Strange things you ran over

37 chief

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Yesterday I ran over what was left of a rusted tat trap, on the front of my MF 231. was just about finishing a small mowing job. The tire had lost all the air, but it was still on the rim. I was doing good, and had a couple more rounds, and it came unseated on the rim. I loaded up, and finished with my string line mower. The other odd thing I ran over was the bottom of a wine glass. I drove by a T post sticking out of a pile of dirt, and sliced my rear tire open. ran over a piece of PVC pipe sticking out of the ground, it flattened a rear tire. Thrones and sticks don't count. I have had many flats in my 26 years from them. Stan
Old guy wanted me to make hay from his 2 acre field. He swore up and down there wasn't any junk in it. Started around with disc mower, stopped about a foot short of having a steel wheelbarrow wheel and axle go through the mower. Picked up and left- he stopped me on the way out, and I told him that when I run into junk on the first round on a "clean" field, I take it as a sign and abandon the project. He called me a couple of choice names, but I ignored it.
My uncle had told me to leave the 4 section spike tooth drag in the headland where a homestead log cabin was slowly being eaten by mother nature. I did. The sections were against the log house tooth out. Weeds had grown up around them he made a turn with the Farmall 400 about 2 feet away from the wall pulling a load of hay. He spiked 4 sidewall tears in the right rear. I was standing there waving my arms to no avail, yelling Nooooo. He wanted to yell at me soooo bad, but remembered that he was the one that got them put there, and he had seen them 15 times before the hay was made. He was internally stressed.

Another time I was putting the 2 row cultivators on the SH and caught a brand new 7.00 16 tri-rib sidewall on a shovel wing. I was about 16. Not good. Jim

I'd been looking for a cable I used for lifting with my loader tractor. Where could it be? About 3/16" with loops at each end. I found it with my riding mower, stopped it dead in its tracks. Could still drive it without the deck going, got it down to the shop and in the air. Pretty easy to unwind the cable but it was almost cut all the way through by the blades.
It didn't happen to me, but when I was a kid working at my dads garage fixing flats, a car came in with a flat, tire ruined.

Looked at it and there was a broken half of a pair of needle nose pliers stuck in the sidewall.

About 3 days later another flat showed up, went to repair it...

There was the other half of the broken pliers stuck in that one!

What are the odds?

And we were not the only tire repair in town, many more to choose from.

Oh, and a couple years ago, wife said the car was making a funny noise.

Drove it a few feet and realized it was something to do with the left rear.

There was a broken pair of small needle nose pliers! It was stuck in at an almost flat to the tread angle, only stuck in the tread, did not penetrate to the inside!
Not quite run over, But... I was cleaning my freestall barn with my JD4020 and 148 loader. Part of the routine was to back into the holding area and scrape manure into the corner of the outside lot and scoop it up and take to the manure spreader. So when I backed into the holding area I got close to the wall that my homemade crowd gate was parked. The crowd gate was electrified horizontal pipe with swing chain hanging down spaced 10" apart. Having done this thousands of times, no problem, but this time the tractor axle bumped one of the chains which swung and looped around the valve stem of the rear tire and as I went forward I caught out of my right eye a swirling spray of salt water (fluid for weight in the tire). So I unhappily drove the tractor out side the barn and parked it to wait for the tire repair guy. When odd crap like this happens I can only blame myself. Darn it!
Does fence wire count? I was tedding hay on a rented field and a couple of days later I discovered a small piece of wire sticking out both ends 2 inches apart on the side wall of a rear tire. The tire wasn t flat at all. Stupid me pulled the wire. Fzzzzzzzz.
I ruined a brand new tire one time running over a stick less than half the diameter of my pinky. Went through the sidewall. I kept tinkering with it until I got four plugs to get it to hold air.
SK 7/16 combination wrench thru a brand new tire on my F250 a few years ago. Open end went right thru the center of the tread. Tire center was able to fix it and it was still on the truck when I sold it last year. I still have the wrench in my tool box.
I was plugging along the two lane into town one afternoon in the Ford and a black cat ran along side in the ditch with me for several hundred feet before it decided to turn and run under my back tire.
Not just one but TWO chain saws about two years apart, didn't have them strapped down on a steep trail:-(
Still have them both, they both run!
A large rat tail round file, didn't penetrate into the tire, just under the tread. The tire shop had a heck of a time pulling it out. 4 years ago, just replaced the whole set last week.
My younger brother's toe with the Minneapolis-Moline steam traction engine some 75 years ago. Broke his big toe. It was years before my mother was convinced it was an accident rather than horseplay.
When I was about fourteen I got sent up to mow hay for the neighbor. The hay was pretty high and I didn't see the bee hives some dumb azz slipped over the fence, bees were pizzed, me too. Nailed one on the first round, ouch.

