It's been 6 months

since my wife died. Life goes on and I keep busy on the farm. I'm not sure exactly how I feel. The grieving process is complicated, Sometimes I'm sad, sometimes angry, sometimes I'm at peace knowing she is someplace better now. Some of my grieving was done during her long illness, particularly the last 2 years. Still I miss her terribly. Basically I'm doing ok considering everything. Maybe the hardest thing is when I hear some news or see someone or something happens and I think wait til I tell Becky and then realize I can't, at least to her face. I'm thankful for 50 years and three days spent married to the best wife possible (for me). If you have a good marriage, appreciate it and let your spouse know that you do. If your marriage isn't so good work at it. I posted a lot about this at first but then decided enough for a while. It is therapeutic to express my feelings occasionally.
Thanks for reading.
Sad but still a story worth telling, thanks for sharing, we just celebrated 53 years thanks to God.

...What thought the radiance once so bright be now forever taken from my sight, though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass of glory in the flower we will grieve not rather find strength in what remains behind ... William Wordsworth

John T
i continue to go through what you have tried to express. for me it's been 29 years. it gets easier, but never goes away. you are doing well dealing with your loss. hang in there. gets easier with time.
I am only married 27 years this Friday but enjoy reading of others and how there life is watthout there better half. Makes me know how blessed I am with still all my family with me. Reminds me to never take them for grated, and only God's blessings that we have them. keep telling your feelings as nobody should half to hide the way they feel. There is a lot for us younger guys to learn and when those who have been there tell it like it is it helps us to understand and remember even 20-30 years from now when we get there it may come back to us.
Thanks for sharing and prayers sent for comfort.
I read the words of a man with a broken heart. Yet, you offer sage advice to all to cherish every moment of our relationships. I can't help but think that you are finding your way to acceptance. Thank you sir, for the words of wisdom.
Sorry for your loss... but glad you are doing okay.

Nice to have those cherished memories of a great life together.
What you are going thru takes time. How much, depends on the person. It is a new normal you need get used to.

A few years ago, on CBS Sunday Morning TV program, they had a story about a couple parks in Japan, that there is a phone booth out on one of the trails with signs to call the dead. can't actually call the dead. We all know that. The phone isn't hooked up to anything, but it gives a crutch to allow people to talk to someone they have lost. Some people have difficulty with this, and these phone booths allow it to happen. They are used quite frequently, and people generally feel better after some time on the phone. Thought it was pretty cool.

Hang in there. Life will get better. I'm sure your wife doesn't want to feel sad for her for ever.

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