Locked topics are undesired


Well-known Member
A community thrives on its humanity. I do not believe in a (new) policy that locks a post from furthe contributions, while leaving it on screen. This is not a rant, it is an opinion. Topics that vere from the original topic, or ask for assistance (metaphysical, emotional, or psychological) are a part of this community.
Those posts with defamation, foul and degrading language, and political trashing (not political reasoning) should be removed to maintain civility.
The post below asking for prayers is an example.
Any one can pray In their own way for the welbeing of others, (or choose to ignore it).
I write this as a new thread to find what your opinions are, Let us persuade the forum administration to let this happen. JimN
Jim I agree that if it is up here it should be open for comment. What made you post this? Has that started to happen on this forum?
On the Huntsmith forum, the moderator warns or deletes any foul language, hostility, or degrading comments. However, the original topic stays. It's unfair to punish everyone on the forum for the ignorance of the few. Deal with the rule breakers and leave everyone else alone.

My $.02.

Larry in Michigan
Everyone's got an opinion; mine is that if "it" belongs to you, you do whatever you want with it, within the boundaries of the law.
I favor as much freedom as the folks running this site can allow. I'm sure drawing lines between what can & can't be expressed on here is difficult. It's just like so many problems: 2 sides to each question, if not more. Not a perfect world.
There have been quite a few prayer requests on this forum,about one everyday almost. First one I've seen locked. I wonder what's up.
I'm not sure I've ever seen a locked topic. i have seen a few orphaned or damaged ones that could not be replied to though.. but that was a technical issue.


Your reason why is over on the site comments forum. Chris was gracious enough to clean up the thread with out deleting it as is normal for nasty comments. I don't know why he locked it. Only guess to keep further nasties from getting added. I actually applaud him for the clean up without deleting the whole thing
There"s always the possibility that it was a neccisary step to lock the thread. I don"t recall that EVER being done on here before. Good chance it was something that had to be done. I"m positive it WASN"T because of the threads topic, but as a result of someone"s foul disgusting mind trashing up that thread. Let"s not jump to the conclusion YT is at fault here.
I think it was (as indicated below) an issue with that particular, (and possibly other) post/s.
Freedom to express is the crown jewel in this forum.
Though garbage in some forms is not even fit for compost or recycling, I thank YT support for the efforts. Our statement is clear, we do like to relate to needs "beyond", it is our Permatex. JimN
I agree with what you say.

I take responsibility for the thread being locked, although that was not my intent. Another member from TT emailed me and asked me to report stick a fork"s comment to the moderator because they were having problems doing that, so I did. I believe most of us found that comment extremely repulsive.

I did not want the thread locked and that is not what I requested. All I asked was that his comment be removed. I apologize for the thread being locked. I apologize because it resulted from my request for his comment to be removed, even though I did not ask or want the thread to be locked.

TT is a great forum and I like that we can post threads about things other than strictly tractors. Its like an information mall. You can go to one site and get answers to all kinds of questions.

This forum is very much like a big family - friendly discussions, an occasional squabble, good natured ribbing and lots and lots of good info. And like a family, when a member is in trouble, we extend our help.

I sincerely hope YT/TT continues to allow us to post off topic threads.

Again, my apologies because the thread was locked as a result of my request to have stick"s comment removed.

I have left my email should anyone choose to respond to my post.

If I report a post in the future, I will be sure to state my complaint more precisely.
What I recall of it was it was NASTY and uncalled for! Way out of bounds. Thank you to all involved in getting it removed! Greg
"Freedom to express is the crown jewel in this forum"
That don't happen here and a lot of threads disappear.
No Nancy< I will not let you take the blunt for this action. I was me and I'll stand to take any punishment that comes out of this.
These wrongful comments were not made by compassionate , God loving people! God wants us to all get along, and to help one another ,He also gives these trying times to see if we can show love for others in need like Jesus did, He was on this earth to show what His father expected of man.
Some people were way out of line. They need to think what they convey on a serious situation.

I only have a 9th grade education, and in that time I learned enough English that I don't need vulgar words to get my point across.

Another post on same forum, someone tried to make a "funny" about George Burns. This was not ask for,as the post was ? "prayers needed " I and others on this forum found this repulsive And demeaning to the fine folks that ask for our help comforting them in a time of need.

To those that have the nerve to come up with a stupid reason why they posted these disrespectful comments, like [the devil made me do it], You are following the wrong person!!

If you don't intend to be respectable don't post on a Christian related subject!!!

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