Daughter in law straddled a tire cap off a semi a few years ago on I39 and did around four thousand dollars damage to my sons car.
Yesterday i was west of St. Cloud on MN 75 and in the turn lane where I was headed I found a pry bar. The kind called a flat bar. it was bend up, waiting to fulfill its name. It is on the wall ready to be used for leverage. Jim
When I was a teenager coming home with mom?s car from somewhere, about a half mile from home the tire started making a thumping sound. Didn?t think anything of it but the next morning the tire was flat. Took the tire off and found a bicycle brake sticking in the tread, the kind that squeeze the bicycle wheel on the sides with pads.
A number of years ago we were heading to my folk's place in Colorado a day after Christmas. Cruising through Buhler, KS at about 30 mph I noticed a kid up ahead playing with a rather fast RC car in his front lawn. I kept my eye on him and just as I got there the car bounced up through the bar ditch and onto the road. Evasive maneuvers didn't prevent the RC car from getting up close and personal with the right rear tire of my truck which obviously didn't end well. I stopped and pulled into the driveway. The kid was about in tears but his dad was fortunately very understanding of what happened. He said something like "I've been telling him to keep it off the road . . .". I still felt bad, though - this was probably the kid's Christmas present.
Ran over a plastic garbage bag with my truck, and it got wound up in the drive shaft. Couldn't for the life of me figure out what was making that noise under the floor.
We were working late one night in my younger days and went to run the Ford Major into the shed that had been parked outside the door. Afterward I found out there was a cat with 3 kittens laying under the front side of the back wheel which was loaded and had a full rack of weights on it. We didn't place a high value on barn cats but still felt bad and haven't forgot it which was well over 50 years ago.
I have run over all kinds of great stuff throughout the years! One in particular was very special. Driving down IL-20 car started to rumble at every speed. Pulled over, no flats, no sound of leaking air. Drove on, still rumbling like crazy. Pulled into Woodstock, slowed down in town and noticed a slight ticking sound about the same speed of the wheel RPM. I pull into a service station, they don't see anything obvious. Th tire guy comes out and takes a look at the back passenger tire. Looks like it has a slight angle to it, like a bulge on the inside pushing on the sidewall. He takes it off on the tire press and what does he find? A piece of 1/2" rebar 18" long. It went into the tire, bent slightly when it hit the rim and wedged itself in there so it still held air. That was cute!
Years ago I was driving our minivan to the grocery store, maybe 1 mile away. I had driven over a roadkill, but did not think anything of it. When I got out at the store, I heard a loud hiss, so I quick got back in and hurried home-where I could much easier deal with it. Took it off and went to the tire store. It was a bird beak, worked like a straw...!
Driving home late Saturday afternoon from work ,all disappointed about my cancelled date that night. As my parents changed their minds and let my younger brother have the car instead .
I inadvertently hit a skunk and then accidentally ran over it twice more. Parked the car in the garage , shut the doors and said nothing.
Still remember my brother walking past wearing cologne and could not keep a straight face thinking of the irony.
Waited patiently for my brother to open the garage door was rewarded by hearing his outrage and dismay.
Going home one night, about 40 years ago, driving a 3/4 ton Dodge van.

