Hot voltage regulator - No charge


Im working on my IH 284 with a Hitachi Alternator and a solid state voltage regulator. Electrical is one area where my knowledge is lacking.

The tractor was not charging so I replaced the voltage regulator. (inexpensive amazon replacement). It lasted a month and went bad so I replaced it again but immediately found that it was not charging, and within a minute the regulator was hot to the touch.

I have tried to trace all the wires and all appear in good shape with good continuity.

Could this be an alternator problem? Or bad regulators and I need to shell out the cash for a high quality regulator?


(I know this is an IH question, but it relates to all brands)
Are you sure it is an external regulator alternator? If so then sounds like you need a better regulator. Or you are putting to much voltage through it.
(quoted from post at 12:05:51 12/01/23)
The tractor was not charging so I replaced the voltage regulator. (inexpensive amazon replacement). It lasted a month and went bad so I replaced it again but immediately found that it was not charging, and within a minute the regulator was hot to the touch.

Could this be an alternator problem? Or bad regulators and I need to shell out the cash for a high quality regulator?

I am not familiar with the Hitachi system, but I doubt if it's the alternator. Is it possible the Amazon regulator is not the right one?
You checked the wiring, but it is possible you have an intermittent short that might take it out. I would think a short would blow a fuse though (if it's fused).
The voltage regulator cross referenced to the same part # as original. Its possible it does not match. Depends how much you trust amazon product
descriptions. Identical in size/shape/wire connector.

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