You are now in charge

Here is your chance. You have just been put in charge of solving our world oil price problem.
Give us some leadership and tells us what should we as a nation do to combat this problem.

While I am not worldly I do know it is places like China that are buying up all the oil they can get their hands on driving up the price.
And I am not a CEO but I can tell that suing a business (OPEC) for not supplying enough product is just crazy because supply and demand drives prices up or down and as a business I want to make as much profit as I can.

So what do we do???????????

Since 70+% of people live within 50 miles of work I would like to see a move to elect cars for at least 1 of the 2 family cars. This would require better batteries but that can be done in time.

While I like a clean planet we need to find a middle ground. I would like to see our government step in and protect companies trying to come up with new ideas from the tree huggers.

I think we need to move to more clean coal and nuclear elect power plants to supply power for our homes and cars rather than using oil to heat and drive.

I saw a piece on the news where someone in Fla said they do not want any drilling off their coast because it is a tourist state. Any place with a mind set like that should pay extra for oil to offset the cost. Just look at southern La and you can see oil and tourist can get along.

I feel we as a nation need to change our mind set of got to have it overnight so trains could haul more of our goods.

Your ideas????????????
Well Florida better look out over their coast because right now China and Cuba are working together drilling for oil 60 miles off their coast. I also heard they are to be drilling at an angle so it places the well right under US.
Now why don't we drill for ourselves ? Last oil refinery built here was 37 years ago too. There was still some oil and gas to be had out of the old abandoned oil wells here , but the government made you cap them.
Basically, make the R&D investments, and use emminent domain / regulatory powers when necessary (i.e. building nuclear plants and powerlines) to make other technologies competetive with $2.50 gasoline. Expand the overall supply of energy to keep prices down.
The nnalert ARE the "tree and bunny huggers!" Why can't we drill in the U.S? Anwar or off shore. Because the nnalert would rather tax "Big Oil." Corporations, including Big Oil, don't pay tax; they pass it on to us.

Electric cars make sense, but a lot of us aren't in a position to buy a new car. Michigan's economy is in the tank. Everyone's waiting for the auto industry to come back. It ain't coming back. The unions killed it with their demands and corruption. Our workers don't have a set number of walls or studs to build in a day so if they hit that quota, they can sit and play cards like union workers in the auto plants.

If the media would keep their mouth shut about every rumor, it might help. Gas prices become a self-fulfilling prophecy. We expect gas to be $5.00 by the 4th of July, so why are we surprised when it is?

We need to expand nuclear energy use and improve burning coal.

How does the U.S. think they can sue OPEC becuase they sell their product to the highest bidder? Maybe the nnalert could tax them too.

Congress has sat on their hands for over 35 years when the oil embargo of 1973 hit. They have solved nothing. My guess is, they won't solve this problem either.

I plan to keep cutting wood so I don't need to use as much propane.

