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This makes me ask, What happened to Barney?


Has he been defunded?
And who cares. Those laws are stupid making somebody have to wear those strangle straps. I hardly ever wear one. Don't see how the public let them allow such idiocy. Far as I'm concerned it is an unconstitutional law.
X2. now I can understand little kids in car seats but when I can ride my motorcycle with no helmet but I have to strap in driving a 8000 pound truck.
One of the purposes of the seat belt is to keep occupants inside during an accident, this past week in our immediate area, three people have died that were ejected during a rollover.

I am not arguing your decision to wear or not wear one.
Yes, I read in the news occasionally about a dead accident victim who was not wearing a seatbelt, I'm glad the highway patrols take note of that. Recently one of my classmates sons was in a motorcycle accident, NO HELMET! He's not doing so well. The old saying You can't fix stupid isn't true anymore!
There was a motorcycle rider here a few years ago who slid through an intersection and struck his head on a high curb and was killed. He was wearing a helmet as per CA law but a childs toy helmet. It had a sticker on it stating it was a toy and not a real protective helmet. Im certain he thought he was sticking it to the man wearing that like bungee boy.
They will never tell you about the ones that were killed because of the seat belt. Personally I hate the things. If your number was pulled that morning your going to go regardless. RB
In the rather dark humor of emergency responders, those that won't wear seatbelts or helmets have a nickname. They are called organ donors. I have 30+ years of arriving before the first ambulance, my thoughts are always of the families that suffer due to bad decisions. Your choice.
(quoted from post at 08:31:35 07/20/22) And who cares. Those laws are stupid making somebody have to wear those strangle straps. I hardly ever wear one. Don't see how the public let them allow such idiocy. Far as I'm concerned it is an unconstitutional law.

So I take it you have removed the ROPS from all your tractors, right??
Lots of comments, pro and con, about wearing seat belts. I have been a volunteer firefighter for nearly 40 years. Been to many many crashes (as the DPS now calls them in Texas). I have removed only one deceased person from a seat belt. He had a cardiac arrest while driving and was gone before the wreck.

If a person is thrown from a rolling vehicle the odds are not good. Yes, there are reports and stories about fires and not being able to get out. I have never seen it that way. We don't plan everything that happens. And yes, it is your choice, but I'll take my chances that my number is based on my decision to wear or not.
50 Years ago, in a 1 car accident had 2 friends both not wearing seat belts. the one driving would probably be alive today if he had been wearing his seatbelt. broke his neck when the hit the steering wheel. the passenger was thrown from the car and is alive today. If he had worn seat belt he would have been crushed. So, this shows both sides.

Most car manufacturers make extenders for their vehicles for people as shown in the photo

Another 40 year firefighter here. Seatbelt laws were passed to benefit us selfish schmucks. The lawmakers want us to do more transporting of viable patients and less scraping bodies off the pavement. A few weeks ago one that I was on the guy was airlifted but is permanently paralyzed from the waist down. Who pays for his care for the next forty years? You do.
I wish they would just say your choice. this is the true stats of with or without and if you die it's no big deal to me. I'd rather be dead that injured and living as a vegetable. But having said that I have seen more accidents that the one thrown out lived and the one stuck inside was dead. I agree with when your time is up it's up and people should have the choice not be forced to do it. If the real stats. were told i think it probably is a wash either way.
Kinda like a Motorcycle helment. The law says you have to have it on. It doesn't say it has to actually work to protect you.
My concerns about the helmet thing is that your neck connects all that protection and your head to your torso. Looks like the weak link to me.

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