
Well-known Member
-40F this morning and more snow coming on Friday they say. Even yesterday was cold enough that the tires on the old Massey were frozen. I ran out of traction climbing the hill back into the yard after taking a bale out to the cattle. Had to get the traction mats under the tires to make it over the top. Normally not a problem but the snow had drifted into the trail the last few days. Obviously too cold to take any pictures as it was dark and -30F by the time I got in the house.
I heard tell the North Pole is warmer and the folks in Siberia are having a heat wave in comparison.
(quoted from post at 07:57:13 01/06/22) I heard tell the North Pole is warmer and the folks in Siberia are having a heat wave in comparison.
I heard it was Alaska but whatever, I am not going North to warm up. Just for a contrast , on this day in 2016 I was out with the Cockshutt 40 pulling the rotary mower cutting cat tails. I don't recall the temp but it could not have been too bad. And the snow was shallow enough to run a mower.

This is one instance where you don't need
to specify Fahrenheit or Celsius since
-40F = -40C. It's danged cold in both
Weather like that is when you earn every penny taking care of livestock. You are no doubt a very hardy individual.
One good thing about living around the great lakes like I do is we don't get that kind of cold here - the weather warms up a lot crossing over the lakes. Getting down to 0 degrees F is is about the worst
unless you in higher elevation or further south from the lakes. However the price for all that warmth is a ton of snow. I can shovel snow, can't shovel cold.
You're right. Right up to the point the Great Lakes freeze over, which has happened on occasion. Then it's cold all over. No more 'lake effect', meaning less snow but colder air.
BURRRRRRRR that is way to cold for this old boy . Coldest we have ever had around here was in 78 during the blizzard was -35 , that is still clear in my head . My one friend Called me Sunday Morning after the snow had past on by and needed my help as the refer he was pulling had jelled up and he was setting on 46000 lbs of Banana's that were about to freeze . Most roads around here were still shut down and to get to him we had to do the county's and town ships work of busten drifts . My Ford started just fine but the snow plow required some external heating . The High out put heater in that truck was great . When i got to my buddy's we had to dig our way into the truck and we had his Chevy my Ford and the old trusty 706 gasser all hooked to the batterys on the refer a small generator running a 150000 btu space heater with tarps wrapped around the lower part of the trailer from the fuel tank on it and up around the refer unit plus the torch set with the rose bud heating the fuel tank . took us 6 hours to get that darn thing started and running and getting heat back in the load . The load had got down to 34 degrees by the time we got it running . Next COLD i was in was -38 when i hauled a Cell phone shack up into Minnesota in the middle of January . About froze in the bunk as the cold came up thru the bottom of the bunk thru the mattress even with the cab heat on and the bunk heat on . At this moment here in the buckeye we are setting at 54 degrees BELOW my comfort zone and with each passing year that comfort zone keeps getting higher.
It has warmed up to minus 10f here now. So did the chores before the cold moves in this afternoon.....

We only have an inch or two of snow on the ground so this cold is soaking in deep, no insulation on the ground.

(quoted from post at 09:55:06 01/06/22) It has warmed up to minus 10f here now. So did the chores before the cold moves in this afternoon.....

We only have an inch or two of snow on the ground so this cold is soaking in deep, no insulation on the ground.


I think our ground is well insulated with the snow we have. In places the Massey was making a groove in the snow drifts with the drawbar.
I think the coldest we've had this year is -38F. Don't know of it dipping down to -40 quite yet.

Used to be much more common than it is now. One time even had a freakishly cold -50.6F on the thermometer. I stayed up that night because even the gas oven was running trying to keep the house warm. I went outside just long enough to experience that cold. I discovered that is too cold even for me! *lol*
that is colder than here, we had -24 F. but look on the sunny side next week we will think we are in florida. lol.

Too cold. You should come to Iceland to warm up, temps are hovering right around freezing or a little below. They benefit from the warming effect of the Gulf Stream but they still get delivered a lot of snow. Gerrit
I thought when it got down to about the -40 range you guys just sat in the house and played cards was to cold to do anything outside. Steel is starting to get in the brittle stages at that temp is it not?

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