Saturday Steamer


Well-known Member


Little different steamer this week.


I was very lucky, a friend built his own from the water up and powered it with a Ford 590E engine, driving the paddles through a road grader final drive. When I was over in Australia I helped him with a number of problems on his Fordson tractors and my reward was a trip on the Settler and was even allowed to drive it for around 10 miles on the Murray River.

They are flat bottomed so it was quite an experience as you have to cope with the river current and side winds. He let me pilot it under a couple of bridges so I did not do too badly.

One of the best days of my life!!!!!

The river is also full of fallen trees so that was another hazard.
These were taken at Echuca on the Murray River in Victoria Australia. The engine and boiler are made by Marshalls of Gainsborough, England


Thanks for that, I have seen the Echuca boats. One of my Aussie friends is really into the steamers and has sent me videos and stories about them from their heyday to there final years. The group he belongs to has catalogued as many as they can and where they finally rested.

One of my distant relations emigrated from Great Yarmouth here in Norfolk, in later life. He was a ships captain and ended up running the docks in Mildura on the Murray.

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