Who gave you a hair cut?

JL Ray

I remember when I was a little guy, first my Grandma gave us cuts, later on dad give all of us boys a buzz cut. Dad cut my hair up till I was in my late 20's and even though I no longer wanted a buzz cut, dad cut it the way I liked. In the summer we would set up a chair out in the yard. later in life I cut dads hair as mom didn't want to any more. In the early 90's. I put my two daughter's up to cutting dad's and my hair. I loved it and so did dad. Regardless of how crooked it may have looked, I wore it that way till the next cutting. Normally it was some real good cutting from 8 to 12 year old girl. They took there time and tried there best to make it right. Today, I go to the local salon, But man, I can't wait for one of my grandkids to cut my hair. I think it's good for them to be able to try to do something for some one else. My wife and I are going visiting next week and even though I don't need a cut, I'm taking the clippers.
I went to Otto's barber shop in town until my mother bought a set of clippers,then she did it for a while. My oldest brother took the job over. He went to barber school and eventually bought Otto's.
I buzz my own hair. I have to use two mirrors to see the back of my neck but that is the only hard part. My mother used to do it when I was a kid and up through my early 20s.
Interesting. We always went to the barber shop. If someone at home cut my hair, I was too young to remember it. When I got married at 18, and it was clear I wasn't getting the farm handed down to me, like previous generations, I was frugal enough that I had my wife start chopping my hair off. So it's been well over 40 years since I've been to the barber.
I've cut my hair ever since I've been out of the Marines. (23 years)
Still keeping the 'high and tight'

I also cut my boys' hair, (16 & 12) They haven't complained yet, and I tell them that when they do, they can find another barber!
mom did till I got to be in jr High, had may uncle George cut it in the little town of Weldon Iowa. It cost 50 cents to get a hair cut in those days. He had a competing barber 2 doors south of him that was cross eyed. You could always tell which barber you went to, his competitors cut was always longer on 1 side than the other, No Joke. They almost got into a fist fight one day, His Competiton wanted to raise the price to 75 cents. He did not want to but after dad told him it was all right he agreed to it. When he wasn't cutting hair, he sat in his chair and read his bible. Thanks for bringing back a memory I hadn't thought of for years. Just for comparison--It cost 15.00 for a plain old haircut today.
Wife cuts mine. I have beautiful wavy hair....unfortunately, nearly all if it has waved

I've always gone to a barber shop. Now go to a local beauty shop. One of my wife's girlfriends works there and when she started doing men's haircuts I started going to her.

I don't know of anyone in our family who has ever done haircuts.
My mother cut our hair until we started Jr High. Kind of a Rite of Passage to be old enough to go to the barber shop. I remember summer vacation between 6th and 7th, she gave me $1.25 and told me to get my shoes half-soled (75 cents), and get my hair cut (50 cents).
Wife does it now. Growing up Mom would give all the boys in the family bowl
hair cut until we reached jr. high
Old barber in town cut mine until sometime in high school when a classmate cut it a few times. In college, I went to the cosmetology lab where they were always looking for hair to cut. After college went to the salon in town until the daughters started cosmetology school. They cut it for better than 10 years but now hard for them to find time so back to the salon in town.
My Uncle Billy cut mine until he retired. Then I started to go another family member who owned a shop. Went there for I gues 20 years,
until he retired. Now I go with my wife and let this 20 something year old gal cut it. She aint bad looking either, my wife I
My granddaughter gave me my last
haircut. She just graduated from
cosmetology school and needs the money.
She did a very good job.
Dad cut us 4 boys hair with an old hand operated clipper and scissor. We always complained a lot because it pulled on the hair so he took us to a drunken neighbor for awhile to cut our hair, but it was hard to find the guy somber so ended up going to the barber in town. Did the barber thing until I was 70 years old, then decided "Who needs hair?" Bought an electric clipper and cut all of my hair down as close as I could get; had my wife finish up the back where I couldn't reach. After she got used to it, she tells me that I need a haircut again when it gets grown out too much. However, she goes to a salon to have her hair cut.
mom cut my hair till 25 yrs old, hands unable to hold clippers, went to neighbors barber shop till he passed away, friend turned me on to a old school barber now, what will i do when he retires,, by then my hair will have fallen out, lol
When we were kids my Dad would line up my brothers and I and give us a buzz cut. After my Navy years saved a bunch of money and never got my hair cut until my job dictated that I did. Once I went to one of those sports places where they wash and cut while you watch a game. Told me my head was crooked and my hair would look good another way. Told them my Dad put that flat spot on my head for mistreating his tools and told them to finish up. I think when I retire I'm going back to my money saving mode and let it grow.
Your posts made me think of few more things. I did go to a barber a few times about ten years ago. I was 52 then, and it was the first time in a barber chair. It just wasn't the same as dad cutting it. I also buzz my own off during the hot summer months. It's just to easy to do to pay for that and it always feels soooo good.
My mom did from as far back as I remember.. Then I did after I was married.. I bought one of those flowbeez..which I might add worked great in the days I had hair.. now I just use clippers and buzz it as short as she goes.
My wife started cutting mine while we were dating- she wanted me to let the flat-top grow out, and I don't think ole' John knew any other cut! Once the kids were 3-4 years old, I'd let one of them go to town on my melon, then she would clean it up afterwards.

