No sleep for a while tonight


Well-known Member
Well it is one of those nights. The D$%^ Cyotes are having a party, sounds like 200 feet from my bedroom window. I could problably tune it out but both my dogs are out there raising all kinds of hell with those varmits. I hope all the barncats are under cover.
When I have Cyotes near bye running close to my place. I step outside and pop of about two shots of a 12 pump. Gets pretty quiet around here then.
Our dogs went nuts a few minutes ago. Sounded like something was killing a cat... or two cats were gettin' some lovin'. But all our dogs are tied up.

I should go back to working on the roof, it's supposed to rain tomorrow.
Talk of rain and some bad storms here for tomorrow. Spent most my day working on my tractor with little things I wanted to do and paint.
Figured tomorrow I will just goof off. Sure nothing to watch on that dumb TV. Pay a lot of money to watch junk.
Would not have a TV if wife did not like to set and watch it a lot.
String up various strands of electric fence wire about 18" high around and activate various ones on different nights. They kind of start staying away a bit better.
Its funny you talk about sleep. Last night I put the fan on for the first time this year, Slept like a baby not every little noise woke me up, just that little sound drowned out everything. I'll try to use it year round if I sleep this well.
We don"t have much trouble with Coyote"s any more since a new neighbor moved in up the road with a pack [9] of what he calls Coyote Dogs. Most of them look like a Aussie Shepherd /Pit Bull Cross and they sure like to run in the Desert . Seems like the Coyote problem is gone for a while any way. Now we have to listen to a blood thirsty Pack of Dogs every night. Oh well ,no one said it was going to be peaceful around here.
You know, not a cyote yet this year. My lab went nuts the other night waking me up, barking while looking out my window after making the round of the house, and coming back to my window. OK, whatever it was, was out towards my woodsline, but I couldn't hear any yipping. I got up and went outside the other side of the house in boxers with a 30-06 expecting to hear yipping coming, but nothing. I expected them cyotes had finally made it back around, that the guys up over the Michigan border chased back my way so maybe I could get one and chase them back up their a pinball machine, but nothing. Last one I got was last fall. I've taken to carrying on the tractor or in truck while I'm in the fields, hoping to see one popup, cause nothing at night so far this year. I'm seeing deer all over too, and that means no cyotes or pumas so far.


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