Below Freezing Again!

So sick of this weather. I am about to scream. About ready to go to Florida for a week just to get away from it. Cant safely plant anything yet. Other people have corn up, & its a sick green color. Had 3 nights in a row down around 26 / 27 degrees. One night was severe killing frost.
I dont care if its hits 90's & stays there. Thats my kind of weather. On an average year we start planting around April 15th. Last couple of years its just went rotten on or after that date. Anyway Thermometer about 5:40am says 29, & its still a while to daylight!
I feel much the same way, but I try not to get all worked up about these things we can?t control. I have seen corn in others fields half way to the knee get frozen and turn purple/black and be dead as a stone, while mine was still safe and dry in the bag. The push to plant earlier and earlier is driven by the cash crop grain corn growers. They know that they can?t wait till it is warm to start planting, because they have so many acres to plant, the last acres will go in late and risk frost on the other end of the season. And the risk of their corn getting frozen off by planting early is partly born by the seed companies that offer a replant program. It all comes down to greed, like most things. Each year is a bit different and you can?t farm by the calendar, only by actual conditions. I wait till the ground is warm to plant, and as I don?t try to farm the entire county, I have plenty of time to get the crop in. And I don?t try to grow a variety that won?t mature within our frost free days.
Yup it is 29 about here. Got corn planted and might be some up. Have not had a chance to look. Dad did look Thursday and said it was not up then. Feels more like March or February thaw than mid May. Last year if we had gotten things planted early like April it would have been good. Waited to warm up some and were doing tillage then they would not turn off the faucet once it was turned on. Seems like you can't win for losing some years. This is in central MI.
It's 31 degrees right now, at 6:15 AM, in Spring Hill, Tennessee. I don't do any row cropping but I bale small square bales of hay. I try to start my first cut around April 15. I haven't cut a single stalk of hay yet and isn't promising much chance for the next ten days. Wet, cool and overcast. Blah.

Tom in TN
27 degrees but sunny here in east central IL as I type this. The forecast calls for a high of 55 today. I'll take that to get more outside work done this afternoon.
Central Alabama......frost warning tonight. A month later than normal. Not gonna be good for the garden.
Farming is/can be a tough life. Cash crops are weather dependance for a living. I live in SE Michigan and grew up on a small cash crop farm. The only thing we planted around April 15 in the '50s was early potatoes and onions. We never planted corn or soy beans until mid-May. There were times that we didn't finish planting until June 1.
I have watched farmers around here now plant a lot earlier, as you said, April. I think (opinion) that we have had a lengthy period (years) of warm springs and it fooled us into planting earlier. Global warming advocates swear by it. Even fruit trees have blossomed and are being damaged.
Just my memory and pinion. Everyone has them.
47? in SW Washington this morning- was 83 yesterday, may hit 85 today and tomorrow- about 20 degrees above normal. Will get the rest of the garden planted- corn, beans, squash, tomatoes, okra and turnips from Larry on the Corner, in time for the rain on Monday.
Does anyone else think the seasons are shifting a little? In our little area I feel that spring is coming later in the year and winter is shifting its start later also. Just my observation with no proof.
not sure what "normal" actually is.
my dad talks about years where they planted in april and other years in june.
the old timiers used nature to tell them when to plant and seed.
here in Manitoba they had 2-3 weeks of optimal seeding time.
Some years you had 6 weeks but don't bite off more than you can chew.
TODAY farmers seem to have so much land they need 8 weeks of good weather to get it all done. I don't feel sorry for any of them getting there corn and beans froze again.
If they would farm what they can reasonably take care of in natures time frame they would have a lot less worries and stress.
If we had 2X the farmers with half the land they could plant in half the time, or almost.
I know it will never happen as GREED will never let farmers go back to farming what they can handle on there own without self driving rigs, and 500 hp tractors with huge pieces of land with no bumps and trees left.
I guarantee you that if we had alot of smaller farmers and WAY less big ones our commodities would be priced where they should be and we could make a living on 3/4 a section of land.
Weatherman wasn't lyin' when he said it was gonna be colder than Christmas. I sure wish he had been wrong by a long-shot.
It's all happened before.
An old long dead friend of mine told me of a year here that it frosted every month except Jun, July, and August.
I saw snow here on May 10 one day in the mid sixties. Did not accumulate.
Richard in NW SC
I had to put a light in the cold frame last night to help keep the plants from freezing. Looks l'm leaving it on again tonight.

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