More snow and wind


Well-known Member
Over night. had to go clear a few driveways . Also built up a windbreak for the horse corral

There's something wrong here. You having too much fun playing in the SNOW without a cab on your tractor.
I have a cab and NO SNOW.

Not fair.
In the garage bought a used one and never could get it put on . I may try and make my own frame work for it ?
George I don?t mind it to bad on a day like today the humidity was a little higher but not bad. not a lot of snow this storm so it only took a few hours to get everything cleaned up pretty good need to clean the corral tomorrow then I?ll be in good shape for the next storm
Could use you and machine here. Lots of wind and approx. 20+" of snow. Good time to have my tractor apart and rear blade buried in snow. Dog likes it - this AM it was up to his belly, last outside was over his shoulders, so he took to tunneling.
They had a frame that came up from the cowl cover and then just support it above the axles, since you mount the tractor from the rear right? Tried putting dads on our 4020, but had to get on and off from left side and wheels/fenders in to close to work. Now I know why he never put it on either. Used cardboard along side of a 3020 lp that I drove 20 miles on a cold day, better than nothing.
We got a couple inches here yesterday and look to get some more later in the week. Hope it's not as much as some got.
Holy buckets came back up 80 into Wyoming and the wind was pounding, felt bad for the guys pulling van trailers!

Could you please keep that contained to your part of the world?

We don't want any. :)
But I think we're going to get some... bummer.
I?m going to try and figure out something . I?ve wanted a heat houser for years finally bought the one and couldn?t make it work . If this winter actually finally comes I?d like to have something but I guess I?ve gotten a long this many years I suppose one more wont kill me
I will gladly take your share ! I keep waiting for it to get on with it ! I love snow it does more good for the water table in this part of the country than three times the amount of rain will .
That Wyoming is miserable In the winter time I?ve trucked through there quite a bit and I don?t miss it one bit I?ve seen truck after truck laying upside down and on there sides for miles across that pot licker. I can?t see well enough at night anymore to drive a truck across there in the wind and snow . The last time I did I was coming across a two lane and it was blowing and snowing so hard I couldn?t see the hood ornament on a long nose Pete it was kind of a cold dry snow so it wasn?t slick luckily because the only way I could find the sides of the road was when the truck would lean either right or left I didn?t dare stop and couldn?t see or find any of the pull outs anyway .
Bob I would gladly come help . My dog is getting old enough he can?t go very well through the deep snow anymore .
Sounds like the NEW Michelin snow tires I put on my car this year. So far they are doing a good job of keeping the snow AWAY here in Ohio.
Well according to the weather guessers our Honey Moon is over starting Saturday . They are calling for between 4 and 8 inches of the white stuff. The War Dept has already started on me to make sure the snow blower will run . She did not like my response sayen Mother Nature put it here and she can take it away . So as soon as the temps hit the 50's today i'll go out and drain off the old gas that i put in back in Oct. and go get some new gas . Check the air in the tires and make sure it starts. Since she has been with out a four wheel drive she has become a real bear when the weather gets a little nasty . I am now doing the driving to her late night service unit meetings . Or should i call them HEN PARTY's . Next week she has four nights of meetings.

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