c'mon spring!


Well-known Member
waiting impatiently for spring, everything is fueled and greased, field is ready for the planter....now 4 inches of snow forecast for Wednesday....arrrgghhh!


One year my neighbour and I were at it early and planted oats. Then it turned cold and wet, then snowed. It was several days before the fields dryed. He and I walked out into my field to check for germination, every oat seed we found !had rotted and turned to mush. We got to sow oats all over again !
Its up to 37 degrees now. We shouldnt get the snow, maybe see a few flakes is all.

Lot of corn fields look planted 30 miles west of me, they were in by April 9th when I drove by. With lows in the mid 20s for 3 days here, thats asking a lot of corn.

My oats with cover crop mix of alfalfa clover and turnips is sprouted, I planted some the day before and day after Easter. I think they will be ok, almost wish there was a 1/2 inch of snow on them.

I plant with an open station tractor, so Im not even tempted to plant yet. And I dont have the icebreaker row cleaners on the planter! Ha.

It is not unusual to have a 3 day cold snap in the teens of May here in southern Minnesota. It is rare for the ground to dry out this early, so we rarely are chomping at the bit to plant so early. It would be something if we get that cold snap again in May still, with so many either already planted or ready to in a couple days.

They are forecasting below freezing temperatures Tuesday and Wednesday night. Possible snow.

What's that going to do to corn what was planted 2 weeks ago?
Does it pay to plant corn before the ground has warmed up to within a few degrees of 55F?
Shouldn't hurt it, won't be tall enough to freeze the growing point. Snow actually helps insulate the ground a bit, and provides a soaking moisture to help germination. Now, if it freezes in May....!

As long as it warms up after the corn is planted. Weather after planting has more effect on corn than weather at planting.

I will tell in a few days! We planted on tge 5th and 6th of this month. I will probably start planting tomorrow.
I don't think any corn has been planted here yet , even the BTOs are waiting a bit. Last week in April is generally when planting starts on an early year, most is done by mid May.....except for 2019 when it was mid June or later. Former neighbour was experimenting with modifications to his planter years ago and did plant some mid April on his sandy soil. Being 3 miles from the lake keeps the frost at bay, but can keep the day temps cooler as well.

Hope I didn't jump the gun. Planted oats yesterday. Had to wait till near supper time for ground to get dried off, so finished well into the dark, started to rain pretty heavy just as finishing up with the wife riding drill. Dont think she was too impressed! Could have had them in the ground 1 1/2 weeks ago, but didnt have my seed. Generally my experience has been oats like early planting, but dont remember having snow after planting before.

dried off enough again today to get em rolled but there wasnt too much dust flying. Brother and I rigged up what you see in the picture. Actually worked pretty well for almost 0 investment.

Got a few strange looks when I tryed it out on the front lawn by the road!

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