain.

Joe is a pretty sharp fella. A reporter ask him if he was going to vote for external_link. Joe said he didn't trust him. Also said that external_link tapped danced around the questions without giving an answer. Compared him to Sammy Davis Jr. I think Joe has it right.
I sighted a bunch of tractors in the Tractor Photo Gallery on the left...................
external_link is a MARXIST. He keeps repeating the lie that that 95% of small businesses don't make over $250.000. That's bull$hit, I work for a small business, we have about 200 employees, the company makes far more than $250.000. He is going to cost us alot of jobs, and he is going to TANK the economy. He wants to spread the wealth around? He wants to give tax rebates back to people who don't even pay taxes. This guy is a socialist nightmare. People better wake the hell up, or we are going to be in alot of trouble. Oh, also, I read on here that somebody was talking about Israel taking land away from the palistinians. The fact is they have been giving land BACK, but it is never enough for those rats. They still launch missiles just about every day into Israel. That's right, I call them rats, I remember 9-11 when they were dancing in the streets after we were attacked. The fact that we send boatloads of our money to them makes me sick. Jack
Jack E,

Why is this so difficult to understand?

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Not trying to be argumentative, but sticking one's head in the sand is no answer either.

Like Jack says, we are on the verge of a REAL national catastrophe, there's 19 days left and this country had better wake the he!! up.

Putting the welfare recipients in charge of the piggy bank has already been proven to be a total disaster.

Just look at where we're at today and how we got here.

I would have more been impressed by BOTH, if they agreed to dispense with all negative ads that have no real answers to to the same questions that they have been asked, but neither one gives a definitive answer
Hell, McCain was Joe's best buddy last night, even though they never met. Anyone in his pay bracket has NO idea what it is like to work long hours, every day, for enough to pay for health insurance, food, utilities, taxes, ONE mortgage, and hope that you might have a little to put into savings, IRA or 401K
They gave some back while taking some more in another area. The media only reports the give back but not the take away.
I don't want to insult anybody here, I am just worried about what I see going on. I'm 47 and I see a socialist getting ready to take the country over. I've have'nt seen anything like this. Sorry if you were offended. Jack
It's simple. The haves have reasoned that they deserve to be the haves and the have nots deserve to be have nots, even if the vast majority of the haves have never held a job that actually gave them calluses. I understand that there will always be abuses by some have nots but can anyone tell me that many many haves haven't committed huge costly abuses over all of history? The haves cost way more to support and put back in line over the years. Corporate welfare takes up far more of the national debt every year.
Already have and I live in the real world.

Don't make your judgements based on the spoon-feeding you've been getting from the media; that's all BS from the top down.

I'm one of the guys who has to help pay for those damned food stamps and know full well how the world spins.

There are producers and there are takers. Question is, which line you're gonna stand in.

Take it easy; this is an important election whether you realize it or not. Obviously you are a lib and don't like what you are reading.
The thing about these debates is, external_link is a more polished speaker, and McCain often strays from the question. He does not directly answer the questions, that is abundantly clear and it was interesting to hear his opinion on how external_link speaks, having to watch his words closely etc. I still do not know what to make of each candidate, the only differences I can see is what they propose to do, which is still quite vague in my mind.

Both have designed plans, McCain has often reflected on his voting record, and seems to really focus on that, he attacks external_link's voting record, so I suppose we are to decide who has actually done what, and what is better in regards to what each has supported. Ok, understanding we learn from the past, and it is the foundation for many things to come, what about the future, change and getting the job done, the job that needs to be done now and at all costs ? We don't have any room for B.S., corruption and all the other crap that goes on anymore.

The thing with politics is this, most, not all, people are so far removed from our political system, and yet you would think that the same people represent a significant amount of votes, point is, my belief is we just don't rattle enough cages and press these people to get sh$t done.

Think about it, you work for a busy company and have a lot of responsibility, there are always deadlines and things that must get done no matter what, or the company is not successful, and your job is on the line. You work in some kind of a trade, there is always someone pushing production, keeping the ball rolling or what happens, company will not be successful and your job is on the line. A well run business may or may not be the best example to use, but what if all of us, a majority who have busy lives, who may be far removed from our political system, who do not have the time, ability or even education to really have an effective understanding of what really goes on in our own politics, (I'll be the first to admit I don't know a darned thing about politics) mostly due to their priorities in life, were to start at the bottom and start lighting fires under the lowest level politicians @sses, then get that prybar started, create some leverage, and just not let up until each one of them realizes that someone is going be all over them to move their butt and do their job to represent the people.

