What's your crazy thing?

jon f mn

Well-known Member
All the questions about favorites and least favorite things got me to thinking, what is your crazy thing? I'm talking about the thing if you told a shrink you would get the raised eye brow. Most folks I know have one, or more. Lol. One of mine that makes me laugh is that I hate dumping the combine hopper before it's full. Nothing makes my day while combining like getting the rows just right so one round just fills the hopper. Or long and short rows so I can get a long round then top it off with the short rows. Having to dump 2/3 of a hopper makes me crazy. Lol. I know it's crazy, but it is what it is. So what's yours? If you dare tell. Lol
People that pull up to the 1st gas pump,or closest gas pump. Then you have to go around them and back up to the pump they should have used.
Waiting in line at a convenience store with one item while the person in front of you cashes in his lotto tickets....wins, and buys more....wins and buys more....wins....well you get the idea!
I don't eat eggs. Not allergic to them, I just can't stand eating them. I'm PRO-LIFE when it comes to chickens!

I remember one time I had to see one of these people because I had lost a girl I was to marry when a drunk driver drove her over killing her. I was depressed over this. I told this lady Shrink one thing I really wanted to do. I have this tractor a 1950 Allis Chalmers model B that only travels at 6 M.P.H. I wanted to just drive this tractor all threw the town. Stop off at Carl's Jr. drive threw order lunch and etc. Sound normal right L.O.L. then I must told her I wanted to go to a bar at night and take the tractor for a ride over every body's cars. Not for a big town like Riverside California. When she woke me up she told me what I said and told me that was the first time she ever heard any body say it. When I was a kid that town was a small farming town we drove tractors every where. We did not care what people thought because they bought what we grew.
Waiting in line to check out at a store while the person in front of you has to check all their pockets to find what their going to use to pay
Superstitious people can drive me bonkers.

I try to find the logical reasoning in things and when your dealing with people who let their wacky reasoning dictate what they do it agrivates me. Though I suppose that is subjective because I probably have my own just like everybody else.
Discussing tractor cabs on the internet with people that have no idea what they are talking about and they repeat you like little kids on the playground.---Tee
People in the checkout line paying with a check who don?t pre-write the check while waiting. They don?t begin writing until everything is rung up, like the store name and date are going to change while they?re standing there. Some folks are just oblivious I guess.
(quoted from post at 11:14:31 01/05/19) Waiting in line at a convenience store with one item while the person in front of you cashes in his lotto tickets....wins, and buys more....wins and buys more....wins....well you get the idea!

Yup, it's like a curse I have. Anytime I'm ready to check out I get the 97 year old lady that has a handful of tickets and starts scratching right there, and I'm just not going to say anything to a 97 year old lady!!!!! :twisted:
Standing in a line in a fast food restaurant and when the person in front of you finally gets to the counter they start reading the menus and trying to decide what to order. What were they doing the last seven mnutes ?
I LOVE superstitious people. It allows you to get your foot in the door to then seriously mess with their heads.
I would like to add another: people who don?t take care of their body odor in public / shower regularly.

First time that bothered me was in the army when soldiers either didn?t like getting wet or just didn?t care about showering or some other crazy reason they had.
The open end of my pillow always has to face right and switch plate screws need to have the same orientation (usually 12:00/6:00)
(quoted from post at 15:53:15 01/05/19) I would like to add another: people who don?t take care of their body odor in public / shower regularly.

I prefer they take care of their body odor at home rather than in public.

Sorry.....just couldn't help my self. LOL
Open not in use ViseGrips. I always clamp them down before I put them in any tool box, mine or yours. Even clamp the welding ViceGrips laying on the table when done using them.
Rude people and interstate driving. Most of the time the second is full of the first which makes it a double whammy. Especially hate seeing rudeness directed at women and children.
I hate coming home from the woods with a load of wood that had space for a few more pieces.I also don't like looking at sloppy stacks of wood. Rather strange I guess, because I am far from being a neat freak when working in the shop, but what I am building has to look like a factory job when completed.
Just last week I stopped at the grocery store and was waiting in line
a women with 3 kids was in front of me the clerk said to her that she liked her new tattoo she said yes I just had it done, she told the clerk that is was expensive.
but she had to have it .
Then she pulled out her welfare food card to pay her bill .
I thought WTH is wrong with this .
Rigging jobs. Farmer fixes. Jury-rigging. Whatever.