Now I just cut it myself, no one wants to spend that much time around me anymore...
A hair cut was always a bad time for me. Dad had a hired man who lived on the place. Dad got a hand operated clipper. The guy said he could cut hair If the hand wasn't going fast enough it would pull the hair out. Still remember crying out in pain. Everything was a lot worse than it was actually was when you were little it seams. Around the 6th grade Mom took us to the barber in town. Stan
Back in the 50's when I was a youngin, the city's MAYOR cut my hair.

Franklin, OH wasn't that big then and being the Mayor didn't pay that much, and really wasn't a full time job.
I have always got mine at a barber shop starting in the only barber shop we had in the little town we lived near and I think it was fifty cents for a hair cut.
Bob the barber cuts my hair. Yesterday he hit me up for 45 minutes of estate planning in the process. I was kind of wondering if he would wave his fee but he gladly accepted it...plus tip.
Barber shop until I got hitched. Decided at that time our financial situation didn't justify the luxury. So my wife cut my hair. That was 42 years ago and she is still cutting it.
My uncle gave me a crock cut when I was young at my grandpa's and I gave him a cussing when he let me look in the mirror even at that young age. I had a friend, Art that went to the barber and was ask how he wanted it cut. Art said that he wanted a little short here and a little long here, etc. The barber said I can't cut it like that. Art said, well you did last time.

My wife cuts my hair and has done it most of our married life. She always worries about making mistakes. I tell her that there is only 2 weeks between a good and bad hair cut.
when i was a little goomer, either grandpa or uncle joe cut hair. both had those hand squeeze clippers. yeouch!! then grandpa got electric clippers, that wasnt too bad, but occasionally you got a chunk taken out of ya, generally not too much blood. if we went into town i could walk to lenny the "butcher" as we kids called him for a real barber shop hair cut. it was a grueling 12 block walk, up hill, both ways. was kind of like a walk to the gallows. jeez it hated getting my hair cut. when i could drive and went to high school, there was a place in town called the "barcelona" mens fancy hair cut place. they had pretty girls that would wash your hair before you got it cut. those gals were well endowed!! was about 7 dollars. man that was the ticket. but i was only making 1.50 an hour working at a gas station, so hair cuts were few and far between. i still hate hair cuts!!!
Dad used to cut my hair after we got electric clipper! It had attachments that shaped on to the clippers that would set the height of the cut!! Felt like dad was cultivating my scalp
instead of cutting my hair as he pressed down on the clippers as he went over my scalp, think was 20 before my scalp became smooth again!!!! Wife cuts it now!!!!!!!
I haven't had anyone else cut my hair in nearly 30 years and that was a cousin that was a hairdresser. I cut my own hair. I also cut my wife's and adult daughters hair.
On Saturday, once a month, my dad would set a stool on the front porch and call my brother and me to come get
our monthly trimming. At first he used this clipper and scissors; we were real glad when he finally bought
an electric clipper. The haircuts looked OK, but not great---but when I was a kid I didn't care. When I hit
the eighth grade flat tops were coming into style, and I was coming into heat. Dad couldn't handle a flat
top, so he lost his last customer.

