Going down with the ship

37 chief

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Anyone else riding out the stock market? I keep saying just one more day, and it keeps getting worse. Stan
When ever I get the urge to put money in the stock market, I go to Las Vegas instead. It?s more fun and just as predictable.
I have been through about three and have always stayed in and come out way ahead. If you cash in now you will have lost, you have to have some ice water in your veins and a little bourbon usually helps!
So much for drawing on my retirement fund in 1 1/2 years. Hope it bounces back by then because I cant do anything about it now.
Like Mark Twain said; "Buy good stocks when they're cheap, sell them when they're high. If they don't go high, don't buy them."
I'm riding it out, like others have mentioned it will come back. I have been thru this 3 times also and haven't lost. I have a feeling it will come roaring back like a herd of stampeding bulls. I am staying cool, looking forward to cheaper fuel soon. As soon as our nation really finds out nnalert-19 only lasts 2 or 3 days if you're healthy, the bulls will be running. When it's over we'll have some profitable uptick.
You should have plenty of time for recovery (stock market). It's kind like selling corn tomorrow for $2.00.
I've been moving money into stocks since the market started to fall two weeks ago. I'd been moving out of stocks for most of the previous year. Nobody knows how much the market will fall, but I made a lot of money between 2009 and 2019, and I'm pretty sure the market will eventually recover just like before.

My target stocks-to-bonds ratio is 67 percent. I calculated it this morning and I'm at 63.6 percent after yesterday's debacle. So I still need to move more money into stocks. Why 67 percent? Well, if the stock market drops 50 percent, I'll "only" lose about a third of the total value in my IRA/401k accounts.

You can look at the current situation as the biggest stock market disaster in over a decade. Or the biggest opportunity in over a decade. It's both.
We have about 10% of our assets actualy in the market, 75% in physical assets,land mostly and 15% in cash. Large drops affect other things beside stock prices. After sweating out several large drops in the past and once making the stupid decision to bale out I an hanging in once more.
Can't eat gold and a big pile of it won't buy my last food. Don't buy gold,, buy toilet paper!!! LOL
Riding it out here too. I refuse to even look at the balances. Danged if you do and Danged if you don't. Never actually had any of that money in my hand anyway.
Just for the record Gold has gone up while everything else has had the bottom drop out in the last month,and with even one ounce of Gold you could eat pretty good for quite awhile.
Gold as always is the safe haven in financial turmoil.

six years ago I decided that I didn't want to be too greedy and moved 2/3 into annuities, so I am protected. The rest is in conservative positions.
Market will come back as soon as Big nnalert, the drug companies that we like to complain about charging too much for pills, finds a cure or nnalert.

I was thinking of investing as soon as the market hits bottom.
(quoted from post at 19:29:14 03/09/20) Anyone else riding out the stock market? I keep saying just one more day, and it keeps getting worse. Stan
Same here. My broker told me to look long term.
Flat lime is never really good, a little roller coaster gives some opportunities.

Really, where will all the money go, it has to go somewhere, it will be back in the market. This is probably a good buying opportunity.

I don't like to sell when prices are low, ride it out is my idea. Of course a good investment strategy theory in my lay opinion is TO DIVERSIFY and NOT put all your eggs in one basket but spread the risk. I have some in stocks but more in bonds as I grow older plus some precious metals as well as cash and mutual funds.

John T Engineer and Attorney NOTTTTTTTT any financial adviser so consult professionals NOT lay people is my advice.
Ride it out. Never sell in a panic move. Do look at your portfolio to see what may need to be sold once things rebound. If you are fundamentally sound then a move will be unnecessary.
I don't play the market, but if I did, I'd be buying right now, not selling.

Seriously, the whole situation is nothing but a knee jerk reaction caused by an unfounded panic over a virus that's already shown to be no worse than the yearly flu virus....which changes nearly every year, thus we have no real nnalert for either.

