Cutting Hay And..


Well-known Member
Finally looks like we will get a few dry days in a row so I did some serious hay cutting this afternoon. Got the best patches done and was working my way back to the road about quitting time when I got a little too close to a disker hitch hidden in the long grass. Bit of a jolt but did not seem too bad til I got out to look and found a broken axle on the right hand end of the haybine. Looks like it had been cracked for a long time and this bump was the last straw. Could have been much worse if it happened on the road. Hopefully New Holland will be able to find a new axle for this 42 year old machine.

It's good that it's removable (but I'll bet it won't come out easily)!

Any machine shop should be able to make a new spindle, and probably quite a bit cheaper than what FIAT will want!
New Holland has the parts and I can pick up Thursday so thats sounding hopeful. Right around the $200 mark for spindle, bearing+cup and seal. Newer style spindle (axle) requires slightly bigger bearing but still fits the original hub. Now to see if I can get the broken stub out without breaking anything else. Temp headed for the 80s today. Should keep the mosquitos down but the wood ticks will be after me.
I hope the break down didn't mean a LONG walk home - that you were able to reasonably unhook the haybine in the field and drive the tractor home. (just thinking that depending on the implement hitch weight, it is easier to do this at the farmyard where jacks and blocks are readily available)

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