WARNING TO YT'ers,....


Well-known Member
It's reasonable to assume that some of y'all travel across country carrying a significant amount of cash while buying and selling tractors and conducting other business.

DO NOT CROSS SEWARD COUNTY, NEBRASKA ON INTERSTATE 80 WHILE CARRYING ANY AMOUNT OF CASH!! Seward County is the first county west of the city of Lincoln.

The Seward County Sheriff's Department seems to have a nose for vehicles carrying cash, legal or otherwise. They'll initiate a traffic stop, usually on one of three infractions, speeding, not signaling a lane change, or following too closely. They then find reason to search the vehicle and if they find any amount of cash they fill confiscate it, even if it's legal.

The Deputy will then threaten the driver with immediate jail unless he/she signs an agreement that they will not pursue legal action to retrieve their money. Most times the legalities in retrieving the money cost more than the money itself.

Granted, a lot of it IS drug money as I-80 is the main corridor east/west across the country, but too much of it is legitimate. A story came out in yesterday's newspaper about a man who was found to have $18,000 cash in his rented car. He was on his way to Las Vegas on vacation and intended to do some serious gambling. He said he intended to buy a car in Vegas if he had enough money left over after gambling. There is no law against carrying any amount of cash.

It pains me to admit this, because Seward County is my home county and I was once a County Commissioner. In fact, I recall a number of years ago as a Commissioner I had a heated conversation with a former Sheriff about the practice. Apparently they've elevated it to an art form since then.

As they say, 'A word to the wise'.
Sounds more like he was driving an olive green Family Truckster taking the family to Wally World. LOL
happens a lot more than you think, lots of smaller counties and cities here in Georgia and Alabama have been doing it.
Yeh I read that story too. Seems plenty heavy handed and the thought that the other 92 counties dont do this. I too have known people that routinely carry considerable amounts of cash just in case a bargain opportunity comes up. FWIW I live in Fairbury and am an SCC Milford alumni from June of 1982. Proud alumni to this day!
Sounds like the plot of every other Walker, Texas Ranger episode. So when is Chuck Norris showing to kick some tail?
Im in Alabama and not aware this has been happening, confiscation of your cash just because you have it on you is theft whether you are wearing a badge or not. I pity the officer that tries this crap with me.
FWIW I live in Fairbury and am an SCC Milford alumni from June of 1982.

off topic I know...but I'm just west of Plymouth. We're neighbors (kinda)! Not a native, but a transplant...grew up around Albion
(quoted from post at 14:39:39 06/21/23) Im in Alabama and not aware this has been happening, confiscation of your cash just because you have it on you is theft whether you are wearing a badge or not. I pity the officer that tries this crap with me.
Good luck Rambo!
A news show did a story on that several years ago.
Might have been 60 mins. They targeted out of state
tags. Their story focused on a few rural Texas
counties but Im sure it happens elsewhere. I guess
speed traps dont bring in enough revenue any more.
Growing up around Albion, did you ever know a fellow named Tom Niemeyer? Maybe Niemeier.

We used to race stock cars against him. Back in the day, he raced a '69 Chevelle with a big block engine.
Be a good place for a Lawyer who also has tractors to set up a sting operation and bust those no good
corrupt cops. It's corrupt guys like that that fuel the defund the police crowd ! Too bad no good media anymore either or they would expose this scam for what it is.
About the same thing went on here for years city cop in the next town over would pull out of state people for something silly then plant drugs on them he targeted out of state and kids mostly . The fbi finally sent. In a couple guys and he did it to them and for whatever reason he still didnt get shut down. They made him chief of police and he finally got caught tampering with witnesses and got fired dont think he ever spent Five minutes in jail
And this is part of why Pennsylvania does not allow local police to operate radar guns, to prevent stupidity like this from happening. Only the State Police can run radar here.
So some sorry POS's want to try to and do ruin other peoples lives just for some cash they stole and then they complain when folks just shoot them dead. Probably some of them deserve it.

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