You can't say the old phrase for this, but it's when some generic mechanic spends 2 hours "rigging" something so it will just barely kinda sorta work instead of spending what would usually be less time and energy to fix it right.

Unfortunately, my father is a ninja rigging master and occasionally this is the cause of some conflict... :shock:

Like when he tied down a load of pole barn sheet metal using an intricate web of used bailer twine. Why would anyone do this? Because he was afraid the steel would cut into his ratchet straps, so why use them?

Sadly there could be but one outcome. He promptly dumped the whole load out the back of his pickup when exiting too fast from a stop sign and his whole twine string rigging job came undone.

Luckily I was the one following him, but the fun didn't end there. He had his cell phone on vibrate so, despite the fact that I called him 117 times in 10 minutes, he still drove the full half hour back to the farm and then sat there for 20 minutes with his thumb up his ratchet strap wondering what was taking ME so long. So he finally called me...

So when he finally got back to the spot where another helpful motorist had helped me pile up a stack of now beat-to-sh!t steel in the ditch, well, I had a little meltdown.

Look, I'm not proud of this next part, but I grabbed the only thing that came to hand in the back seat of my truck and started pummeling my father about the head and shoulders. Luckily for both of us, that object was a large, 4 foot long, yellow, fuzzy stuffed banana that my kids "won" at the school carnival.

So just to recap, there I was in the ditch of a highway pummeling my father with a large, stuffed banana. As you can imagine, the police were called... Luckily, I had recovered by the time they arrived and was able to tell the officer with a straight face that that report was just pure crazy. I mean, who would DO that????

Good thing I had a tarp to hide the offending banana or I'd still be locked up.

Man, you are a sick bunch. Have you checked your insurance policy to see if it will cover a talk with a professional. My hang up is I count steps, alter my cadence to avoid stepping on cracks and don?t walk the same route I took to get where I was going. My OCD moment, yes I?ve talked to someone about it.
A lot of the things mentioned make me nuts. I try avoid public places.
Drives me nuts when I reply to someone's post trying to help them and they dont reply back. Another one is when people put up a RE. Sure makes it hard to follow a post especially when one is trying to research in the future. One more is when people dont follow up on their post. I know I am probably guilty of some of these too but I try.
Ain't that the truth! You got the one with a center post and all the rest you can see out of. Lol Other than that they kinda went back and forth over who was quietest and had best air and such. I think it was 74 or 75 when the case 970 set the record for quiet at the time at 80db, and with no center post to look around and all the controls in one handy place. What year did JD finally cave to popular demand and move that goofy PTO lever off the dash?
Returning Things
A while back my wife asked me to return a dehumidifier. Not shoes or a watch or anything under 475 pounds. I hate returning anything anyway seems like if your not sure think over weigh your options. Because it is my wife and not my college daughter who was responsible in the first place I begrudgingly went ahead on it. So of to Costco I go. Off coarse it?s raining like Noah?s flood and like always the place is like they are giving stuff away. On top of that I have to park 6 blocks away. So I finally wrangle the thing in a cart and away I go. I make to the entry way and tell the fella I have a return he looks at my cart and gives me the you must have fallen off the turnip truck look. He then points me to the return line. Which also appears to be giving stuff away. After a rather lengthy time and making several new friends and some Costco hot dog runs hold my place and I will make a hot dog run. I finally get up to the return desk explain my return. She happily says she will look up my purchase. After looking and then getting a co worker to look she tells I can?t find were you ever purchased a dehumidifier. Well I promptly insisted that my wife did and that she loves Costco and she just would not have purchase it anywhere else you certainly must be mistaken! . She then preceded to ask another co worker to come and get a closer look at my dehumidifier. When he looked he looked up at me and pointed to the red tape across the top of the box and politely preceded to tell me SEARS. Needless to say I was mortified my new best friends now look at me in utter shame. Of coarse it was still raining like the forty day flood I comely walk out with my tail tucked and headed for Sears which also had its own set of problems. That story has its own set of problems for another day.
(quoted from post at 07:41:59 01/05/19) People in the checkout line paying with a check who don?t pre-write the check while waiting. They don?t begin writing until everything is rung up, like the store name and date are going to change while they?re standing there. Some folks are just oblivious I guess.

