OT: Budweiser sold out to Belgiam brewer.

I just got done reading the Lee Ioccaca post, and do agree with a lot of what he says. Anyone else concerned with too many of our major corporations, in other words, major employers, being sold cheap to overseas bargain hunters because the dollar is so friggin weak? The weak dollar is one of the reasons our fuel is so obscenely high. The good old USA is heading down the wrong path, and if we keep re-electing the same old people, who just happen to bring pork to our districts, do you think anything is going to change? DOUG
Even if they did change on some things. I am not so sure it is not to late for us.
We have built a world here that white washes even our own laws of the land. Even train or men and women to be good military people and train them on how to kill. Then turn around and charge these same we trained with murder in a country that is at war with us. ... Even it the top brass says the war is over... it is not over when our people still are dieing in my eyes.
Prices going up at high on gas as they did so fast. One knows it was not cause of some shortage. But big money and oil companies!
Who can you trust in government anymore. They tell you what you want to hear and do the opposite.
If you don't agree with me..sorry.. just my thoughts now.
I've spent quite a bit of time this evening pondering which brand of beer to switch to. Been drinking Bud for about 35 years now but WILL NOT drink it any longer! Any ideas on a good American brand? Dave
Nothing wrong with a good old PBR beer.. Johnny Russell had it right... Red necks, White socks , and Blue Ribbon Beer..
Plenty of beers that are way better than Bud.Most beers are close to water.Bull Ice and Steel Reserve taste like some barley and hops were used to make the beer.Light beer is awful,friends who drink more beer than I do seem to be into the light stuff.The Belgians eat a lot of horse meat,wonder if the Clydsdales are at risk.
Well the news isn't going to get any better.With the Gov't bailout of Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac
that means more money from the Gov't printing press,lower US Dollar,higher fuel prices,and more foreign companies buying up things in the
US.We're turning into a nation of sharecroppers
and we deserve it for trying to live a rich man's
life on a poor man's salary.
I found one called Old Style but i've only seen it in the chicago area and I don't like beer so much as to willingly subject myself to chicago just for a beer
Given that Busch stole the Budweiser brand name from a Bohemian company, it's only fair that they got bought out by Europeans.

Hopefully the Belgians can get them to brew something a little less crappy than their current offerings.
That's the end of Bud, that's for sure. Miller has been gone for quite a while. But if you can get it in your area, I'd go for Yuengling. It is not a Chinese beer but rather the oldest continuously operating brewery in the US. Since 1829.
I hope they don't discontinue my beloved Natural Light. Aint nothin' better after a hot day in the field, knowin they been sitting there in that slushy-mix in my cooler in the back of my truck. Dang, makes me want one for breakfast!! just kiddin, I'll wait til the work is over.

They had to be traded on the big board. Soo they can be bought even when not for sale. Never tuched the head ach brand. Figured China would pay cash for the entire deal!
Dave BN - Don't go with Miller brands. SAB Miller is reportedly owned in large part by Hugo Chavez who owns Citgo (purchased through the London stock exchange). This dictator is buying up all the USA stuff he can steal (from the Venesualean people) the money for. Bob Farrell
Yeah, and those damn Japanese, they bought Rockefeller Center!

There's no need to panic folks. We've seen this all before, we'll see it all again.
Dave, you ever drink Grain Belt? Tried it the other day at supper, just wondering what your thoughts were on it.
Well many use to be rich farmers and businessmen till a D*** fat cat government bought out by gangsters and crooks broke us. Time they got bought and get their share going down too.
Been a Bud drinker since I was 7 ,,lol ! Will keep drinking it . It's still made in US <so far > Gotta keep the folks in StLouis employed !
Havn't really found another beer I like .Used to drink lot of Old style , not sure if it's still brewed in LaCrosse or not . Might be my back up beer . Be interesting to see if they make any major changes in marketing and racing sponsorships ? Hopefully not.
Sam Adams if it's available in your area. I saw the owner on the news last night and he said that they are now the biggest American brewery. He couldn't beleive it himself. Said it's like a Little League team winning the World Series because nobody else showed up. Jf
(quoted from post at 10:34:49 07/15/08) And Dubai(sp) bought the Chrysler building

They bought out the lease, it is still owned by the same college since its construction... and the land was owned by them before that.
They are a major employer in my area .I just hope they dont start laying off.Its not the "king of beers" but its the standard by which all others are judged.The price of hops has gone way up since the corn growing craze.Price increase soon.Im only good for about a twelve pack a year anyway.Just twelve at once.Never gave me a headache,I must say.Beer drinking is like going to the gym.You must hit it hard on a daily basis or dont bother.
Sam Adams bought the old Hudepohl brewery on the west side of downtown Cincinnati. My BILs used to drink Hudy DeLite.
Dennis - VA True, it is a South African Company. Who are the shareholders?? (Chavez???). Citgo is an American company and Chavez controls it - fact. bob farrell

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