Weather Guessors???


Well-known Member
Four different t.v. channels, four differnt news shows, four different weather forcasts, does this mean that their is four differnt computers that is forcasting this weather, or just four different mind sets trying to read the computers? At any rate it makes haying a crap shoot!
they do what they can, which i doubt is that good. follow it for a while and which ever station is most accurate sounds like a winner
listen to your ag stations and they do 2 differnet models. the european and the american. Sometimes they say the euro looks good and then sometimes the american looks good. I just go with the weather report off of ag weekend. He uses the airstreams to forcast and seems to be right the majority of times.
Yep know how you feel on that one. I watch 2 or 3 and also check with NOWA and see what they say. If I get a 3 day window that most agree on I cut some hay. I only cut a small area just to make sure I don't loose to much hay if they are wrong
Hobby farm
There are several weather models. All faulty. But faulty for different conditions. Forecaster that I know look at all the model results, then at the observations and sometimes agree with a model or make their own forecast. Though it is very much easier to pick a model and let the computers interpret and publish it.

Gerald J.
The NWS radar eliminates the weatherman for me, you can see what's going on and what is headed your way, only problem is during the warm weather, when cold and warm air meet, the radar can be clear, then change quickly as storm clouds build up. Tracking and predicting, we all know how that goes, the radar helps you make your own call. We've been getting rain on/off lately hard to get a window open for hay, last week there was a nice 3 day opening, then rained on/off since.
Weather forecasting is the only job where you can be wrong 90% of the time and still have a job.

I think this dork on our local channel 10 must get paid by the word. He can preempt the regular programming for three hours, talking about all the horrible weather that's going on, and the next day nobody seems to have had anything beyond a few showers.

I usually go by on my computer.

That reminds me, though, maybe some of ya'll remember a couple of years ago when a weatherman in Michigan forecast up to 8" of snow that didn't happen. The next evening, in all innocence, a female anchor asked on camera, "So, Bob, where's that eight inches you promised me last night?"

They had to close the set down for ten minutes while everyone composed themselves.
Here in southwestern Va. we had extreme heat for several days. Most of my hay was cut but still had some to cut. Weather forcast was for 50% chance of showers and t-storms. I figured another couple days of the heat the hay would ruin standing since it was already dead ripe. That was a 100% chance of losing it versus a 50% chance of getting it wet in the mow. Knowing the weather forecasters are generally 90% wrong I Calculated their 90% error margin on the 50% chance of rain actually decreased the chance of rain by a whoping 45% leaving only a 5% chance of a shower, therefore I hooked to the haybine and went at it. All this siffering worked in my favor. Got the hay all finished with no rain. Two days later we got a little over an inch of much needed rain and the temps are back to normal. Having said all this I really don't think the calculated percentages had a thing to do with it. Must have been because I prayed for no rain untill I got my hay in. I guess I was looked upon with favor!
James says its the only job where you can be wrong 50% of the time and remain employed.

My nephew-in-law is a meteorologist (not on tv, but the real deal). He says any weather prediction more than 24 hours out is just an educated guess.
Tell me about it. I'm so p!ssed off at all of'em they'd better not cross my path. I baled some last night too green because their "future cast" showed thunderstorms over us by 6 this morning. Today was the nicest day we've had in over a week. So,with that forcast,I didn't cut anymore yesterday either now it looks like tomorrow would be a perfect haying day too. Guess I'll spend tomorrow cutting. We could use a little more rain again.

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