I see this whole thing in simple terms, the political process is stagnant, and many of the actual politicians are the ones who have contributed to this, they need to go. Although we elect a president, that person still has to deal with congress and the house etc. We as people need to start rattling cages, just like an effective manager does in a well run company, you can't perform, you can't get it done, we will get someone who can, it's that simple and it starts at the bottom.

Every elected politician is a result of some form of success, the problem with achieving success, is it detracts from building character because you have reached a plataeu or milestone providing comfort, a politician should never lose sight of being hungry no matter how comfortable they are, when they do, the process becomes stagnant and ineffective. These people are just too darned comfy and they need a fire lit under their @ss !

Well that's all folks, and I certainly hope we get someone who is got a clipboard, takes names and kicks some @ss, if we don't, it's going to get real interesting real quick.
You are absolutely correct in what you posted; don't pay any attention to the whiners who either can't see or don't want to see what's going on and can't understand what will happen if external_link is elected.
If you can't see who the real takers are then you are truly fooled. Look to the top and compare how many dollars go to each direction. I know there are abuses at the low end but you apparently are oblivious to the abuses at the top. Let go of your hate of another color and take another look.
Just where do you draw the line on what constutes a small business. I would think 200 employees would be a middle class business. AS far as spreading the wealth down good luck. As someone said the haves think they need it all and workers should not own anything. It is a 2 way street if you treat emplotee with respect and fairness they will make company suceed . We have taken away most of company loyalty away the last decade.
Should be called whiners I see a lot of it on rep side. Talk about socalists state what is country doing in the banking business? jb
You will not get any arguement from me about that. I do not like the idea of government buying into the banks and private business. I think we might have been better off letting the markets sort themselves out. Look at the gyrations of the stock market. I don't have all the answers. I'm not a big fan of McCain. But, He is not openly talking about taking money from the producers of this country, and GIVING it to people who don't do anything to EARN it. We are talking about taking a hard turn to the left and socialism, and I believe if we do, we will never be able to recover from it. Jack



(1) 'Press 1 for English' is immediately banned. English is the official language; speak it or wait at the border until you can.

(2) We will immediately go into a two year isolationist posture to straighten out the country's attitude. NO imports, no exports.
We will use the 'Wal-Mart's policy, 'If we ain't got it, you don't need it.'

(3) When imports are allowed, there will be a 100% import tax on it.

(4) All retired military personnel will be required to man one of our many observation towers on the southern border. (six month tour) They will be under strict orders not to fire on SOUTHBOUND aliens.

(5) Social security will immediately return to its original state. If you didn't put nuttin in, you ain't gettin nuttin out. The president nor any other politician will not be able to touch it.

(6) Welfare - Checks will be handed out on Fridays at the end of the 40 hour school week and the successful completion of urinalysis and a passing grade.

(7) Professional Athletes --Steroids - The FIRST time you check positive you're banned for life.

(8) Crime - We will adopt the Turkish method, the first time you steal, you lose your right hand. There is no more life sentences. If convicted, you will be put to death by the same method you chose for your victim; gun, knife, strangulation, etc.

(9) One export will be allowed; Wheat, The world needs to eat. A bushel of wheat will be the exact price of a barrel of oil.

(10) All foreign aid using American taxpayer money will immediately cease, and the saved money will pay off the national debt and ultimately lower taxes. When disasters occur around the world, we'll ask the American people if they want to donate to a disaster fund, and each citizen can make the decision whether it's a worthy cause.

(11) The Pledge of Allegiancewill be said every day at school and every day in Congress.

(12) The National Anthem will be played at all appropriate ceremonies, sporting events, outings, etc.

Sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes but a vote for me will get you better than what you have, and better than what you're gonna get. Thanks for listening, and remember to write in my name on the ballot in November.
God Bless America !!!!!!!!!!!

