Wind Generators

Haven't caught the whole story but they said we don't have the grid for the wind generator electricity. I figured the grid was just run a cable to any electric pole/line.
Boone's a nutcase turncoat. Made his billions off of oil, now is on the side that will restrict it's use in the future. He's rich enough that it won't impact him any, just us blue collar folks.
So your saying we need more foreign oil not something we already have wind???? IndianaRed your statement make no sense to me. How does this hurt the working man, how does staying like we are headed help you any?
I just dont get it.
Here some near us (30 miles), locted at King City, MO




I'm not saying we need more foreign oil. Quite the opposite. I believe we have more than enough of our own right here in America for hundreds of years.

Wind power will never be the answer, although I too wish that it could be.

Why do you think we need wind power? Because of Global Warming? Very respectfully, you've taken a big bite out of the Leftist's Propaganda Pie and you don't even know it.

I'm not against conservation. We should all do what we can when and where we can. Nor am I against change and new developments, they are and will be necessary. But we already have an abundant and, what should be, inexpensive domestic energy supplies. Trillions and trillions of barrels right here in the U.S..

I'm all for them. They help some. But not wind nor solar power technologies are anywhere near the point where we can rely on them as our main energy supplies. Winds stops blowing. Sun doesn't always shine. Would you be willing to turn off the lights and the air conditioning/heating on days when the wind isn't blowing? Or during the winter when daylight hours are much shorter?
I saw Boone Pickens on the tube today, and he came off as a real patriot. He is against importing oil! 600 billion per year is killing our economy, and he is right. He is pushing not only wind, but natural gas, solar, drilling for more oil, nuclear, whatever gets us out of importing more oil. The most common sense program I have heard.
I understand why you would say that. And I agree that on it's face it all seems well and good. But he also believes that humans are causing Global Warming, and perpetrating that lie undoes all the good things he says.

Again, I am all for wind and solar, but they are not the answer. Drilling now, domestically, and building new refineries is the only way we will bring down the cost of a gallon of gas, and keep our economy, and our families, strong.

I meant no offense in anyting I've said. I hope you didn't take it that way.
west of me near seneca il, they are putting in wind generators and tie-ing them in to the grid at lasalle county nuclear power plant grid.
I think that's good. I actually think they're nice to look at. I drive for a living and have seen them all over the country. Big wind farms in Texas and California, and the ones you're talking about in IL. Every little bit helps. But they'll never be a primary source of electricity. The ones you're referring to are perfect, tied into an existing power plant, help when they can, and the plant is there when they can't. We could use a lot more nuclear power plants.
yup red, i agree with you, wind wont give us 100% of what we need, but with energy costs so high, it makes alternative sources more economical. 20 year ago wind power was over 30 cents/kwhr, now it somewhere around 4-5 cents kwhr. like solar, pretty enviornmental friendly. i wonder how much power could be generated if instead of shingles, all roofs were solar panels? geothermal would be another source to generate power. now if only somebody could invent the george jetson space car that shot little o's out the back, we'd be standing in tall cotton!!
I was watching This Old House, or some show like that the other day. They're actually making shingles now that are solar panels. Pretty neat. A lot more expensive, but will probably be cheaper and a standard item in 10-15 years.
The power wires from the wind generator field have to be big enough to carry the energy away. There is a group of locally owned turbines north of Jefferson, Iowa, but they can't run all of them because the power structure can't absorb that much power..

Gerald J.
Yeah they just put up 16 of those big suckers by my house here in New York.Can see em when you come down my road.Cant see em from the house though.Hey Im all for clean envirement an all.But what irks me is these thing might save me 10 bucks a month on my elec bill some day,But somebody some where is making more money than his grandkids will be able to spend.Something just not right about that.
We still have to have power plants, for when
the wind isn"t blowing......and, i"ve heard say
that the power grid has to be redone to handle
all of those kilowatts coming from remote places
in the boondocks where they"re building wind
Does anyone use one of the smaller windmills that are home sized?
My in-laws put in a heat pump (NE Ohio). They were using 1000 gallons of fuel oil, $100/month in electric and also were heating with wood. Now they have a $200-$250/month electric bill and heat with a little less wood. With that much fuel oil it will pay off pretty quick and they've got air conditioning now. (I've been looking for a diesel tractor for them to burn the 500 gal of oil they've got left). Ground water heat pump would make even more sense since the ground is a constant temp.

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