Follow up on growing old

Many thanks for the candid responses. I never thought I'd see so many people respond. I must say that I found it uplifting to hear from those of you who keep plugging along in spite of the set backs. Some of you have fifteen years or so on me, yet you remain optimistic. That's encouraging.

Many of you have health problems far worse than me, and some less. Yet, in the end, we can only fight our own battles. Chronic pain is hard to deal with, you need to be able to escape it, or it will consume you. I was there yesterday when I posted the thread. I had an operation on my spine a year ago, and now its getting worse. I have a date with a neurosurgeon tomorrow to find out more.

And thanks to Crazy Horse for pointing out the need to be more diligent in my use of words. Point taken.
I commented on the origin of the term you used to describe getting old and, relying on that as a guide, the word you used isn't all that bad. (;>))
I once complained to an older buddy about a minor health issue he told me to suck it up, old age aint for sissys .....

My great grandmother told me don't make fun of old people you might be one someday IF YOU LIVE LONG ENOUGH

Lifes not really that short its just youre gonna be dead for such a longggggggg time....

Take care everyone

John T
80 is in the rear view mirror for me, but I do the best I can and look forward tomorrow. And I have the usual old age problems, no use thinking about what I can't do anymore.
celery juice and pineapple can help with back problems. My brother was supposed to go for his second operation and decided top try it. 1 cup celery juice and half a fresh pineapple a day. 3 weeks later he was walking strait again.
Be thankful for every day. If we feel pain we are still breathing. I'm still trying to convince myself that I am 80 (I am).
My wife and I will be attending the funeral, this Saturday in Mt. Pleasant, Mich, of an 85-year-old cousin. His 2 surviving OLDER brothers will be there. On is 94 and coming with his daughter by car from Ft Wayne. The 91-year-old is flying with his daughter from Dallas. I admire them.
Paul, same here, turned 81 8 days ago. Work thru arthritis pain daily. still refurbing Ferguson's and or Case garden tractors. grew up in Branch Co. now near Vicksburg.
I'm 64 and Dad is 90 he keeps saying cheer up it only gets worse. He still acts like he's 25. Got to go he works hard foe his age still cuts his own fire wood for the outside furnace. He wants to build a roof over the area where the furnace is so he can just dump the wood and not have to cover it all up all the time. He's looking at something like 35xabout 40or about that size and wants to be able to drive in under it with a load on his trailers and wagons so close to 12 foot high.
I'll check in at 88 and slowing down. Pretty much the oldest every where I go now a days. Herniated cervical disc in March making it difficult to maintain the tractors lately but still doing. Life has been good but it is depressing.
I'm not really "old" yet, but I'm observant and the three things I see that appear to matter most are:

1. Protect your back, let the machines do the heavy lifting. They can fix a knee, hip, shoulder, etc. but if you mess up your back you're screwed for the rest of your life.

2. Stay active, just push through typical aches and pains and keep going. If you stop activity for small pains, the pains will only get worse and you will not be able to be active anymore and will deteriorate rapidly.

3. Keep your brain active, try to learn something new every day. Stay engaged if not in person at least on forums like this. If you don't use your brain it will fail you.
Just turned 84, do not trust the kids with my equipment, tractors and chain saws. Still shoot trap, no 100s anymore. More spare parts than an 8N. When I think of the things I've done I'm surprised to find I am still standing upright on the ground.
Bill ..... your post reminds me of Willie Nelson's song, 'Me and Paul' ....

It's been rough and rocky travelin'
But I'm finally standin' upright on the ground
After takin' several readings
I'm surprised to find my mind's still fairly sound

And for Robin, I know you meant no harm at all by your post title yesterday, it's a commonly used term these days and most people probably don't give it a second thought. Word meanings and interpretations change all the time. Have a good one everybody !!

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