At 88, I guess that's how it is going to be

37 chief

Well-known Member
Just walking an fairly level ground yesterday, and down I went. My face hit the ground, I scratched the crap out of my arm. My middle finger hurts. I wouldn't be giving anyone the middle finger for a while. I was planning on changing a few blades on my flail mower. May have to wait a few days.
last year I did the same thing, but fell on a sharp rock, and needed stitches. Not time for that easy chair yet, I still have a lot of mowing to do. Maybe next year. Stan
At 86 I haven't fallen, but I've occasionally set out to do something I always did as a matter of routine and found out these old bones really aren't up to it anymore.
Take it easy for a bit Stan.
I have overdone it all week and I am having to slow down a day or two to quit hurting.
Richard in NW SC
Was invited up to the neighbor's last night for supper. Sat in a soft Livingroom chair and chatted for a while after the meal. When I stood up to leave I fell over backwards and flipped the chair. Danged diabetic neuropathy in the feet has made the possibility of a fall at the ripe old age of 84 a lot more probable. Not hurt at all. Just a little embarrassing.
George Jones says it best

When I was 53 or 54 I started noticing that I was always tripping as I walked on our nicely graded parking area (Oliver 1255 with my home built back blade with a few licks with a light rail drag and some hand raking thrown in for lagniappe). Turns out I had nerve system trouble that didnt get the message to my left foot that the rest of us were walking
I dont need no rocking chair
I find it reasonable to think about lifting my feet 1/2 inch farther than they were used to lifting. Jim

Keep pushing Stan! If you had slacked off in the recliner at 68 like most guys do you wouldn't be able to do half of what you do now.
You can give someone the finger with the other hand, but a two-finger salute and other more complicated things may have to wait.
Be careful out there!

I've got a few years to go to catch you but I've sure being more careful about falling.

I told the bosses at work, if they want me to keep maintaining the lights and air conditioners, I'll need to build or buy a cage for the forklift. My days of balancing on top of a ladder are over, I hope!
At 73, I fall from time to time, part of the job description of farmer. I usually tuck and roll, and come out unscathed but embarrassed.
I don't understand some things,

I don't know anything personally about you so I am not directing this comment to you personally.

I am almost 60 and at my age I have nothing to prove or be ashamed of but if I felt the need to use a cane I would.

I have a friend who is 80, was very active as a tool salesman and in November served to avoid two deer in the road way, and took a rough ride through the ditch. no vehicle damage but had a stress fracture in his back. He was doing scheduled therapy and Continued to work but was clearly unstable walking. I said to him one day walking in to restaurant, I,m not trying to offend you but I believe that you should consider using a cane his comment to me was I have cane!! three weeks later while in a customers garage and he lost sensation in his legs and fell on to the cement floor breaking his neck. he now spends 21 hours a day in bed hoping one day to just sit up on his own.
It's that darn gravity sneaking up on us older folks. Be careful.
At 75 now, I could usually get through a year with no falls. But last year fell three times. Twice was in a hurry and a little careless. The third time, I stepped on a walnut...nuff said.
I am a lot more careful on stairs and ladders than I used to be.
In my factory job our company had a scissors lift that would be able to move under it's won power, for high work. One of the first things I did using the thing was knock off a fire sprinkler riser. Lots of water, fire alarm, then the fire dept. showed up. Stan
Be careful. Dont tell your doctor. A couple years back when we had ice underneath the snow, I went down a couple nights a week. Dressed for the cold I went down like a rolley-polley. Answering questions from the nurse during my physical when she asked if I had fallen in the last year, apparently 10 or 12 is not the correct answer.

Once you are 65 every time you see a medical professional they ask you if you have fallen in the last six months. Everyone over 60 should be doing daily balance exercises if they want to continue to live independently.
I am 75 and a few weeks ago i had a full fusion of the lumbar discs--the surgeon told me whatever you do don't fall as you may pull those lag bolts and rods loose--so outside of the house i wear my back brace and use a cane for stability
(quoted from post at 14:42:19 04/11/21) Be careful. Dont tell your doctor. A couple years back when we had ice underneath the snow, I went down a couple nights a week. Dressed for the cold I went down like a rolley-polley. Answering questions from the nurse during my physical when she asked if I had fallen in the last year, apparently 10 or 12 is not the correct answer.

Miangus, after two times you are supposed to take preventive action such as traction devices.
I have my Mustang skid loader for sale as I can't get off unless Tall Kid is close by so I can lean on him so I won't fall
I was cleaning up the shop yesterday and rearranging things. One of them was a CD player that I seldom use but since I touched it and nobody was around to annoy with the volume near full blast so that I could hear it, I dug through some CDs to play. Happened upon a GJ historical collection package with several CDs and some verbiage about his life, how he got his start in music and all that. He said he thinks he had 165 hits to give you an idea as to his volume of music produced and he said that when he sang a song it was his life he was singing........Interesting. Other thing is he said he remembered most of them...remembering lyrics and chords to that many tunes is amazing but he is said to be the greatest CW singer there ever was. They said he rolled out the feeling by the way he manipulated the words, and voice octave changes and all that he does that makes the fans love him.

You know looking back at someone like that, in their earlier years, Grand Old Opry, early TV western singing shows like Hank Williams and his Cheatin Heart, Porter Wagner and Dolly getting her singing start to fame....., vocal greats getting their start and then seeing them (those still alive) today still pumping out the music, still bringing in the fans, still remembering the lyrics, still sounding good enough for listening of his comments was that good music never true!

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