Lost my first tooth

David G

Well-known Member
I had a molar extracted and bone graft, needs to heal for 3 months, then implant.

There was a lot more infection that has to drain.
Sounds like a big procedure. Here's some info on adult teeth from a web search ....

"By the age of 12 to 14, most children have lost all their baby teeth and have their adult teeth. There are 32 adult teeth in total – 12 more than in the baby set. The last 4 of these, called wisdom teeth, usually emerge later than the others, generally between the ages of 17 and 21".

I had 4 wisdom teeth extracted when I was in high school and a couple more before that when I had braces (ugh) in Jr. High School. So 32-6 = 26 ..... I still have all 26 and I'm almost 75. That's the only body part I can brag about .... ha!
must have very good dental insurance or very deep pockets to do all that for a molar. Spent thousands out of pocket on my wife's teeth, ended up with dentures (top plate) maybe should have looked at the long game instead of the short term. Just wanted to keep that terrific smile. Still has a great smile, man made. gobble

David, you'll be very happy with it when it's done!, I had a bone infection between my teeth and my sinuses, ended up with 26 bone grafts in my upper jaw and due to the poor condition of my remaining teeth, I bit the bullet and just had complete implants, first time in 15 years my mouth hasn't hurt all the time, talking about a set of head bolts!

<a href="https://app.photobucket.com/u/Joecdeere/p/31e04751-5971-4fcf-b00c-de6a59070a4c" target="_blank">
I had my wisdom teeth cut out when I was about twenty two, got all the rest of them yet
, mostly with crowns.
I'm so glad I still have all my teeth. I only had one filling in 8th grade and it broke out 2 weeks after by-pass surgery so I had to wait a few months until I could get it fixed. I'm sorry for all of you that had to endure dental problems!
I got all my teeth also. Take um out at night, put um back in in the morning. No more tooth aches and still gain weight.
When 14 years old I went to get a few nails and a hammer to reinstall the door on our corn crib for my cousin Richard. I stuck my head up over the box wagon tongue just as he finished and tossed the scoop shovel off the end of the wagon. I was saying "I got th-----" when the shovel hit my top teeth right in the two center teeth breaking one off at the gum line, and removing the other in its entirety. (If squeamish don't read the next line) The nerve from the broken tooth was hanging out in the air, it was real nasty on every breath. I have had a "flipper" or bridge since. This fall I had a 4 tooth implant done. Magnificent results. Even with insurance it was costly. Jim
I have had my wisdom teeth pulled about 7 years ago because their roots were starting to interfere with the molar roots. Dentist discovered I had a tumour growing in my gums, and it had killed the nerve in the 3rd and 4th front teeth left side top. So they both have had root canal. Tumour was removed, it was non cancer. Busted my 2nd front top on right side off by hitting myself in the face with a wrench, when the bolt I was wrenching on snapped off. Dentist patched it up, but only lasted a few years, and came off two weeks ago. Went in yesterday for root canal on it, and a temporary crown. I get the permanent crown in two weeks. Things happen, and you just have to roll with it. How much for an implant David ?
I have my share of fillings growing up. How many remember when we went to the dentist he said open up, and started drilling. No pain killer what so ever. I have tooth picks at my computer, when I am looking at things I pick up a pick, and clean around my teeth. I also have those floss things. I haven't had a filling in a ling time. Stan
Had all mine pulled and new ones put in at the same time. I couldn't wear the darned things so they've been in the medicine cabinet for the past 12 years and that's where they will stay. Just can't wear the things but do miss being able to eat peanuts without grinding them into tiny pieces and I'd love to be able to eat a good fresh apple again. The worst mistake I've ever made cause they weren't nearly all bad at all.
This does not sound like it is a fun process to go through. Modern dentistry can save us a lot of agony in the long run though. My dad had all but one of his natural teeth when he died at 96 years old. My others brother got false teeth when he was 18 because his natural teeth were not good. My granddad did the work on him and he had those same false teeth when he died 60 years later.
Chief .... you post reminded me that I forgot to mention (with the fact that I still have all my teeth) that I have a LOT of the old mercury compound fillings. Some have been replaced. A few years back I got some metal filings in my eye and went to a medi-clinic where the doc took an Xray of my head to make sure he didn't leave any of the metal behind when he cleaned my eye out. He said man, do you ever have a lot of fillings. Ha, tell me about it I said, all kids did back in the 50's.

David, is the bone graft an actual chunk of bone or is it material that the dentist packs in so that your own bone fills in?
Good luck with the replacement David. Mine is still holding - about 14 or 15 years ago, Mr. Youngman from Hawkeye Breeders came up to collect and freeze AI from a bull that weighed about 1500 lbs or maybe more. the bull got to fidgiting- can't blame him- and knocked a post out of the floor. The post came down and hit me on the head - knocked me out briefly and broke off a front tooth. The dentist installed a temporary while the new one was being made and the glue didn't hold. It came out in class. I think it was Ag business - the students were older. One of them said "did you get in a bar fight Mr. B." - i told them add one letter. We got the AI collected- they wanted to know all about that too- and i used a unit on a cow today. The good old days -LOL
So, here is my story: my father tells me his father had all his own teeth when he passed on at 65. He was from Budapest, which has naturally occurring fluoride in the water, actually. I grew up on city water here and the fluoride in it. I’ve never had a cavity. It works.
I got an implant a couple years ago, to replace 2 adjacent molars that I had lost. Its working fine. Dentist said they'd have to build up the bone before doing it, so packed in some powder. That was it.
Charged me 400 bucks for that.

What surprised me is after they drilled the hole in my jaw and put in the post, I figured it was going to hurt like crazy after the anesthetic wore off. But there was absolutely no pain at all.
btdt only it was a baseball. dentist gave mom heck why didn't you bring Virgil in sooner nerve is hanging out of what is left of tooth.
At 61 I still have one wisdom tooth left. SO I'm only a quarter as smart as I used to be. I get a grin at the dentist's office with that sometimes.

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