How to stop birds from building nests in my tractor?


Well-known Member
Rochester, NY
What is making birds INSIST on building nests in my IH 1586? Back in the spring I found a fresh nest on top of the valve cover. Mud was still wet. Later I found another fresh nest on top of the right battery under the cab floor. Destroyed that one, but less than 24 hours later they built another nest and had laid 2 eggs in it. The 2 eggs became 4, and the 4 eggs became 4 little mutant aliens.

FINALLY, today, the nest is empty, so I tore it out and destroyed it. EVICTED!

Now, how to keep them from coming back? I've read that robins will lay a second brood once the first has left the nest.

They are interested in the tractor, not the location. They find it if I move it. They rebuild if I destroy. It's like waterfront property in hurricane territory.
Leave it run? Lol. You may be able to apply some bird rid to flat surfaces. This
product is used to prevent birds from roosting on rafters etc. In sheds

Had the same problem with a stock trailer.
My niece found on the internet cheap
perfume drives them away. She didn't tell
me about it until after she tried it. I
couldn't figure out why my trailer smelled
so purty until she burst out laughing. I
found this cheap knock off from Walmart
works the best. Any time I see the start
of a nest I squirt some on and that's it.
Seems to work for me.
I wonder if they are attracted to red? I have several green & orange tractors & one gray one, they never have had a nest in them. A friend
of mine has a red swather and he has had one nest in his.
Net wrap stapled from ceiling down to each rafter works as a great deterrent to sparrows in machine sheds. PIA to install, but once done solves sparrow problem permanently in my experience.
Or a fake owl, keeps Bluejays from stealing the cats food for a long while till they get wise. I think it was about 7.99 at farm store.
I've yet to see a robin nest inside a closed up barn. That is where I keep the 1586. I have brushes on the bottom of the doors. Not even the sparrows get inside.
I had to cover a friends briggs engine with
hardware cloth to keep the mice form making a
nest on top of engine and chewing on spark plug

You may have to cover engine with chicken wire.
Mud nests sounds like swallows. Wasp spray on the area they are trying to build nests.
Son lives in town. Had a black car that he parked along curb. The only black car in the whole block
and it was just covered in crap. Well two houses down had a big vacant lot behind and trees. The
crows would nest in them trees and that black car must of been in there flight pass.
Mice are terrible for coming back. When I repaired grain dryers there were some we rewired every year. No matter how much poison you put out or tried sealing them up it would happen. Maybe if you chained a cat there you could stop the rascules.
Call Morton Buildings, Inc. Order their Deluxe machine shed in whatever size. Deluxe model has vented soffits and vented ridge.
You'll have no moisture buildup in that kind of design and, as long as you keep the doors closed, complete bird and bat-proofing.

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