Update on poor ground wasps


Well-known Member
I posted on the 27th about fighting ground wasps a few feet from the ack door of my shop. I was vacuuming many of them with my shop vac. I thought that I had them pretty well licked when I posted but as I kept seeing more and vacuuming many more over the following week, it wasn't until yesterday when I decided that I had them beaten down enough to open the nest up. This is what I found:


There were three slabs of larvae chambers and a lot of wasps that were just becoming able to fly as well as many that didn't seem able to fly. The outer white ring is about six inches in diam. A little wasp spray seems to have them gone.
I like a small amount of gas,quick kill lasts 30
minutes for those out and about,come home to an
unhappy home
We had a nest just into the edge of the woods behind the house. Someone had dumped an old bus bench seat, and the Yellow Jackets had a perfectly dry place with which to come back year after year. Keep in mind this farm sat abandoned for about 20 years, so they had LOTS of time to build.

Couple years back, we got fed up with the hoards of Yellow Jackets and decided to go after the bus seat. I was able to get a chain around it one very cool morning after soaking the nest for an hour or two with our 30's temp well water. Pulled the seat out with a truck and found a Yellow Jacket nest that nightmares are made of!! It was a full 2' long, about 12" wide, and no way of knowing just how many layers there were!

The wasps had been nesting there for so many years that the nest even made it through repeated major floods!

It has been 2 years now and we hardly see any Yellow Jackets anymore. There were still a lot in the Spruce trees over Summer gathering nectar so I know there's still lots more around, but they're quite docile if not near the nest. Those 'workers' only have nectar on their wee-little minds.....thank goodness!
30 years ago I had a wall of my house that had to be rebuild. I set it up with the construction guy and went on vacation for a week while he repaired it. when we got home after dark so I saw the wall on the inside of the house. he came the next morning early and we went out to look at the outside. I asked him what the devil was that. there was piece of a hornets nest probably 2 foot long. he said when they hit that ground with a backhoe you couldn't believe how many wasps /hornets came out of the ground. he said they removed several chunks of this stuff. this was just the biggest. don't knowm how but no one got stung. though like with any bees you have to get the queen to get rid of them. they do hide in the ground folks.

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