Bart’s dad, Marilyn would drive you crazy if she was in front of you at the checkout. She stubs the check first, then starts writing out the check. Drives me absolutely nuts. I will remind her of it and she will change her ways one time. Next time she is back at it.
I can not stand to set in a public place with my back out towards a crowd. I go to meeting and such early just to find a spot that I can set with my back right. LOL

Hate being around large groups of people. Waiting in line for anything. If the line is long I will shop a little bit more an try later or walk out and come back another time.

On waiting in line thing. I rarely eat at McDonalds. Usually not far enough from home to need fast food. Plus when I am away I usually have a friend that goes with me that hates MD. So last New Year I went on a equipment related trip alone. I usually hit fast food to get back going again,so MDs is just to get some thing quick/cheap and fly. Well McDonalds ruined that with their "new" menu setup. How they have all this "build or own" items on the menu is foolish. The average MD customer will wait in line and never even think about what they want. So you have 2 minutes of them scratching their nose at the counter. A family group takes 10 minutes. After the second MD in two states being backed up this way, I quit stopping after that. They are not fast or cheap anymore. I have not been back in one in just about a year now. Heck the food is better in just about any other fast food place any way.
Counting steps when I go up steps but not counting when I go down. When I’m sitting doing nothing I’m visually lining up everything to see if it is straight with the world. It can be a slightly out of whack picture, even the rear view mirror. I will line up the side of a window with the building next door to see if both of them are straight. I guess it’s the perfectionism I have always been hung up with.

And as long as we are grumbling about other people’s habits, when Marilyn drives she turns on the turn signal right before she starts turning the wheel to turn. I’m not supposed to drive right now so she does the driving. Last evening we were on the highway approaching our turnoff. I told her to use her turn signal way ahead of the turn so that semi behind us doesn’t try to pass us right before we turn left. She got grumbly and silent after that but at least we didn’t end up permanently silent like we would have been if a semi ran over us.
Center post never bothered me till I started hearing so much about it lately.....now, I'm sick of hearing about it.
Coiling up an air line after I use it. It has to lay just right, Or I pull it out again and recoil it. same with a water hose. That may be from my Navy days. Not sure. Stan
Jon, there's a few, the lottery one was already covered, but I have one that is along the same lines. Lottery fanatics seem to want to perform the Pythagorean Theorem when in line purchasing ! Box this, straight that, this scratch off, that scratch off, we are out of those, then the substitution process etc. etc. The local convenience store that I have gone to since I was a kid, 40 some odd years now, there is one rude old crab of a lady that is a regular and the store clerks know it. They apologize for her, I just try and turn the other cheek, and though I hate crowds and lines like JD described, I am patient enough to get through it. Lines usually move for the most part, so it's ok, (coming from someone with a short fuse that has diminished with age LOL !).

This lady crossed me in the most inconsiderate manner one time and I let her have it right back. I just came from one of two wakes that week, this one for a good friend who lost his battle with pancreatic cancer, I had no room for compassion for this rude person. The store manager begged me to stop and I am sure I could have easily been banned from the store.

The other is when grocery shopping. I know where everything is in the store and what I need to get weekly, but it always seems that someone is pondering life directly in from of the location on the shelf in the aisle where these things are. The next aisle over to either will have no one in them. Happens every darned time you have to try and get past them. They have their spectacles out, reading this, figuring that, all crap you can do at home BEFORE you shop. So I just go get something else, they have usually moved on when I return. This is more comical than not and I just have to find the humor in it, everyone has a right to shop how they like. I also avoid people I know for the most part, so as to not have to deal with making conversation, most others I do know are the same way, want to get in and out of these stores and on to something else that day.
Me too--I feel bad for him but maybe Jon has a speech impediment like Mel Tillis--ce-ce-ce-center po-po-po-post---Tee
When people talk about gas prices and always drop the 9/10 of a cent. $2.109 for all practical purposes is actually $2.11. But it's always reported as $2.10--even on the news! Clever marketing strategy on someone's part, but it aggravates the hell out of me!
Yeah, well your just a poopy headed dummy butt who's opinion doesn't matter. So there!
ladies at the check out counter pulling out their change purse and finding the exact change no matter how long it takes.
One that bugs me is the ones that stop 5 car lengths back from the car ahead of them at a stop light. Very annoying. Then, the light changes, and only 2 cars get through before the light turns red because the one that stopped so far back took so long to clear the intersection.