Larry in Michigan
Every area needs visionaries to figure out what kind of alternative energy possibilities they have. Pacific Northwest has potential for more water power, if we can keep the huggers from trying to take out the ones we already have. One estimate is that a solar array in the desert southwest could supply the whole country with electricity. Heaven knows there must be something good about that infernal constant wind in the midwest. Brazil has proven that sugar cane is the best feedstock for ethanol- fill up the south with cane fields again. And while we're at it, remove the tariffs so Brazil can send some of their ethanol up here. And after spending some time in Hawaii, it seems that they could easily grow enough cane to become 100% gasoline free, almost overnight. What is there about flex-fuel cars that couldn't be duplicated on others with a "kit"? Seems to me the best auto would be the "50 miles on electricity then flex-fuel hybrid." I literally wouldn't use a drop of liquid fuel from one week to the next. The list goes on and on. I've always thought it was foolish to think we can continue to increase the population of the planet without experiencing some degradation to natural resources and the "environment". Maybe $8 gasoline will be the kick in the butt the huggers need to drive that point home, and for some political pressure to do something before we all freeze in the dark.
I don't think the auto industry is coming back either. But as far as the labor question, if you can compete with Mexicans @3 per hour or Chinese @1 per hour, have at it.
We basicly have morons running the goverment. Taxing big oil makes no sense. The Damocrates want to tax the profits and at the same time increase captiol gains. The results probably be a large selloff of the oil stocks and achieve nothing in the form of tax revenue. We have Senator in Michigan (Carl Levin) that has spent the entire Bush term trying to bring him down while Michigan goes into the dumps. Just think. If drilling in Anwar was approved when Bush took office we would be using Anwar oil today. One has to wonder how much US oil is shipped out of the country.
Can't fix everything...but we could get off to a good start.
A lot of it is not the cost of oil. It is that the value of the dollar is worth half or less than it was 18 months ago. Why? Because of all of these one sided trade agreements that allow them to ship in...and take empty containers home.
1...Fix it like this. Give companies here a tax break to bring the business back home.
2...When a container come to our port must go back full with goods.
3...We need need food. We should keep raising the price of exported grains until they get the idea. We are nothing more than the worlds garden.
Just my 2 cents. Bring the manufacturing back to these shores...not over there. Shoot...if anything ever happened...we could not even get steel and other materials anymore.
Get the value of the dollar back where it belongs.
Funny the Japanese think its cheaper to build their cars here in the states and they pay better than union wages, without the union dues and strikes that only keep one from making a decent living.
I not a big union man as one can see Yes they had their place once but one just has to study history and remember Hoffa to see why they are going the way of the Dodo bird.
Yeah, I heard that most of the land and utilities, training, and etc was given to the Japanese to come over here with their factories and the end result is they are taking our money out of here by the arm loads while our factories close down and we pay unemployment and retraining for those that lost their jobs, plus what do we do with the empty factories.
I have an idea. Instead of giving people a tax deduction when they have more kids make them pay higher taxes than people that have less kids. The root of the problem with energy is over populution. And what does our government do? They tax the sh@t out of the single and successful people and let the breeders get away every year with a huge tax refund, government assistance and housing. If they turned the tables and made it more expensive for these people to have kids they might not have as many. People want to turn the world into a giant anthill with people crawling over each other.
Check out The Energy Machine Of Joseph Newman. If he would have been issued a patent when he applied for it, we would not be needing oil today.
That's a lot of Union BS the money made by the workers is spent here because they are for the most part ex auto union workers who have gone over to the enemy. BUMMER.
A small part of the profit may leave the country but remember a lot of these companies are partly owned by the American auto Companies.
Drag every oil trader in the stock exchange outside and put two bullets into their head, then oil would drop back to about $80 a barrel and gasoline would be around $2,50 a gallon...there is no shortage of oil, OPEC has expanded its out put by one percent in 2007 and 2% for 2008 which meets all demand...and a 2% increase in demand should not double the price of oil up..oh, and make sure the two bullets go horizontally through their greedy stinking skulls too.
Identify the cause of the spike. It is not a supply or demand issue because there are no shortages of gasoline or diesel and demand is down. I saw on the news a few weeks ago when the price of oil hit $100,that one contract hit that price during the day then the price settled lower. IMO this is the source of the problem, the trading pit, like other financial markets where the big players control the action.
as family of 4 we contributed about 40 grand in taxes in 07. I sure wish you single and succesful folks would pony up and pay your share so we family folks could be taxed a bit less.
You all know its our elected officials screwing us and raking in the big bucks at our expense. They are set for life and no one can touch them. Hoss
This demands a response. Where were those Japanese factories during WW II? Our Big 3 were here building war materiel that was priceless. Now the Big 3 have an aged work force, more retired than working. The Japanese have a relatively young work force without all the retirees, a big advantage. Do what- kick them old mommas off the train?
If we are the biggest consumer, why isn't there a little collective bargaining going on.
We need to go through resseccion & then inflation to cure the housing bubble that has crippled our ecconomy. Unfortunately this is happening at a time of world ecconomic growth - mostly at our expense as well.

So there is no solution to the energy cost bubble. It will have to happen.

I would work on some conservation - tho that will not solve the problem.

I would work on producing a larger % of our own energy. Importing energy is a dead-end at this time, other contries want it too and it is only a bidding war.... We need to produce our own, and that included drilling more wells, putting up more clean-coal burning plants, and so forth. Bio-fuels, solar, and wind are future things, continue to work on them. Hydro-electric is some of the cleanest, cheapest power - it does mess up towns & folks living along the shores of the new lake, but perhaps a few more hydro-electric plants would be in order.

I would look at these energy prices as an oppertunity to improve our energy use and production, so that we can continue to compete with the rest of the world.

We cannot borrow, or spend our way out of this energy situation. We can conserve, but not enough to make energy cheap. We are not the big dog any more, other countries are filling in and buying what we don't use. No govt check will solve this problem.

We need to develop our own internal power supplies, as we become more efficient & cut back use.

