Well, they deserved to go, and won, they should get that opportunity every year, just like all the other teams do.
I heard the average ticket price was $6,400! What a waste of money, could buy a NICE old tractor (or two) for that much.

I might add, in the previous game against the KC Chiefs, near the end of that game Brady threw an interception. It was nullified because one of the Chief's defensive guys lined up a couple inches too far into the neutral zone and lost them the game. He needed his rear end kicked. As far as I'm concerned neither team deserved to be in the Super Bowl.
I haven't watched a football game sense some knuckle head decided that my tax dollars should pay for the new Vikings stadium. Why in the heck would you build them losers a stadium? Team owners is supposed to pay 1/2 but last I knew hadn't paid one dime.

Russ, it's all about the money. You can have a super bowl team if you spend enough money to have the very best. Sure there is a salary cap but they get around that by prorating the signing bonuses. So until the Vikings are owned by someone willing to to buy a winning team the Vikings are not going to win the super bowl. I was really disappointed when the Vikings didn't make it last year. I really wanted to watch them tank another SB in the new stadium!

Rick (from MN but never a Vikings fan)
[i:654c4848f0]That's one more than I watch! [/i:654c4848f0]

That makes two of us. Never watched more than a few minutes in passing of ANY "sport" involving sticks or balls.
I caught a few minutes of it as I worked on my taxes and seems like it was all aimed towards "social justice ".
Ah, it isn't a Super Bowl without the obligatory "grumpy old phart can't figure out how to have any fun so nobody else should" thread on Monday morning.

Who's gonna start the "grumpy old phart complaining about the halftime show" thread?
(quoted from post at 07:58:31 02/04/19) Ah, it isn't a Super Bowl without the obligatory "grumpy old phart can't figure out how to have any fun so nobody else should" thread on Monday morning.

Who's gonna start the "grumpy old phart complaining about the halftime show" thread?

I think it was already started haha!
This may shock a person of your political persuasion but football and all major sports a team has to EARN their way in the world and if they aren't good enough they stay home and if the individual can't make it they are cut from the team to go on to another career.The rewards are very good for those that can get the job done.A team gets to the Super Bowl,World Series,etc by
being the best,working the hardest,being able to work together etc NOT by some revolving lottery.
No one gives a handout to the under achievers they have to get off their butts and earn their way.Used to be that way in our society in general before the social justice crowd screwed things up.
"I heard the average ticket price was $6,400!"

Wow! That is insanity! And that's just for the ticket, imagine what the rest of the trip would cost, especially if staying in an price-increased hotel...

A few years ago I went on a free tour of the new Cowboys ATT stadium. (No way would I pay for a game!). They had us sit in some of the mid way up seats and explain what we were looking at. Those seats were tiny! I'm not above average size, but the man next to me was. He barely could squeeze into the seat, spilling over into my space.

Several commented on the seat size being so small. The tour guide pointed out that during the Superbowl game, the arm rests were removed so they could cram in x number of extra seats!

No way, no how!
didn't watch more than 5 minutes of pro football this year.

really really just cannot get into pro football or basketball. just doesn't seem right to pay them

college sports i can get into and watch quite a bit.
At least he did with his own money didn't have to sell out the USA to get money like his opponent did in the election.And of course you dodged the sports question.
(quoted from post at 06:58:31 02/04/19) Ah, it isn't a Super Bowl without the obligatory "grumpy old phart can't figure out how to have any fun so nobody else should" thread on Monday morning.

Who's gonna start the "grumpy old phart complaining about the halftime show" thread?

No grumpy old phart here! People are free to do whatever they want if they enjoy it. I merely stated that [u:645ca16869]I[/u:645ca16869][/b:645ca16869] didn't watch it. I'm just not that into sports, especially professional sports. That whole concept makes no logical sense to me.
But hey-if you enjoy it, go right ahead! God Bless!
I wonder if there is a forum out there somewhere where sports fans disrespect farmers and tractor people just because they can? That would be something to read.
(quoted from post at 09:35:50 02/04/19) I wonder if there is a forum out there somewhere where sports fans disrespect farmers and tractor people just because they can? That would be something to read.

