wagon towed behind square baler

Does anyone have pics of how their wagon is towed behind their baler? We've got a NH 276 and homemade hay wagon, but I'm looking for inspiration on how to tow one behind the other
- tongue length
- where to attach to baler
- is 50hp JD 1630 enough to pull both with 100 bales
This would save quite a bit of work when it came time to put it up in the hayloft.
Don't know if I can do this but I have some pics of baling wheat straw with my my McCormick #45 baler and a wagon made out of old Ford axles. If I can't attach, email me and I'll send to you.
The MF-12 that I used to own, has a rear tongue or drawbar for the hay rack under the bale chute and then a chain supported bale chute that could rest on the front of the hay rack. Often I could bale 8 or 10 bales with no help on the rack, they would just line up and then I'd stop and go back and stack them. With help on the rack it put the bales on the front of the rack.

Gerald J.
Your baler is supposed to have a hitch on it. Go to the New Holland web site, look up parts 'search for parts', and look at the parts diagrams. You will see what should be there.

It looks to be the standard NH 3 piecws of pipe tube, one has tabs welded on to bolt on to the bale chamber, one is an angle bracket to bolt over to the right wheel area for bracing, and one slips inside the tube for the actual hitch.

Here you go.
You have way more power than you would need, pulled a IHC 46 baller with thrower and wagon with a 28 MAX PTO HP John Deere B tractor. Youe tractor is too new for me to know the model, is it a full size farm tractor or a compact type of tractor? If full size then no problem, if compact you may not have enough traction due to weight to safely handle. Before that pulled a 66 engine powered New Holland with a 1944 Ford 2N and pulled a wagon at all times; never baled on the ground; and never had traction problems but the tires were loaded for plowing and disking. And a normal load with the New Holland was 125 36" bales. The toung length on the wagon is not critical as the hitch on the baler is made adjustable to compensate for that and the hitch is offset to just the right side of bale chute. The hitch fastens to the axle with a hanger on a brace toward the rear of the chute with a brace towards the right side.
there is a hitch on the back of your baler. It is an adjustable round tube that is straight out the back.

You have enough horse power, it is just a matter of do you have enough weight.
It's a 1975 vintage machine, but it was perhaps marketed as 1520 south of the border (or at least a close match). Tires are ballasted, and I had the idea it was powerful enough, but I'm missing the tow package on the back of our baler. I'll go to the NH site.
Thanks all
We pulled a NH 268 with a JD B or a Farmall 200 with a wagon on back, loads up to 100 bales. As long as you're on fairly level ground, and not doing anything stupid, you can get along with a fairly light tractor. Got a magazine showing a JD 40 baling with a 14T in the mail yesterday. Now baling with a MF 180, and it just plays with the baler and loaded wagon.
Our JD's had a round tube made for a hitch, behind the bale chute. You just need to design, or buy the factory one, so that as you turn, it will not hit the wagon. Also needs to be close enough so the guys (or gals) on the wagon can reach the bales as they come out

(quoted from post at 09:06:01 09/11/08) STARTED WITH A77 NH . TTEN MY DAD SAID MENCH, 5 OR 6 LOADS BEFORE 5 AM 8 8 BALES A FORK TO MOW 88 BALES TO LOAD 8 ON TOP RENE'

Give us the english verison. :shock:

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