Things that the cat


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Wild rabbits don't do well in captivity. Best to take out and return to the fields, out of cat's range
Its pretty amazing how soft mouthed a cat can be. Ours have caught birds baby squirrels mice and voles and brought them to the house ALIVE. I took a bird from our cat and released it unharmed. We choose to have cats so we don't have to deal with mice entering our home or chewing on the wires of tractors and vehicles in the garage or machine shed. gobble
On Thursday evening I was transferring her junk from the 03 to the 06 Vue, when she said, Look what Linus had? She had a baby rabbit in her hands. Unfortunately, Linus had ripped a strip of hide from it's rib cage, that was dangling off to the side. I told her it would most like become infected and then infested with maggots. She took it in the house and used super glue to hold the skin back in place. She has a tool shed that the rabbits live under and that is where she released it.
My personal favorite was a short tail weasel at 2:00 am.

Cat and the weasel were having a stand-off in the living room? What do you do when you come face to face with a weasel in the middle of the night and have only your skivvies on?

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