If we don't, this country will no longer be a major force on the map.

I'd probably fire a mess of people.

If you were speaking about technical stuff and had no credentials or prior history of success I'd fire you as well.

I'd ban lobbyist and a few other types from the continental USA.

As to how to get people to change their habits. No clue. Ever wonder how much home heating oil a 12k sqft home uses? 1000's if not 10's of thousands of these homes in New England.
Paul, Something is WRONG here, I live in South Central New Mexico. Gas is $4.04/9 Diesel is pushing $5.00 gal, and a local concrete Co. sends their own tanker down over the border into Mexico and buy their diesel and bring it back here at $2.00 gal. Now you see what I mean, Something is WRONG.....Jim in N M
You ain't just a kiddin' neither.

In the "real news" this morning, the saudies are complaining that the price of crude is waayyyy too high. They wanna up the production to glut the market.

What the HE!! is going on anyway?

That is very informative. I watched all of it over an hour on my computer. It is very possible (true) that the Arabs buy US debt. It makes you sick that we could exterminate every arab over there and we are held hostage due to them. Very interesting, makes you really think.
Same story here in deep South Texas. The fuel comes into the Port of Brownsville and is loaded on trucks. I goes one of two places, Mexico or here. Most is going into Mexico right now since we are all going there to buy the fuel. Same fuel, low sulpher as they deliver here to Texas. The difference? Today it was $4.59 here, across the border it's $2.06. Truck transfer tanks are selling like hotcakes in this area. You can bring back 125 gallons per day no questions asked. So far most are buying it for themselves but no doubt there is a black market for it here already although I have not heard of it. So can anyone explain why the same fuel is over twice the price in the US when it comes off the same boat? The fuel stations in Mexico are owned by the Mexican government, in the US they are independent.
Oh well, come November it will be all better. Ha.
If i was in charge, simple. Id give all the speculators, investors etc (who are the middle men with oil in this country) to shove it.

Something is wrong, I recieved a call from my investment company last month. They gave me an update on my commodities. Before getting off the phone the youngman says if you want to make a very large return on just investing $5 grand you could invest in oil. I says how so, He said if you invest $5grand into oil at its current price per barrel when it goes to $160 per barrel you can make a 6 figure return. I told him i"ll pass. If you notice he said "WHEN it reaches $160 per barrel" not If.
Good for you Mike, for pulling your own wieght. But I am single, no kids, no draw on the system and I too paid over $40K in taxes last year. I think the majority of large family group is on the dole. If you have a large family and are contributing, thank you. You're not the one the finger is pointing at.
Does any one know why gas and oil are priced so low in US? I hadn't heard about it being low in mexico and I have heard that in some mideast counties it is low,but almost every where else that I've seen it's about double what it costs here. Such as Canada, England, France, Denmark, Italy, Greece, Turkey.
And the exploration in Cuba was done by an American company. But there are sanctions, you say? Couldn't have anything to with oil in the White House.
If I was in charge with the power to do it, I'd tell all government types to get out of the way of our private businesses and let them supply use with what we need. I'd slash all executive orders for the last 40 years and also the enviromental laws for the last 40 years.