Picky eaters are another that gets on my nerves when I am cooking. O{_ne in my house drives me nuts with seriously ridiculous nutritional choices. He eats garbage from the local "puke and choke" restaurants, but when I make wholesome food from premium ingredients, he turns his nose up.

And then there are the tailgaters. I'm already doing 65 on a 55 mph speed zone, but the one behind me has to be 5 feet from my back bumper trying to push me to go faster. Grrrrrr....

When I am the last one in a line of traffic and the one coming the other way and waiting to turn left has to turn in front of me nearly causing a collision. He couldn't wait for one more car to pass? There was nobody behind me.

Then there was the guy in the yuppie mobile coming down the street a bit fast. I was waiting to enter traffic. At the very last second, he turns into the same shopping center that I was waiting to exit without using a turn signal. I gave him the finger. Why? Because if he had used his turn signal, I could have gotten out long ago. I was only waiting on him. If I knew what he was going to do, he would not have wasted my time.

I have more, but this ought to hold for a bit...
My pet peeve since 2000 is some people saying the year was Two Thousand or is Two Thousand Nineteen instead of Twenty Hundred or Twenty Nineteen. 100 years ago it was Nineteen Hundred or Nineteen Nineteen. And 200 years ago it was.......well you know. So why do some people do this? In a hundred years I wonder if some people will say Two Thousand One Hundred Nineteen.

2019 Twenty Nineteen

2,019 Two Thousand Nineteen
It only took case 20 years to get rid of there control setup and copy John Deere?s command arm design before that a a 4020 was light years ahead of case .case tried but they did a p!ss poor job of it making the levers so you still couldn?t use them right .

I guess I don?t see the thing about unloading a half grain bin i was running a silver seeder last fall and somebody had the shields that control the flow of grain into the auger open to far and if it had more than half a bin on it the grain wouldn?t unload
Case cabs were junk little better than a heater cab until they came out the mx series copy of the Deere 8000 series cabs
I say two thousand nineteen. It is only 5 syllables Twenty hundred nineteen is 6.

Shorted and easier to say
My wife's sister drops off her copy of the local "news"paper (calling it a fishwrapper would be a complement) after she's read it.

The only part I'm even remotely interested in is the comics and the crossword puzzle. I do the crossword every night just before lights out. I have a "pillow chair" that I lean up against the headboard and do the puzzle on a clipboard in my lap.

The "crazy" is that when I fold the paper to clip it onto the clipboard, I first tear it off at the vertical fold so I'm only dealing with one sheet (or, technically, a half-sheet) and then fold it very precisely into quarters. If I don't get the edges even, I'll flatten it out and re-do it.

Weird, I know, but it just bugs me if the edges aren't even.
I went thru the same thing 3 years ago after shoulder surgery. I quickly learned not to tell Connie how to get some where, or where to park. I mastered all that with relative ease, but I never got used to sitting in the passenger seat holding her purse. Ha, ha.
Your looking from the wrong direction. If you sit in the seat it's right there, in the middle, where you can see it plain. It makes that big ugly muffler and crazy big air cleaner pipe seem even bigger and more blocking than they are. Must make neck muscles strong, all the excercise they must get trying to see around all that stuff. Like trying to see through the woods to work a field on the other side. Lol.
How about when the co-op truck is filling the stations underground tanks, after he's done he
BS'es the cute clerk while blocking three pumps!!
The big thing that bugs me is that people anymore don?t have any patience for anything or anybody but themselves whether it?s the little old lady who is trying to pay for her groceries or the list goes on and on I?ve had cars pass me while moving a tractor up the road pushing the oncoming car in the ditch and then just keep on flying down the road like no one else matters but they got their way and Saved 5 seconds behind a tractor
I count steps and also count off when to turn onto another street.....as in after you pass this sign at 40 MPH count to 11 and proceed to turn, I know it sounds crazy but that particular habit saved my life on at least two occasions
It drives me bonkers when some one can't get the tractor completely in the shed to shut the doors. They pull the front end in and there it sits all winter. If there isn't room to get it in and shut the doors, then leave it set outside so you can shut the doors.

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