Big news for Dairy Farmers


Well-known Member
Don't sell out yet! Milk prices are going to skyrocket. My wife told me this evening that I am going from cutting back to one glass of milk a day to all I want of WHOLE milk. Milk has just become good for you again. It is something about the butter fat that has just turned good!! Get those cows bred and get the replacements growing.
Remember when eggs would give you a heart attack, then pork was bad for you. Bacon
will kill you for sure, don't get me started on butter. Funny then when big
corporations take over all of a sudden they are all great, and they own the market.
Let me guess .The folks that said "Milk" was bad for you and will kill. Now have changed there minds and now the same milk is good for you. I
guess we just to stupid to do or think anything for ourselves.
If I stopped eating everything that I was told was bad for me, I would surely have starved to death by now.

I once looked over a low salt diet that a nurse suggested. After I looked it over, I asked her what the gain would be. She said that I would live longer. I asked her "why would I want to?"
I once looked over a low salt diet that a nurse suggested.

"I once looked over a low salt diet that a nurse suggested."

I've got the opposite problem. When I had blood work done last fall, I was low on sodium. Was told that is NOT a good thing, can affect heart rhythm.

Was told to use more salt!
The key is moderation in everything, Especially in

Dairy, eggs, beef and pork were never bad for
anyone with common sense. We need both animal
proteins as well as grains and vegetables to form a
healthy balance. Go ahead and enjoy your milk and
butter, as well as many other of the traditional foods
we have always eaten. Just say away from the over
processed sugar/salt laden food that is ready to
serve. By ingredients, and make meals , that is the
start to healthy diet. Remember, all us Dairy farmers
are out there pulling for you!
(quoted from post at 03:19:42 04/03/19)
I once looked over a low salt diet that a nurse suggested.

"I once looked over a low salt diet that a nurse suggested."

I've got the opposite problem. When I had blood work done last fall, I was low on sodium. Was told that is NOT a good thing, can affect heart rhythm.

Was told to use more salt!
In an effort to lower her blood pressure, my mother reduced her salt intake so much that it caused problems requiring hospitalization. Twice.
My Wife thinks that I should drop a few lbs. and I told Her that it takes a lot of fuel to keep this big furnace going--She didnt laugh -
- Roy from the land of plenty !
If you're talking about how your body can't absorb the calcium without the butterfat,we've known that for decades.
Yup, the second the price goes up, the push will be on to expand, milk more cows, stuff more grain down their gullets to pump up the herd average... Flood the market with milk, take advantage of the higher prices while they last!

Then when the price tanks again, the push will be on to expand, milk more cows, stuff more grain down their gullets to pump up the herd average... Flood the market with milk, gotta make up for the low price with volume!

Can't just *CHILL* and sock away some money while the prices are good, no...

According to science at one time or the other anything you eat will kill you.
According to history not eating will kill you.
Looks like we're going to die, think I'd rather do it with a full tummy.
(quoted from post at 19:05:50 04/02/19) If I stopped eating everything that I was told was bad for me, I would surely have starved to death by now.

I once looked over a low salt diet that a nurse suggested. After I looked it over, I asked her what the gain would be. She said that I would live longer. I asked her "why would I want to?"
famous movie conversation: Robert Duvall "what are vegetables good for anyway?" Michael Caine " There good for you. Make you live to be 100" Robert Duvall " oh yeah, you live to be 100 (throws rake)"
Butter has been $4-5 a # for at least a year around here. Butter has been advertised better than oleo for you for at least 8 years that I know of. Blue Bell
Ice cream co. in Brenham, Tx., had some quality issues and had to shut down their operation, several manufacturing sites for like a year or so. Customers
were distraught.......However back in business, problems fixed, customers back, good as new. 2% milk under $3 a gallon. 4% a buck more.

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