Hey Ga. Boys any rain!!!!

I live about 30 miles south of Warner robins and it has been raining for three days.HEAVY rain today.We went through the whole corn growing season with no rain and all of a sudden we got 4 inches in the past three days.I was just getting ready to start pulling some corn for my customers when the rain hit.I looked at the fields today and so far the wind hasn't blown them down bad but it will take a while for it to dry out.I am not complaning though,we desperately needed the rain.
We're in Columbia County, FL , about 40 miles from Ga and 70 miles West of where it made landfall in Flagler. We've had heavy rain for three days, but surprisingly little to no flooding. My fields have soaked it up, but we needed it, still at a deficit for the year. My rain gauge holds five inches and it overflowed a little, so I'm guessing 5-6 inches, with more coming. Old clay road to the house is pretty bad, maybe they'll send the grader soon. At least it's nothing like you guys faced in the midwest.


South of Atlanta down to Florida doing pretty well,our place in the N. Ga. mountains is dry as powder. Supposed to get some starting Tuesday.
we could use some of that rain. Send it up north because PA and all of MD is completely dry and dusty.
I watched my gauge fill to 6 inches yesterday (Saturday) and emptied it and now has 2 1/2 in it. A real good soaker; much needed. This is south Ga. about 40 miles from the Fla. line. TDF
Seems we have been getting rain daily, or at least every 3 days, something always shows up, for the last 2-3 months, lately it's been like the tropical rain forest, every afternoon, however, and thinking we are due for a dry spell, been sunny and clear since last tuesday and those who did get what probably was a low quality first cut hay in late June/July, are now getting a really nice 2nd cut. The weather has been picture perfect for drying a 2nd cut. I was in the fields helping my neighbor load up round bales after work 3 days this week, really nice dry green leafy hay, he should be baling another 15-20 acres of it today, with another 35 to custom bale, and say another 20 still to cut,dry, rake and bale of 2nd cut, that is if he can get to it, and the weather holds. The wet weather has screwed up the schedule, he's got a big tandem with a grain/sileage body on it that gets hired for sileage every year, they probably have already started or will be chopping soon, hoping he gets caught up, I'll get a call to help out if his sons are too busy after work, don't mind a bit, nice to get out into these fields, always interesting on the hills, had to tow one bale out of the swamp already !

Good to hear some of you guys needing rain got a soaker, seems that would be really odd to have a drought here, probably possible too, but I can't ever remember it being dry beyond 2-3 weeks.
got almost 2" here so far, slow soaking rain that is much needed even got out in it and moved a tractor to the deer camp (drove) about 3 miles it was great.
5 and a half in Worth county. Needed it but this isn't gonna do any good for the corn everyone has been trying to pick. Haven't checked for damage, but should be bad with some sun and heat. Otherwise, well neede and not much severe weather.

We have gotten a inch and a half here in Griffin, Ga. It has been sprinkling for a day and a half so far. I wish that it would go ahead and pour. Been having to tote water for 2 weeks. This has been the driest year in my 47 years of age. It always seems to rain above or below us.
I got about 3 inches in Dodge county. We could use quite a bit more. Most of it came slow enough it soaked in rather than run off. My pecan trees really needed it.


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