A pair of funnys...maybe


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Did you know?
The Wizard of oz was written at Bass lake, In. 7 miles away North of Bass lake is Knox, In where I grew up on a dairy farm.
Toto is a small community about 6 miles west of Bass Lake located on the Toto road.
Know you Know.
I felt like I grew up in Tornado alley.
I can relate with the tornados. I have been thru 4 of them. The worst one was when I was working at the deere dealer and one came thru town, It moved several combines and a round baler! I was in the warehouse at the time and we dove under the shop truck as stuff was flying around.
Palm Sunday, Don't remember the year. Tornado came over our barn while we were milking and then it twisted a Steel electric tower. The tower looked it was made of tooth picks.. Took a long time to repair it.
one came thru this area in the 70s(before my time) and I still find pieces of tin from the chicken farm in my woods. This was part of the super outbreak of tornados....google said 1974
1965 Palm Sunday tornado outbreak - Wikipedia

On April 1012, 1965, a devastating severe weather event affected the Midwestern and Southeastern United States. The tornado outbreak produced 55 confirmed tornadoes in one day and 16 hours. The worst part of the outbreak occurred during the afternoon hours of April 11 into the overnight hours going into April 12. The second-largest tornado outbreak on record at the time
I just ask dad if he remembered it. He was overseas in the army then but said he did not remember hearing of anything hitting this area.
That was a year for Tornadoes, alright. Boone, Iowa was struck by one. Now, and this is hard to believe, I was working on roofing a barn in Runnells, Iowa, about 150 miles as the crow flies. The old farmer I was working for was checking for crop damage and in his field found a Boone stop sign--yellow with the glass marble reflectors. I remember when stop signs were ALL yelow but hadn't seen one since the fifties.
(quoted from post at 06:58:17 08/25/21) prolly 1965, Palm Sunday, I am in Branch Co, Mi. two torndoes went thru that evening. My moms side of the family came from Missouri. Great grandparents were in one. They one of their sons. Grampa had a bum leg from it. I think that is why they came west. I bet grandma wasnt a fan of wizard of oz.

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