Infection from my cow pasture


I have contracted a big toe infection from hell from contaminated water in my cow pasture. Was working on the fence line in some water logged soil with active cows. Rubber boot got sucked off my foot by the mud and boot filled with water. I am now on my third antibiotic with little improvement, Toe is very tender and red, I soak three times a day in salt water. First antibiotic was sulfa based and I had a terrible reaction to it causing more damage than the toe infection. Second antibiotic was Cephalexin but after a full course I see no improvement. Now on my third one starting today, Amox/K Clav 875-125. Doc said its a bacterial infection most likely Ecoli. Anyone have anything similar and how did you finally get rid of it?
My wife got a non diabetic ulcer on her foot , after several different antibiotics , she had to go on iv antibiotics for 6 week to get rid of the infection .Do you have any discharge from the toe? If it is neon green it is Pseudomonas hard to cure sometimes ,it has become drug resistant.

A man in Florida died from a brain-eating amoeba that he may have contracted after he rinsed his sinuses with tap water, health officials said.

A Florida man died in Feb. from amoeba that he got from rinsing his sinuses with tap water. The state Health Department in Charlotte County said in a Feb. 23 news release that it is continuing to investigate the cause of the Naegleria fowleri infection. The patient has not been publicly identified.

N. Fowleri is a single-celled organism that can be found in soil and freshwater around the world. It likes heat and grows best at high temperatures, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, so infections are most commonly reported in the summer. Most come from swimming in warm lakes or rivers.
I'm no doctor but I would be soaking in Epsom salt, not salt. I always use that on wounds
Did they test it for MRSA? I had an infection in one nostril and took a few rounds of antibiotics with no improvement before it was discovered that it was MRSA. At that point they changed to yet another antibiotic and it cleared right up. A lot of Drs will tell you than nearly everyone has MRSA in their system, it's just a matter of whether causes an infection. Some do and some don't.
Have they done tests to make sure it's not a fungus instead? If it is, you'll need an anti fungal, not an antibiotic. Just for the heck of it, get a tube of Lamisil or something and smear that on it.
I have been soaking in a combo of Epsom salts and salt. I
will look into MRSA and Pseudomonas. It did have a pus like
yellow discharge that smelled like the cow pasture leading me to believe it was bacterial, but
nonetheless I have tried antifungals also. I am familiar with
the ameba parasite that kills people from entering the brain
but never occurred to me it could enter thru a toe? That is
the reason you should always use distilled water to irrigate
the nostrils. I turn 65 this year and am just astounded how
long it takes things to heal. Just frustrating to have
trouble wearing a shoe and you would not believe where the
allergic reaction to the first antibiotic occurred, yep right
on the tip of the old weasel! Been a nightmare for sure!
Sorry to hear you got an infection for your pasture.

I read Russian troops got anthrax from the trenches.

12 years ago I got Histoplasmosis digging in the dirt helping neighbor convert a chicken house into a hay storage.

It took my Dr about a month to check for histo.

Good thing your Dr was on top of it.
Get well.
(quoted from post at 09:11:47 05/02/23) I have contracted a big toe infection from hell from contaminated water in my cow pasture. Was working on the fence line in some water logged soil with active cows. Rubber boot got sucked off my foot by the mud and boot filled with water. I am now on my third antibiotic with little improvement, Toe is very tender and red, I soak three times a day in salt water. First antibiotic was sulfa based and I had a terrible reaction to it causing more damage than the toe infection. Second antibiotic was Cephalexin but after a full course I see no improvement. Now on my third one starting today, Amox/K Clav 875-125. Doc said its a bacterial infection most likely Ecoli. Anyone have anything similar and how did you finally get rid of it?

I spent two full weeks in the hospital, followed up by 6 weeks of IV antibiotics. I had a team of docs trying to come up with a blend of antibiotics. The did surgery on my shoulder and dug the infection out. My feet were swelled up almost double size. Hurt like heck . They drilled holes in the top of my feet, thinking there might be infection there. Danged near died. That was two and a half years ago. Since it was at the start of the flu epidemic, my wife was never allowed in to see me. Talk about a miserable two weeks. Yes, there is bad stuff floating around out there.

Good luck, get well soon !!

(quoted from post at 10:26:43 05/02/23) I'm no doctor but I would be soaking in Epsom salt, not salt. I always use that on wounds

Try different things. Epsom salt is very good, but may not have an effect on the bacteria.

Try soaking in 91% rubbing alcohol. Then soak another time in Hydrogen Peroxide. Doesn't matter the order - save alcohol for last if you're afraid of it burning like wildfire. But salts simply may not effect the bacteria as desired. And run this past your doctor before trying; get his/her opinion.
If this 3rd dose of antibiotics does not work you need a 2nd opinion from a specialist. I would start the search now not later for who this specialist would be.
Since you haven't gotten better...PLEASE ask your doc to send you to an Infectious Disease Specialist ASAP (before you lose your toe or foot)!

You may need to take several different antibiotics every day. Or you may need IV antibiotics to kill it.
The right answer depends on multiple factors: including your age, the blood supply to your foot/toe, how much swelling there is, your average sugar level, whether you're a smoker, and what bacteria(s) are in your foot.
Standing water in any pasture is full of really bad (pathogenic) bacteria.
There is another nasty disease that lives in the soil, called cellulitis. It is a deep skin infection caused by a bacteria. If not promptly treated, it can cause very serious illnesses, amputations and even death. Despite being found in many, if not most, soils, infection is not all that common. That said, my dad had it twice. The first time he was hospitalized for the better part of a week. The second time he sought medical attention sooner and alerted the doctors to his previous infection. Consequently, he was promptly treated and was not nearly as sick. My brother also had it once after rototilling his garden in short pants, with dirt being thrown against his shins. Anyway, you might research cellulitis and its symptoms. It is nothing to fool with. Good luck with your treatment and recovery. Please keep us posted.
I can say from experience that if there is the slightest possibility your disease could be cellulitis, seek treatment asap or have it ruled out as your problem.
I have had good success soaking in hot as you can stand it water with powdered boric acid mixed in it. Has worked wonders on infected wounds on foot. Worked well when I stepped on nail once also.

If you are allergic to iodine in any form do not do this. I work at a plant nursery that irrigates with pond water. I have developed foot infections from time to time. I use tincture of iodine soaked into a gauze pad, placed against the infected area, or toe then wrapped in place and left for 24 hours. I repeat this two more days. The skin in the area the iodine is in contact with will turn red but clears up. Iodine is oldest antibacterial known to medicine, and the only reason my feet haven't been amputated.
Let me say I wish you a speedy recovery...I never dealt with infected feet until working around pond water, and I have become fearful of it. God bless
If it has gone into the foot a podiatrist should be consulted. Mine has cut on my foot in office. Diabetic neuropathy is good for something. Podiatrist has me cover the wound with bacitracin, then covered by medicated bandage, gauze 4x4, then gauze wrap. I do not ever submerge the healing foot in bath water, and do not take a shower until wound is completely healed. I have dealt with infections in both big toes, and the right foot. They are still with me. I do the iodine before the podiatrist cuts.

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