Back then a shop haircut cost 50 cents. Most of the guys wanted flat tops, so they sold this pink Lucky
Tiger hair wax. Real cool.
Biagio, he's Sicilian, works from a storage room in a parking garage, calls himself the Underground Barber, uses a straight-edge on my neck. I can't understand most of what he says unless he is swearing and there is a lot of that. Great haircuts.
I used to go to the only barber shop in the town I worked in. The,barber was full of jokes and lies and regular BS. Haircuts at the time were a
dollar. When he finished , he always wanted to roll dice double or nothing. I bought a few $10 haircuts and finally told him I thought I would just
pay the dollar. I still miss the gentleman, but now his son runs the same shop, same bs just a new bunch hanging around there. But my wife
has cut my hair for about 15 years. When the old barber was cutting, sometimes I would have to go back the next day to get the other
sideburns cut or something else he forgot. Tommy
I'm full of stories, as you know. LOL When I was a kid my dad did my haircut and it was a buzz, no options. Elvis became popular and then the Beatles and hair got longer but I still had to have that buzz. Sometime in my high school years dad quit giving me haircuts so I started having longer hair but for school it couldn't be touching the ears so it wasn't all that much longer. I swore I wouldn't have a buzz for the rest of my life! about ten years ago My hair was getting a little long right before I left on the wheat harvest in the last of May but I didn't have time to get to a barber. This northerner here (me) got in that southwest Oklahoma heat with that too-long hair and he was suffering. We were too busy to take a day off so no hair cut in Oklahoma. Next stop was Mineola Kansas, we were lodging in Dodge City, and it was mid-June and hot and my hair was LONG! The farmer we were cutting for didn't work on Sundays so finally on the first Sunday in Dodge I went to the Wal Mart hair salon and told the lady to give me a BUZZ! I couldn't stand to look at myself in the mirror for several days with that buzz, I looked soooo different but at last I was COOL. LOL The buzz lasted for the rest of the summer, then I grew it back again. Today it is thinning out so much I want to savor the hair I still have so there will be no more buzzes. When I die, if someone gives me a buzz for the viewing, I'm gonna reach up and pull the lid shut!
When I was a kid I went to the barber shop. A haircut was $.75. I can remember the 1st time the barber shaved my neck. It was winter and that hot towel felt good. Now I don't have enough to worry with so I cut my own and have for years.
mom and or dad used to buzz my hair off as a kid ,,. as a teenager in the 70s long hair was the rage , we built a house for a beautician ,and she always made me lookn suave ,.she taught my girlfriend , who soon became my wife, I teased her about a topless barber shop I heard about in Louisville,,. next time I needed a haircut,,. my gal cut my hair topless, she did that many times for me just for kiks , of course we did that at home .. oh, those were good times , I never minded a pretty girl taking 45 minutes to cut my hair .. now I get my haircut by a old guy that likes to talk politics with me ,,. he can have me looking great in 5 minutes , he is fast and real good ,..the politix chatter mite go on while the next guy is getting his haircut
wow ,, my sara is Sicilian ,,. she took me home to her folx in caltigerone in 2007 and 9,, anyway , her daddy, geusepi , treated me to a deluxe haircut ,, that was fast and thurogh and nicely styled,,. the barber knew some English too ,. Geusepi took me everywhere , vineyards and winerys , bread bakers,dairy farms,and fruitand olive farms ,,. wonderful experience
My Dad used to cut the boys hair and usually did a good job. We'd do it out under the apricot tree and sit on an old high chair made into a stool. Dad used to wear a big ol ring and if we squirmed too much we'd get a wrap on the head and he'd say in his gruff voice, "sit still". I swear, I still have those knuckle bumps to this day. My cousin came for a visit one day to get his hair cut. He was a little on the hyper side and wouldn't sit still, WHAP with that ol ring and off flew my cousin. Never finished the hair cut and never came back for another, Loved my Dad. Thanks for causing me to remember
Two Bits-

Shave and a haircut, two bits!
we all know the seven note rhythm.
But didn?t know what two bits meant.
Twenty five cents it turns out.

