Started trade school today

Philip d

Well-known Member
It was a pretty overwhelming feeling walking in the doors at my age as a student but once I made my way in it wasn?t bad at all. There?s 34 registered for the electrical program,at least 1 other student at least as old as I am. The instructors stressed to us all if we put in 100% effort we?ll all succeed. They said there?s a very very high employment rate and many former students have gone on to start their own business. I?m only short a couple of tools that I don?t already have so once I pick them up I?m good to go and the outcome is up to me. I?ll be able to better wire the lights back up on the 333 MH before too long.
(quoted from post at 15:41:39 09/03/19) It was a pretty overwhelming feeling walking in the doors at my age as a student but once I made my way in it wasn?t bad at all. There?s 34 registered for the electrical program,at least 1 other student at least as old as I am. The instructors stressed to us all if we put in 100% effort we?ll all succeed. They said there?s a very very high employment rate and many former students have gone on to start their own business. I?m only short a couple of tools that I don?t already have so once I pick them up I?m good to go and the outcome is up to me. I?ll be able to better wire the lights back up on the 333 MH before too long.

Hey Philip D, where are you going to school? Are you a 309A electrician apprentice? What level of school?
I had no desire to go to college and chose to go to a good trade school. I went three years, taking the summers off to make money to pay rent. I took the radio and tv course, graduated, landed a good job with the local school system repairing audio visual equipment for 33 schools and retired from there at 55. I almost signed up for the machinist course and sometimes wish I had. The day I enrolled, there were people wanting to take the welding course and they were told there was a 2 year waiting list. I worked 1 year before I started.
There?s 34 registered for the electrical program. How many of those are apprentices in the electrical union?
I know a man who was required to attend classes at IVT Tech. Now he is a commercial union electrician. Big pay raise for him too.

You may want to see if you can become an apprentice. Get paid too while attending night class.
I've been retired five years and worked in tool and die most of my career. I tested for the program and came in #2. My first choice was for electrician but there was only one opening so I ended up a diemaker. From what I've seen, industrial electricians are in really high demand these days. You won't go wrong.
Hi,it?s at Holland College in Summerside PEI. Graduates are
credited for 1000 hours towards the first 2000 hour block.
There?s 4 blocks of 2000 hours each before getting an
interprovincial red seal which is the same as master
electrician in the US.
In the nineties, I had the opportunity to return to trade school. The instructors were top-notch, and encouraged their student's success. Good Luck in your new trade. unc
Told you there was a good life after milk cows. LOL

I found out going back to school when your older is easier and harder. Easier in that I really did not care what anyone though of or about me. Harder because it was harder for me to pickup the "new" stuff.
Where I work we have 8 different trades
They try to promote from with in thru a pool of candidates that sign up to be an apprentice. If the test are passed you are in a pool and when a job opens the most senior employee get ask first. Once in it requires 4 years of schooling and 8000 on job training hours. I am the union rep for the electrical and hvac trade.
I took many classes at the University of Nebraska when I was in my 50's and 60's, and never felt out of place in a classroom of young, traditional students. We were all there for the same purpose.

In fact, I once had a class in Economics of the Health Care Industry. The professor and I were about the same age, and we were both past the threshold where the textbook referred to us as "elderly". We had a few laughs over that. I ran into the prof at a meeting last spring and he still remembered.
That might be a better option but by taking the 1yr course I?ll gain a lot of knowledge a lot quicker in my first year.
I went to trade school a couple of times. Don't be like this guy
I was wondering if you have a red lunch box, apple with a worm in in for the teacher, new shoes, pencils, scribblers and of course the new haircut for the first day of school...:):)
good chance you might be the " old men " of the class :), enjoy it!
If you do have a question or two, be sure to ask for an answer, my offer stands and there are lots of others ready to assist.
of course i am thinking of the scene where forrest gump's son is getting on the school bus...:)
really take care driving there and back, and all the best wishes.
ps: the silo removal photos were interesting, just as you described it was built and coming down.
Good for you!

There is no time like the present to start achieving a worthwhile goal.

Hang in there and give it your best and all will workout for you.
Very nice! I am a 309A Master Electrician, graduated in 2000 at Conestoga College in Kitchener ON.

Great choice of trades, I wish you the best!!

What type of work does your company do in PEI?
Lol, I have been perusing new careers for the last 20 years. Some day I might figure out what I want to do when I grow up!
All the best in your choice of carrier philip d.......

Study,listen to the Instructor, and apply yourself shall succeed Sir!!!!!