:D :D I'm sure there's one out there. I know one sports freak in the coffee shop who likes to make fun of me and my tractors. So I go out of my way to rip on sports when he's there just to aggravate him!

But as I mentioned above--if that's what you enjoy, then go for it. I respect that, but then expect the same kind of respect in return.
It might shock some here but as a Canadian I don?t watch hockey on TV much either. If it?s Olympics or Stanley cup finals maybe but very rarely regular season NHL games.
Kind of a disappointing game- few really good plays, both teams just sort of bumbled through it. I lost 5 bucks, but the food at the party was great, and we had a good time. I guess I'm getting too old for the halftime show, and long for the days when they had a really big star from our (older) generation. Best quote I heard was from a blog called the Onion- "Halftime show marred by functioning sound system."

Many on this board continually tell folks that if they don't like a thread, just cruise on by and don't worry about it. Was surprised at how many of them didn't take their own advice on this one, and just had to post their contempt for pretty much all aspects of sports. Some like it, some don't- and neither group is superior to the other.
There are literally thousands of websites where people can discuss their games so I suppose there may be a couple where they denigrate farmers and tractors.
What I'd like to know is with all the other places fans can go, why do they have to come here - one of just a few places there is to discuss tractors - and pollute it with sports talk?
Isn't Capitalism all about making money so one can have the best? That's the way its supposed to work,the successful get to have the private jets and the Rolls Royce cars
not the folks that work at McDonalds.
Ultradog ..... now that I have been using Tractor Tales, I won't make an off topic post here on Tractor Talk .... but will reply now and then (like I am now). Actually, Tales is a pretty good place to visit. A lot of OT stuff here still and the reason is that the posters know it gets more traffic, thus more attention and replies.
"and neither group is superior to the other."

I might argue that one Coshoo.
Ask the "typical" sports fan if he can name his 3 elected representatives at the Federal level.
You'll generally get a blank stare.
But ask him if he can name the starting lineup of his favorite team. His eyes will brighten and he'll start rattling off names.
When it comes to paying attention to the things that actually matter in life sports fans don't do so well.
Maybe the host could start a ?Way O/T? or even a ?Snivel and Whine? forum. Sooner or later someone would post a thread for ? Need help on my J/D 4020 charging system?. Haha!!
Yes I do post my share of OT stuff here though much of it is tractor or country living related. This place is pretty unique in that way.
Aside from that, can you reread my post above and answer the question I posed?
Ask the 3 elected representatives at the Federal level how much a gallon of chocolate milk
from a chocolate cow costs, or even say spell potato, relax and chill ! kids game like you
said. Big kid Pats fan since Plunkett.
Is this string of words with no sentence structure or proper punctuation supposed to be intelligible?
I read it four times and still can't entirely make out what you tried to say.
It looks like the incoherent ramblings of someone who should have paid more attention in English class and less attention to his games.
I can care less about professional sports one way or the other. I have no jealousy of someone who can pull that kinda playing a game. Just like I'm not jealous of the CEO of a major company. Each of us followed out own path within out interests and abilities.

What I care about is being forced to pay for a stadium for a team owned by a very wealthy individual. Really bothers me when it's so expensive that the state will never make it's money make on that stadium. Heck why do you guys think that no one wants to host the Olympics anymore? Because every country and city has lost big money building the Olympic complexes in the last 20-30 years. Big money. Money they will never recoup!

Again, don't care if someone likes to watch sports. My FIL was a good man. He loved sports. Watched baseball, football and NASCAR all the time. I use to watch the super bowl with him every year. That's why I watched it. Because it was important to him.

I feel the same way. I would rather kiss a pig than watch sports. NASCAR has become boring and the others are over paid cry babies.
I saw what Arlington did to home owners. To build Jerry Jones a new play house.

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