Today's Funny

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Who is that man in the mirror?

We?ve got a line we use when we?re describing guys at steamshows. ?You know the guy. Always wears bib overalls. Has gray hair...?
When ever my wife and I go into town, while walking past a large widow, or walking to a store entrance with a large glass door that shines our reflection back at us we say, oh look, those old people are here too! Youth has moved on, without leaving a forwarding address.
It is amazing that I shave looking in the mirror and seem to only see me from the nose down. Every now and then I really look at the face in the mirror, it is always a surprise to really look at that old fat face. Can't change the old but I am working on the fat, down about 30 lb's since Feb.
Talking to an old friend yesterday, slept wrong and hurt shoulder. Hey I did the same thing LOL. Talking with a gal who had a veteran army dog, her phone rang she said oh just talking to an old guy about dogs. I looked around for the old Guy then realized it was me LOL
Occasionally I think I am 20 again for a half a day then spend the rest of the week barely able to walk. why did I do that. Randy
True story! Sad but true.

It be nice if we could continue to feel like we did when younger... say maybe even like at age 35 or 40.

Heck, now that it's already in the rear view mirror - even 50 is looking good. LOL!
Oh you're right about the kale. That stuff was found by some poor soul out in a fence-row one time, and they said "I KNOW, let's sell this stuff and tell people it's edible, maybe even GOOD for them!" "Oh nobody will believe THAT!" Oh yes, people are gullible. And now we have kale.
It confuses me why our brain refuses to accept the fact that our bodies have aged, and slowed down.
The uhh golden years=any gold you have aquired some dr,specilist ,hospital seems to know how to remove it from us
And on the origin of foods, how about the first guy who said "Hey, this just came out of a chicken's butt- let's eat it"- or the first guy who broke open an oyster and said, "That sure looks tasty."

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