Once the panic stops, and it will, as it always has, those who bought low can make a bundle.
That is about as predictable as the Sun coming up in the East,just like if you ask a real estate agent when is a good time to buy a house the answer is always,NOW and they have just the perfect house to sell you.The large smart investors with foresight bailed out when the prices started to drop,the chumps stayed in.
I don't own any stocks at the moment, but I'm thinking of buying while they're low.

BTW, my IRA actually went up yesterday. It went down a bit last week, but right now it's one dollar short of the highest it's ever been. It's mostly in mutual funds.
(quoted from post at 21:29:14 03/09/20) Anyone else riding out the stock market? I keep saying just one more day, and it keeps getting worse. Stan

Why would you sell? Anyone with sense is NOT selling! It will recover as it always has. The only reason to take any money out now is if you are in a situation where you need the cash, and if you are that sketchy you have no business in stocks in the first place. But you also cannot thinnk of it is daily terms, either. To think "one more day" is just ignorant.
It?s called the?nnalert Dump? brought to you by the Person who takes all the credit for 29,500 Dow Jones
and now should shoulder the blame. But it?s never his fault!!
So lets see when I was a kid they used to talk about the Dow and the magic 1000.00 level. Then about 20-30 years later it broke that and climbed to much nigher levels. Then the Previous administration claimed praise and victory crowing about the highest it had ever been when it got to about the 15,000.00. Then it dropped some and everybody with stocks appeared to panic. Then the current president saw the Dow climb to the high of almost double what the messiah claimed was his doing. So with it in the mid to high 20,000.00 range a few thousand back is just a correction in the market, stimulated by a world wide virus.
This too shall pass. Not as much a result of the virus as the Saudis flooding the market in a feud with the Russians. If you're reinvesting, this means every dollar buys you more for when it rebounds.
I just retired 5 months ago, so I'm definitely questioning that decision.
I'm mostly in a 2020 retirement targeted mutual fund which isn't getting hit as bad as some funds.
If the market doesn't get better soon, I'm going to stop pulling money from it and live of cash (passbook) until it gets better.
But can only do that for about a year.
Set it and forget it. I'm still in aggressive stocks although I should be in a stable value fund. I'll just ride out the lows.
(quoted from post at 12:18:15 03/10/20) This too shall pass. Not as much a result of the virus as the Saudis flooding the market in a feud with the Russians. If you're reinvesting, this means every dollar buys you more for when it rebounds.

Mike got it right.
My financial guy got me out of bonds on the 5th.
Filled up with $1.925 gas Saturday.
I dont understand stocks to well but I know better than to sell.
I have a little tied up in my pension that I hope to start drawing on in a few years. I also will probably inherit a pretty good sum. I will be 55 in a few years and hope to be able to at least mostly retire. Charles Schwab takes care of my moms investments and cascade pension takes care of my others. As I dont really understand it well I'm thinking I will need a financial advisor. Do any of you have one?
Those that have their money in a dirty old sock stuffed away have nothing to lose, but nothing to gain either. At least you know where it is.
I tried to buy XLE ENERGY today but my phone wouldn't work . I could have made 3% in one day. I can't believe oil went this low so fast. Maybe a good thing that I couldn't get in. we'll see wbhat tomorrow brings.
I guess I am an odd ball. I started buying this week. I bought during the low in 2008 and that move made me a higher return than anything else I have done. I do not need to used any of what I have in stock for my current needs so I figure its better to reinvest it while stocks are at lows.
(quoted from post at 18:06:29 03/10/20) I guess I am an odd ball. I started buying this week. I bought during the low in 2008 and that move made me a higher return than anything else I have done. I do not need to used any of what I have in stock for my current needs so I figure its better to reinvest it while stocks are at lows.

Yeah it is a good time to take out that $7000 IRA for 2019 if nothing else!
I am not happy that my considerable position in Microsoft has dropped from 180 to 155 in the past few weeks. Then I look back on how I acquired it, I have a hundred shares I bought for $11.33 back when. And added to that over the years with my last buy in Dec'19 at 160.
And I have to ask myself, If I thought MSFT was a good buy at 160 why is it not a good buy at 150?

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