In my personal work carrier, I never stopped gaining Knowledge. When I was 55 Years of age I decided to top my carer off with a Power Engineering program.... Study, listen to the Instructor, and apply yourself shall succeed Sir!!!!!

Bob...North Western Alberta ........
All the best in your choice of carrier philip d.......

Study,listen to the Instructor, and apply yourself shall succeed Sir!!!!!

In my personal work carrier, I never stopped gaining Knowledge. When I was 55 Years of age I decided to top my carer off with a Power Engineering program.... Study, listen to the Instructor, and apply yourself shall succeed Sir!!!!!

Bob...North Western Alberta ........
Thank you! The contractors in our area are mainly residential
and commercial. Lots of different commercial applications but
really no industrial until you travel at least 50 miles. My mentor
worked 45-50 years with his brother in new Brunswick doing
commercial before moving back to PEI and set up his own
small shop as a semi retirement. Do you do mainly
Thank you Phil! I?m sure once we get into heavy sledding I?ll be contacting you to pick your brain! It?s a fairly long commute but for the most part the number 2 is kept well salted in the winter. The silo contractor is around 60 but he still looks like a pro wrestler lol
We do a mix of residential, commercial, agricultural, and industrial. We also do a lot of generators, from home standby units right up to units over 1MW in many different sectors. We have a wide variation in talent on the team that allows us to focus different people on different things suited to their interests and talent. We also have an automation division, control panels and programming for different sectors.

I want to see PEI sometime...
That sounds very interesting. We?re currently installing a 12kw
Briggs standby unit for our home. We used to milk with a
Delaval VMS robot ,it was quite a unit. The vacuum pump was
variable speed with a frequency drive the milk pump at the
receiver jar and hydraulic pump at the robot were 3 phase so
we had a Phase perfect digital phase inverter. Lots of air
controlled festo valves and most of them were controlled by I
think a Norton control valve? It had a smart selection gate that
ID?d the cows and everything was automatically controlled.
There?s some large potato storage warehouses in my area
most running at 400A with some having refrigeration. I?ve had
the opportunity to tour the facilities at our local dairy and
there?s some really nice equipment in there. Computerized
vats packing lines ,auto palletizers all kinds of goodies.
I bought my Pottinger mower 10 years ago from a fellow named Pieter on PEI who had just installed a robot. I can't recall if it was a Delaval or Lely. I believe he said he worked as an electrician during the day as well. Tons of Valtra tractors at his place at the time. If you happen to get interested in fire alarms you could probably get a job, pretty much all the fire alarm guys travel over to PEI from Moncton currently which drives up the costs for them a bit.
Don't fret the age thing, you'll find it easy sailing as the maturity of a couple of years makes it much better to work thru. I went back to the Univ of MN at age 26 after 5 years in the Army back in the 60s I wanted to complete a Vocational Ed degree program I'd started before be drafted at age 21 back in 65. I ended up teaching, in a post high school voc/tech school here in MN for over 30 years. Ag/diesel was my area. I found that the students doing the by far the best work, getting the most out of it, and consequently the most successful in later years were the older ones. You know what you want, your top priority is not barley pop and girls, and you know the good or important stuff the instructor is spitting out. I would speak for half an hour on something or other, you can pull the tidbits out and not really fret over the small stuff. It's an excellent career choice. I worked with secondary kids some too and if they could think, always pushed them to explore the electrical world. Electricians are in short supply, and an excellent choice. Good luck
That?d be Pieter VanDerstoll,they had one Delaval they recently bought 2 more used ones. I?m not sure how many they?re operating with now? Really nice fella,he does all the repair and upgrading himself. Really sharp fella. That would be a good idea too.
There is no such thing as master electrician in the US . You get a contractor license or journeymans card. Master plumber is a term used.
White to white black to black except on the switch loop black feeds the white going to the switch. Seriously you will be at work one day and realize you know how to make any splice in a new house . It just comes to you and you won't even think about it. The code makes everyone work the same or it should . Why doing something as wacky as using a green wire for an ungrounded [hot] conductor will get someone killed or shocked every time . It is so outrageously outside the code it can kill you. All the other trades usually hate us And I think it is because they get envois when we stop to think and do math calculations. Electricians also have a lot of work related conversation . Carpenters put up boards to quotas .It is the cream of the building trades. Try to work union . Collective bargaining is proven better wage.
They try to promote from with in thru a pool of candidates that sign up to be an apprentice.

Usually the apprentices around here are promoted because they have a relative in the union. The good old boy system at it's finest.

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