That was a lot in 1960
but my dad paid it anyway
Him like Charlie Chan
his sons lined up
by number.

Style and barbers changed
In Madrid we had
Felix the felon
a political prisoner
of Franco?s regime

He came by bike,
cutting hair
in the Iberian sun.
Hand powered clippers
on the red tiled terrazzo.

By the seventies
haircuts were rare
long beautiful hair
freak flags fly.

Eighties mullets
shampoo and cut
all style and plants
with prices too much.

These days I use
John and Leroy,
But old Leroy died
and left the shop to John.

Tuesday and so slow
John picks on his guitar
and sings country tunes.
Regular cut ten dollars.
Beards cost more,
don?t tell dad.
My mom always used to until she ended up with RP and couldn't see to do it anymore. I cut my own hair now, just buzz it with the clipper. I still have all my own hair, I just don't have it with me lol. My dad went to an old barber in town a few times. One time a customer asked the barber when he was going to retire (he was in his 90s), his reply was..."It could be any minute now..."
Biagio is a good guy too. He has told me, in Sicily, a new barber in town has to win the approval of the other barbers. If the old timers don't like him, none of the town's customers dare go to him and he is forced to move on.
First haircuts that I remember getting were from our neighbor who lived across the road from us. He did not charge for the cuts since he wasn't licensed
but did except tips appx fifty cents back then. On warm days he cut our hair under a shade tree , cold days in his workshop.
My mom, one aunt, and grandma cut our hair when we
were little. My sister's and cousin's hair was
always long (til high school). At some point grandpa
and I started going to Brad Tomlinson in Springboro
once every month or two.

Don't ask how I remember his name. He closed up shop
over 20 years ago, I might have been in Jr high by

While I was driving truck I got it cut at walmart
when I saw they had a cute haircutter working that

I've been buzzing it myself for a few years now. The
only haircutter places around here are only open odd
(quoted from post at 10:57:38 02/05/16) I remember when I was a little guy, first my Grandma gave us cuts, later on dad give all of us boys a buzz cut. Dad also gave me durag that he bought from this website.
Dad cut my hair up till I was in my late 20's and even though I no longer wanted a buzz cut, dad cut it the way I liked. In the summer we would set up a chair out in the yard. later in life I cut dads hair as mom didn't want to any more. In the early 90's. I put my two daughter's up to cutting dad's and my hair. I loved it and so did dad. Regardless of how crooked it may have looked, I wore it that way till the next cutting. Normally it was some real good cutting from 8 to 12 year old girl. They took there time and tried there best to make it right. Today, I go to the local salon, But man, I can't wait for one of my grandkids to cut my hair. I think it's good for them to be able to try to do something for some one else. My wife and I are going visiting next week and even though I don't need a cut, I'm taking the clippers.

What a heartwarming story you've shared about your family and the tradition of cutting each other's hair. It's truly special to have those memories and experiences with your loved ones. It sounds like those moments were filled with love and laughter, even if the results were sometimes a bit crooked!

It's great to hear that you're looking forward to the possibility of your grandkids cutting your hair. It's not only a chance for them to try their hand at something new but also an opportunity for bonding and creating lasting memories together. I'm sure they'll appreciate the opportunity to help you out and feel a sense of accomplishment in doing something for you.

Enjoy your upcoming visit and the time you spend with your family. Cherish those special moments and the connections you have with each other. And who knows, maybe you'll end up with a stylish and unique haircut courtesy of your talented grandkids!
I have never been to a real barber or paid for a haircut in my life. My dad was the hair cutter in the family when I was a kid. He did it some in the army and just continued. Had the old hand powered clippers at first but later he moved up to an electric clipper with various combs. I still have them and use the electric myself.

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