This could be the problem

jon f mn

Well-known Member
My swather wasn't cutting as good as it should and when a section broke I saw the guards were worn.



So tonight I put on all new guards and most of the sections, I counted wrong and didn't buy enough sections so hope it cuts ok with 6 old ones. I'll get more and if it's an issue I'll put them on.

My friend for the last thirty years passed away last week and his wife asked me to take over farming the home place, so I'll have more than double the hay acres now so it will need to be in good shape.

Abe, the worlds best dog is getting along great. He is a fast learner and for the most part a good pup. He did decide he liked the neighbors tho, so I got him an electric collar. But he only needed one shot at the first neighbors and he never went back there again. Then he decided a different neighbor might be ok and one more there and he decided home was best. Now all he needs is the beep and he behaves instantly. Here he is guarding the gate while I feed hay.


He learned that with just a few tries so he's going to be a good help. He did chew on my favorite coffee cup tho, don't know what you do when the worlds best dog chews on your favorite coffee cup. Lol
Get him his own coffee cup that says Worlds #1 Pup! Probably one out there that says Worlds #1 pup owner as well. Glad to hear you have a sharp dog & he's learning the ropes quick. Also good to know he's enjoying his new digs.

What haybine are those guards on? Never seen one worn down like that.

Regards & give the pup a pat for me.

I have seen that on customers machines more times that I want to say,, most of the cheap tight wads just replace a guard or two and REALLY put things in a bind,, and then cry a river when it takes out various parts in the cutting drive system after I tell them to replace the guards and complete sickle at the same time, but many not before they cost themselves big bucks breaking parts before they will replace what I told them from the start,, some are just slow learners I always say,, you will be happy with her now as long as she is in time and your wobble arm is adjusted and has good unworn out bearings in the pivot,, if you adjusted the slack out of it more than a few times the bearings need replaced now also
Seen a lot of broken cutter bars because the guards were shot. Every year I put on new sections and ever other year new guards. It is mazing how much better and faster you can run beans.
I guess our way old IH simi mounted had superior technology, with replaceable ledger plates made of hard steel. Progress. Jim
Those are a different design guard,, I would take the guards like jon has int he pics any day over the old ledger plate guards as far as quality and efficiency of cut,, CASE used those on their mowers also IH was far from the only one every one did,, I have ran both,, the two piece "tye Guard" above will cut where the old singles walk right over the crop,, the singles were fine in tall crops but in short tangled/thin grasses not so much,
Agree 100% dull worn out cutter parts will destroy the rest of the mower plus do a poor job cutting.But most people apparently rather take a beating than keep cutter parts in good shape.I have bought a lot of sickle cutters over the years and yet to buy one I'd take to a hay field and cut hay with it.
agree the ledgers plate were sure cheaper to replace, done plenty of them when we ran sickle mowers,, best day ever was when i went to a swather in the 70's for our hay types here,, when the hay was tall they worked great, most years it is short enough a sickle mower wants to run over some of it,, I still have a few sickle mowers though in my collection,, I get 2500-3000 acres on a set of guards these days, i used to replace them ever year and the complete sickle but have not got 2500 plus acres i cut every year any more,, we also have enough rocks i hold my cutter bars up and leave 6" of stubble also not easy with a sickle mower,,

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