Good Lord, the government can't even run a food eatery for the Senate. Government fails at every social program they do!
I didnt read all of these posts so I can keep from getting mad long enough to say whats wrong.The dollar is worth less than 50 cents to an English pound,going lower.You have speculators bidding on future oil on the CBOT and attaching it to real stock markets as if its real stocks(this is due to a sneaking change in the law in 2002 I think) of oil,which they have over a years supply in advance already bought.Since this oil and by the way corn,beans,rice,and other stuff does not exist yet,claim its a shortage of it.There is no shortage,so the speculators of CBOT and some others are the cause of a rise in the price of oil to where its 6 times higher than it should be.There is no shortage,but fools are saying supply and demand,so its sneaking the price up in an atmosphere that is just not there to cause higher prices.Stealing,is the term I think fits best,by criminals in the government and stock markets,like ENRON,except oil and 20 or 25 key commodities.Some countries dont play stock market futures,one of which is Mexico,and 2.00 a gallon is probably what ours would be without the speculators involvement.The dollar is what we trade oil in,and now the crooks who messed up the dollar are wanting to trade in Euros,which our dollar is getting closer to being 50 cents to that.
Ive been saying this for a few weeks now,somebody had an article about an old stock trader from Colorado that testified about this to Congress May 20 I think it was.His last name was Masters,it was on here a few weeks ago.
All of those other countries have some agenda tied to the price of oil like medical care,and all kinds of taxes.The United States does not have any of those taxes on the fuel,and what tax is on our fuel is too much,most of it is for subsidy to the oil companies.England in particular has had some real high fuel taxes at least since the 70s,dont know why.England has a history of taxing its citizens until they have a Revolutionary War,which we did before.If you get a chance some time,talk to somebody that has lived in England and here as well,ask them where they would rather live.Other than medical care for its citizens,the taxes dont buy you a better way of life.Also they can throw you in debtors prison in England,or they used to could.
To solve the oil price problem,if I was in charge,I would give the stock market 15 minutes to tell me what they did,and what it would take to fix it.I would ask who was responsible,and put them on an old battleship,or some kind of big boat.I would have the boat towed out in the ocean some where and used for target practice.I would put this on TV at 7 pm,and anybody that said anything about it would be loaded on next weeks boat.Every week until things improved,crooked,greedy people would be loaded up,or given a choice of a firing squad,that also would be televised instead of the propaganda news every day.If its tree huggers standing in the way,or politicians who are playing both ends against the middle,paying tree huggers to gripe to extort money,then extorting more money to vote against the tree huggers,they get a boat ride.Anybody,even from another country,that gets caught here,involved in it,like Rupert Murdock,or others,gets the same treatment.I dont know if it would fix it or not,but it would be going in the right direction I think.My other post was to reply to what was wrong with the oil prices.While my answer may seem silly,it needs to be something bad enough to discourage it from happening.The speculators have not even slowed down any,so you can tell they dont care.Maybe even doing what I said wouldnt stop them,they would sneak around and do something else just as bad,so maybe all of them get loaded on the boat the first time,and pass a law that some stuff will never be traded like that again,especially oil and food grain.
Most all of us are in charge. This oil market is investor driven. The actual cost today ranges fromn 4$ to 50$ a barrel. Yet our futures markets are running in the 130$ range. Why? It is your dollar and mine that has been re invested from our 401K"s, life insurance and annuity accounts that have been placed in the hands of brokers following the trends and investing into a market that has a lot of attention. Do you believe that if we are told that oil is going to $150/barrel that it is based on demand or speculators? Remember all those adds to invest in gold a few years ago. How about those 12$ beans 30 years ago? What happened to the tech stocks or even todays housing bust. To many speculators will spoil the pot. So what would i do if I was in charge. Decide which is more impotant my retirement profile or annuity investments or my daily cost of energy.
It was predicted by a couple wise men in our history that a free enterprise system without the checks and ballances in place AND enforced , will eventually implode on itself. Are we so blind that we cannot see the antitrust and monopoly protection laws being ignored by both the perpetrators AND the enforcers??? Basically they are and always have been unenforcable laws. The difference is that NOW everybody in bussiness KNOWS IT!!! A true and non-corrupt Communist government is better than a corrupt and unchecked Democracy! Not much of a choice there for us is there? The first is non-existant and the second is what we have now. The people at the top are going to stay at the top at any cost. Fortunately for the rest of us , we had the power to put them there AND we have the power to bring them down. Who keeps Wallmart in bussiness??? Would you die if you quit entering their doors??? What if EVERYBODY quit entering their doors??? Who would die? And don't give me that old crap about all the unemployed if they went under! Those people aren't "employed" , they are under paid slaves , most with no bennefits , no set schedule and even less security. There isn't one amoung us who has the right to b1tch about any of our economic issues if we refuse to exercise our power in the free enterprise system. Our own greed and laziness has made these titans what they are today! Don't blame them , look in the mirror. You failed and they won! (but the game is never over)
Every time I drive ito a large city at either morning or afternoon rush hours, I see traffic backed up both ways. If they all swapped houses, wouldn't everyone already be where thay need to be?
As much as I hate to say it, the only way to truly lower fuel prices is to cut demand, which we are apparently already seeing to a small extent. I have read several articles that say that the miles driven by Americans is starting to decrease, albeit slowly. As for me, my wife and I have tried to cut out as much excess mileage as we can, and we have been able to drive a little less. The problem is, people still have to get to work and other essential places, so we can't cut our fuel use but so much. Hopefully, the state of things now is dire enough to spur investment in alternatives to our current system of using so much petroleum. I guess only time will tell.
I would just let the word out that I was opening up reserves and see how fast the smart people buying up this oil to sell when oil gets higher would start selling and hope they all loose their butt....


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