Boy time Flies!


I was just reading thru some of my old archived posts as I haven"t been on this forum for almost a year, and was reading back about my first tractor purchase and such... I"ve still got the same ole tractor, but she still runs and get"s done what I want and we still have the farm, just a lot more on it since then!

Glad to see some of you from back then are still on here- How"s everybody doing out there since the hurricanes?

Heirloom Country Farms
Hey, welcome back :-D

Glad to see you again. We figured we scared you off!!! I guess you diddnt let your tractor beat you, good for you, one of my 3 won against me.

Me and Bill (hillbillyOH) and sevral others have been without power for 8 days here in SW ohio. I know theres alot of folks who got off alot worse then we did. Did you get anything???
Hey Lanse!

WOW! No We didn't get a dang thing. (Hate to say, it'll take more than MEN to scare ME off!!) he,he,he Life just got in the way, AGAIN...

Seriously though, Is everybody ok though?? Do you guys need anything-besides a shower? We're fine down here, never even lost power, thank gawd, cause we live in one of those stupid recycled Campbell Soup cans with a door!

I hope everyone in the path of the hurricanes is ok or as ok as they can be at least.

(Boy, am I glad to hear from you lot! I was hoping my log-in still worked.....)

Cheers, and take care!
Untitled URL Link
Oh Lanse!

Well, I'm glad no serious damage came to you or yours. Things can be replaced, people can not. I guess being down here in N FL, we didn't really know how bad y'all got hit up there. We've had some terrible ones down here though too. Thankfully though it's been awhile for us.

What have we been up too? Well, 'what haven't I gotten myself into' is easier to answer, I think!
We have been expanding the farm left and right and dealing with and learning all kinds of things. We kinda "fell into" pig farming, believe it or not, we're raising catfish, ducks, guineas, sheep, layer chickens and we're on our 4th or 5th batch of broilers that we process and sell. Hubby built a clucker plucker and we have two sows that should farrow anytime now. We'll be selling pasture raised pork soon also. We're also doing rabbits, though whoever coined the phrase "breeds like rabbits" never actually TRIED to breed the lil buggers.

Kids changed schools and we're thinking of moving after the first of the year to get a better property and more secure house with a REAL barn.

That's pretty much it, hubby still works two hours away, but now works from home 3 days a week, so that helps. Veggie patches went to hades in a handbasket though. I couldn't keep up with everything..

How bout you, before the storm came?

Heirloom Country Farms
Yep, that was me.... Still have it though and it still runs good, cept for the blow by and needing a lot of oil to make it thru cutting. But she still run's strong. No, I haven't gotten it fixed yet, can't really afford to with this economy......
Heirloom Country Farms
97 year old maple root wadded over on the house and tore off 20 ft of wall and 5 windows , i had just moved my wife and her craft work out of the room when i suspected we could lose the tree ,, no power for 4 days ,, 20 miles west of louisville ky , BLESSINGS , JIM
I managed to land 3 tractor. I guess im an Allis Collector now. My 39b, my junkyard C that i parted out, and my 34 WC. Still wrestleing with sheep and putting up with chickens. Ya wanna come north and try out that plucker????

Same old boring school for me.

The C is the tractor that beat me and the only thing ive ever given up on. Its about 1/3 parted out. My B is still needing a rear seal and another O ring before i can get it back together. I not answering questions about the WC ;-)



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