This was sent to me. Claim is that it is from the gentleman that starred in The Cosby Show!

my 2 cents worth again lets see if I get deleted again ! something fishy going on here too ?
I couldn't agree more. If Nobama gets elected we're finished. Don't forget to vote early and often. (;>))
Why don't you count all the leaches in your wallet? Along with the welfare recipient count things like property taxes. In my very nnalert run county of Olmsted in MN my property taxes went up 65% last time while property value went down. Now at the last county meeting they are talking about another tax hike. Another thing, somehow we lost a large part of the public airways and now we pay to watch TV (I don't but if you want to watch something good you have too now-a-days). We gave them up to big business. Now I have this danged DTV that works like horsesh!t that the GOP Congress forced down my throat. There was a GOP state lawmaker that introduced a law to force all ATVs to pay a tax whether or not they are used on public roads or just on your own farm only. The GOP state government passed it. They also passed a law banning county people from burning their own garbage and they almost passed a law taxing all private wells in the state. Thank goodness the DFL took back the house and senate in MN in 2006 though I do not fully trust them I trust them more than the GOP.
Big businesses to me are Ford, GM. Businesses like that. Small businesses that employ 100-200 people, I'm not talking about flower shops or lawn services. Businesses that are not global, but regional. Those are the businesses that are the backbone of this coutry. external_link intends to raise their taxes. When he does, in this economy, it is going to hurt and cost alot of jobs. It has been proven time and time again, you LOWER taxes and economical growth happens and government revenue goes UP. Government spending has to be cut, but it seems that neither party is ever really serious about that. Jack
Hey, I hear you man, I live in Md. The clowns in this state government has not seen a tax increase they don't like. We have a city named Baltimore. I am talking about a GIANT whirpool that sucks money down 24 hrs. 7days a week, 365 days a year. Believe me I hear you. Jack
You got that right. he was immediately painted as a wacko by all sides. He was a real threat to the status quo.
Allan, All I am doing is trying to honor the rules laid out by our host.

I did not write them. All I did was copy and paste the rules we acknowledge with every post we make.
I've tried to follow the CEO hearings on Lehman and AIG, and have not heard any admittance of failure yet. The haves are more in control of their personal safety nets than the shareholders are.
Joe the plumber would get my vote, he has a better understanding of what Obammys tax increase will do to America than all of the drive-by mass media! I hear Joe "the Gaffer" nnalert was attacking him in a speech today. Joe: Get ready to be gang audited if Obammy gets in!
Watch what the "Main Stream Media" does to Joe, the man who would dare question the chosen one, plumber. If he has anything in his past, they are going to shred him. Jack
Explain again who put you in charge. The rest of us understand how it works here, we talk politics for a while then the mod deletes it. What don't you understand about that?
Don't really care about what he or you say. Just don't care for the two faced ones that read and comment in the political posts, then report them to the mods.
Ha,Ha, this is true, really unfortunate for the lack of accountability by some of these people who are supposed to represent us, the tables need to be turned on them.
Explain again who put you in charge. The rest of us understand how it works here, we talk politics for a while then the mod deletes it. What don't you understand about that?

(quoted from post at 14:35:31 10/16/08) Don't really care about what he or you say. Just don't care for the two faced ones that read and comment in the political posts, then report them to the mods.

Why don't you start your own website and make your own "rules", if you can't honor the ones our host has?
You sound like a "spoiled brat" that never had any discipline while growing up. :roll:
"Trouble is, this professional leach has the same faulty judgement traits of his maternal heritage"

Allan, that has got to be the most PC thing I have herd on here in a long time. I am going to have to train my grandmother to say that before she get"s shot. She was talking about politcs the other day at the store. I can not repeat what all she said but the term "coal burner" was in there.

I just hope that most people come to their senses in a hurry. If not, it"s gonna get uglier quick.

I doubt my JD dealer makes just $250,000 a year. How can they pay employees and only make that much? I bet the local AGCO dealer makes over $250,000 a QUARTER between tractors, parts and implements. TSC, well probably not.

I didn't know that Bush Jr. was behind the gas prices. If he is why didn't he drop prices 6 months ago, when people needed it most?
...and the horse you rode in on.
This thread has been up since the 15th, so I figure the mods think it's OK for a little political to be discussed since it matters more than what color your tractor is.
I figure you whiners have reported this every hour so you've reported it approximately 48 time?
I don't know, Joe's no plumber and owes back taxes, I would guess he's not doing too good under the present system.
So you're one of those "if you argue against my post you're an Ahole" It don't work that way, if you hold Joe the PL to a higher standard and his own laundry ain't clean, then Oh Well. He was just movin in on the candidate that he didn't like.
He started out with he won't be able to buy his boss' business, he probably couldn't never buy it, because he some dud.
Tlak, Again, thanks for making my point. It matters not who speaks out against the messiah, the important thing is to root out the heretic and burn him alive. Joe the plumber is the little kid pointing out that the king is naked. Thanks again!

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