Refrigerator refrigerant


Well-known Member
I have a small refrigerator in my tractor shop. It is noisy when it goes into a cooling cycle.It only runs a few minutes,then is quiet.It gurgles at times. Is it getting low on refrigerant?Can it be recharged?Thanks,Steve
Hello DeltaRed,

How small? how old? I guess is not cooling? Have you turn the thermostat to max cooling? Yes it can be repaired-recharged,
My guess is that repairing a small refrigerator would be cost prohibitive,

If it only cycles a few minutes at a time, then I'd [u:b7cc67a2b5]guess[/u:b7cc67a2b5] there's plenty of refrigerant.

I've often found noises to come from the compressor and around it. I actually have a wood shim lightly wedged in the back of an upright freezer between the black ball (the compressor) and the bottom frame of freezer. Makes a world of difference. Sometimes I have to add a couple wraps of duct tape to help the shim stay in place against the vibrations. ....Tape goes around the shim only; NOT any part of the cooling unit!

Have also found screws that have worked loose from vibrations. Not sure if loose ice is a possible noise maker, but I know that air humidity builds up and freezes inside the door. If a piece of ice fell loose, I suppose that could also vibrate and make noise. Lastly, check to ensure no packaging is sticking through the fan vent where the fan can hit it (think of being a kid and putting a playing card in your bicycle spokes).
It's a refrigerator from a motel room(3 1/2' tall,2 ft wide). It cools quite well. the frige part freezes water.I guess I should turn it up some.No complaints about how it works. Just concerns about the noise.
Turn the unit around so you can check the compressor area for vibrations next it kicks in. You should be able to home in on any problem spots real quick. As mentioned, I've normally found noise vibrations to be coming from the compressor, or the lines to/from it.

I agree with 2x4, usually it is not load enough tohere more than a few feet away. You need to work harder and faster and make more noise! Then you will earn that cold one faster!
Ear plugs will fix the noise. LOL
If it workd, ignore the noise or turn the shop radio up louder.
Probably something vibrating against the frame.

Could be the rubber insulator feet under the compressor.

If it's a line vibrating, it needs to be pulled away or insulated before it rubs a hole in it.

The gurgling, I wouldn't worry about it. Chances are the refrigerant is OK if it's cooling. There are no charge ports unless someone has added them. Never had any success trying to recharge one, they hold such a small amount of refrigerant the smallest leak it will loose it quickly. The pierce type charge fittings are sure to leak.
That's how cheap "dorm room" refrigerators work. They're cheap. In order to make them cheap, they cut corners. Making them quiet is one of the corners they cut. They rattle and gurgle. Because they're made to be as cheap as humanly possible.

They must figure the kids are too drunk or stoned all the time to be bothered by the noise.

The refrigeration units are sealed and not easily recharged. It can be done but it is a "hack" and any licensed HVAC won't touch them. There are videos on youtube on recharging them, but you need some specialized equipment and the ability to solder and/or braze.
Hello DeltaRed,

Check the condenser fan. A little oil of your choice may do tbe trick. The fan nay be hitting something or a fin could help be bent?


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