Going too fast to even hit the brake, I saw what I first thought was a horse or cow laying across the road, something big and brown.

I braced for impact, but nothing...

Did I just have an hallucination?

Then I heard a scraping sound, pulled over, looked under, there was a huge roll of rusty chicken wire wedged between the floor and the drive shaft!

I was close to home so I just drove on slowly. Got home and pulled the drive shaft to get it out, no damage done.

Then here came an old whisky beat pick up with side boards and stacked with more rolls of rusty chicken wire. He had lost one. I still don't know how he found me.

The old man was livid! I had ruined his roll of wire that was laying in the middle of the street!

First he wanted to fight, then he wanted me to pay for it...

I told him I could get the sheriffs dept out here to settle it if he really wanted to.

I think at that point he decided a roll of chicken wire wasn't worth a DUI...
My favorite I suppose was done with a 47 ford 4dr sedan. It was night and I was cruising right along on a dirt country road. Hit a big badger. He took the exhaust out from under the car and made funny noise going under. I stopped as soon as I could and backed up knowing there would be a dead badger in the road and didn't want anyone else to hit him. He was not on the road. Caught some weeds moving in the grader ditch. Last I saw the badger it was going through the barbed wire fence into a field and kept going. Guess a badger is a lot like hitting a pig.

Picked up a railroad spike in a rear tire on my propane bobtail in the early 70's. It was a 900x20 Michelin radial.Kinda expensive.
driving home from work and had to go the really long way do to all the flooding. I was headed down US 31 at a good rate of speed with my F350 when out of the ditch runs a Dalmatian at full speed. Happened so fast I did not have time to even react. His head flew into the ditch and his body was flopping in the road. There were no houses in the area so I moved the body off the road.
Another one not nearly as bad was I was round baling inside the refuge and plugged the pick up reel with a dead deer. Did I mention it was July in southern Indiana?
Good old days, coming out of Philly one Saturday, looked in the mirrors, flat on the trailer. Limped into a tire shop in Harrisburg. Found a cultivator shovel run through it.
Wasn't what we expected to find.
Ok one more. This was strange. Years ago I was driving my little Ford Escort wagon, ran over a flattened piece of car trim. Nothing unusual about that. Just a typical cheap piece of metal that fell off a car then got run over by about a thousand other cars. Pretty flat. But it flipped up I guess when my front wheels hit it, aimed straight for the exhaust and pulled it apart. Instantly sounded like a dirt-track racer. I imagine exhaust was ready to break anyway but I couldn't believe that flimsy little piece of metal could do that.
My Dad worked on railroad, He parked near the track where they kept the motor car, had a gas station nearby put 2 new tires on, tube type, ran them about a week had a flat, took it back and they found a package of double edged razor blades inside of tire, they sold them at gas station, new tires were sitting under shelf where razor blades were kept. This was back in the fifties. Gene
Ran over a deer one night and his antler went into the tire and the tire went flat just that fast. Crawled under the back to try to remove the spare tire in the dark only to have some busted deer guts fall in my face.
Oh Wow ,,. Lots to recall here ,,. The best one was coming up on a plastic tarp while shelling corn , blanket , girls socks and nnalert .. and Iwas pretty sure i know the couple of kids .. Worst one and a pet peeve , broken off t post right thru the rear tire . I preach U break one off , Make durnsure You get the rest out ,,. or at the very least pound it down 10 inches . Anytime I takeon a new property there is always mysteries to discover. worst are junk yards on good farms that are now owned by damed ol hippis. Granpa made a good living there and respected the land . all the while being criticised by his big mouth daughter how his generation is destroying the ecosystem .Then what does the daughter do , She shacks up with a worthless hippi after granpa dies and leaves her the farm , and is perfectly fine schetting up the place with all kinds of junk ..
At least you didn't find the broken high
tensile wire with the disk head on the
Sucked up a quarter mile off the posts in a
big hurry, I was told.

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